New taxa of the subfamily Cantharinae (Coleoptera: Cantharidae) from south-eastern Asia with notes on other species II Author Švihla, Vladimír text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2005 2005-12-31 45 71 110 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5176631 0374-1036 5176631 Mimopodabrus eduardi sp. nov. ( Figs. 17 , 26-28 ) Type locality. Laos , Bolikhamsai Province , Ban Nape, 18°20′N 105°08′E ( GPS ), 300- - 500 m a.s.l. Type material. HOLOTYPE : J, ‘C Laos : Bolikhamsai prov. , Ban Nape , 18°20′N 105°08′E , 300-500 m , 7.-16.v.2004 , E. Jendek & O. Šauša lgt.’ ( NMPC ). Figs. 25-29. 25 – Mimopodabrus reductus sp. nov. , aedeagus, ventral view. 26-28 – M. eduardi sp. nov. 26 – aedeagus, ventral view; 27 – ditto, lateral view; 28 – dorsal part of aedeagus. 29 – Themus ( Haplothemus ) hackeli Švihla, 2004 , last abdominal segment of female. Scales a – Fig. 29; b – Figs. 25-28. Description. Coloration. Head terra-cotta, antennae sepia, antennomeres 1-4 more or less terra-cotta tinged. Prothorax terra-cotta, meso- and metasternum and ventral part of abdomen sepia. Legs chestnut brown, scutellum and elytra sooty. Male. Eyes relatively small, moderately protruding, head across eyes moderately wider than pronotum, temples straight and convergent posteriorly. Antennae ( Fig. 17 ) reaching three fourths of elytral length, antennomere 3 with lustrous impression, antennomeres 4-10 each with matt small impression, those of antennomeres 3-5 situated in shallowly impressed area. Surface of head very finely and very sparsely punctate and yellow pubescent, lustrous. Pronotum moderately wider than long, its anterior margin very slightly rounded, anterior corners almost sharp and rectangular, lateral margins very slightly bisinuate and diverging posteriorly, posterior corners almost sharp, posterior margin widely and bisinuately rounded. Surface of pronotum punctate and pubescent like that of head, lustrous. Elytra parallel-sided, elytral nervation not developed, bases of elytra finely punctate, then gradually becoming ruguloselacunose, finely brown pubescent, semilustrous basally, becoming matt apically. Aedeagus as in Figs. 26-28 . Female unknown. Length J: 4.8 mm . Differential diagnosis. Mimopodabrus eduardi sp. nov. seems to be related to M. lijiangensis (Wittmer, 1995) from Yunnan and to M. jendeki Wittmer, 1997 from Guizhou . It differs from them by the impressed antennomeres 3-10 and more or less concave antennomeres 3-5 (cf. WITTMER 1995b , 1997 ). Etymology. Dedicated to one of its collectors, Eduard Jendek (Bratislava, Slovakia ). Distribution. Central Laos .