Review of Zeugophorinae of New Guinea, with description of Zeugophorella gen. nov. and new synonyms of Zeugophora (Coleoptera: Megalopodidae) Author Sekerka, Lukáš Department of Entomology, National Museum, Golčova 1, Praha 4 - Kunratice, CZ- 148 00, Czech Republic; e-mail: sagrinae @ seznam. cz Author Vives, Eduard Museu de Zoologia e Barcelona, Passeig Picasso, s / n, P. O. Box 593, Barcelona, Spain; e-mail: eduard _ vives @ hotmail. com text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2013 2013-11-15 53 2 747 762 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5740745 0374-1036 5740745 B33939D7-1DCF-4815-B2D8-62A469DE8ACE Zeugophorella Sekerka gen. nov. Type species. Pedrilliomorpha riedeli Medvedev, 1996 by present designation. Other species transferred to Zeugophorella gen. nov. Pedrilliomorpha bicolora Medvedev, 1996 , P. clypealis Medvedev, 1996 , P. gracilicornis Medvedev, 1996 , and Papuleptura elongata Gressitt, 1959 . Diagnosis. See Table 1 . The differential characters on genitalia are given based on REID’ S (1989) descriptions of three Australian Zeugophora species. However, these may prove in the future not to be generic characters as genitalia of most species are unknown. The structure and form of aedeagus and spermatheca is similar to the species illustrated by REID (1989) . Description. Head strongly constricted behind eyes. Eyes with deep emargination next to antennal insertions. Emargination smooth, shiny and micro-reticulate. Antennal insertions forming small hump. Antennae long, pubescent, 11-segmented, segments constrictetd at base. Antennomeres punctate and microreticulate, basal four antennomeres shiny, V–VI intermediate and VII–XI dull. Antennomere II always the shortest. Antennae as long as 0.67–0.80 body length, in males slightly longer than in females. Vertex densely and coarsely punctate and covered with adherent setae and with fulvous rounded spot behind eyes. Clypeus transverse, smooth, microreticulate and pubescent on sides. Labrum transverse, smooth, anterior margin with row of coarse punctures, each possessing a long seta, lower margin with dense and short pubescence. Mandibles with teeth. Maxillary palps thick, twice longer than labial ones. Table 1. Diagnosis of Zeugophorella gen. nov. and Zeugophora Kunze, 1818 . Pronotum 1.15–1.35× wider than long, conical, and constricted at base. Basal margin straight, lateral margins more or less angulate. Anterior and posterior corners with a stiff long seta, distinctly longer than remaining pubescence; posterior setae thicker and longer than the anterior. Surface opaque, densely and coarsely punctate, micro-reticulate and covered with adherent long setae. Punctures touching each other, areola broad. Scutellum small, subquadratic, smooth or densely and coarsely punctate like pronotum, micro-reticulate and pubescent. Elytra 2.3–2.5× longer than wide, at base wider than pronotum, basal margin slightly to distinctly sinuate. Humeri slightly protruding anterad, rounded. Humeral calli not particularly marked. Surface densely and irregularly punctate, areolae smaller and deeper in comparison to pronotum and pit-like. Intervals narrow, approximately as wide as puncture diameter, microreticulate. Whole surface densely pubescent with adherent setae, lateral slopes with several additional erect setae which are about twice longer than those forming pubescence. Suture with low and broad costa, its surface sparsely punctate, pubescent, punctures smaller than those on disc, pubescence at least on apical 1/5 silver. Macropterous. Prothorax smooth, glabrous and shiny. Procoxae enlarged, touching each other, intercoxal process interrupted in the middle. Meso- and metathorax sparsely and moderately punctate and pubescent. Mesocoxae enlarged, separated by narrow process. Metacoxae normal. Legs normal, tibiae slightly curved, tarsal claws with large, quadratic basal tooth. Abdomen sparsely and moderately punctate and pubescent. Sexual dimorphism indistinct, however, only a very limited material was available to study. It seems that males are possibly smaller than females. Male genitalia. Aedeagus short, stout and laterally curved. Its apex tappered in blunt angle, tube parallel-sided, basal apodemes long, projecting and simple in both studied species ( Figs 16–17, 20–21 ). Tegmen on apex emarginate and posessing several long setae ( Figs 18, 22 ). Spiculum Y shaped ( Fig. 23 ). Female genitalia. Spermatheca with tightly coiled long duct connected several times to vasculum. Vasculum curved with distinct terminal vellum ( Fig. 19 ). Ovipositor long, tubular, and membraneous. Its apex with two setose vaginal palps. Etymology. Diminutive form of Zeugophora , gender feminine. Named after the external similarity to Zeugophora