Further notes on the Harmochireae of Africa (Araneae, Salticidae, Pelleninae) Author Logunov, Dmitri The University of Manchester, Manchester ,, United Kingdom text ZooKeys 2009 2009-07-29 16 16 265 290 journal article 10.3897/zookeys.16.227 6b73003c-9391-4d6b-83ec-751c121b1410 1313–2970 576485 6E8BA40D-318D-4F1B-A194-63991E40F0E3 Bianor paulyi sp. n. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: A2E4ECA2-5B2A-4B41-9887-85343391F084 Figs 7-14 Type material. Holotype . ♁ ( MRAC , 225.263; Figs 7 , 10-12 ) from Madagascar , Tamatave , Foulpointe , grassy vegetation near sea water, 10.1994, AP. Paratypes . MADAGASCAR : 2♁ 5♀ ( MRAC , 225.263; Figs 8-9 , 13-14 ), together with the holotype ; 1♁ 2♀ ( MRAC , 201.744, 206.734), same locality, Tamatave prison, on sand and masonry walls, 09-11.1994, AP ; 1♁ ( MRAC , 174.492), Ambatondrazaka , Riviere , yellow trap , 21.04.1992 , AP. – FEDERAL ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF THE COMOROS : 1♁ ( MRAC , 213.140), Mohéli , lac Boundouni , sweeping, 22.05.2003 , R. Jocqué & D. den Spiegel . Other material examined. MADAGASCAR : 1♀ ( MRAC , 174.507), Alaotra, reed marsh, yellow trap , 23.04.1992 , AP ; 1♀ ( MRAC , 205.996), same locality, in swamp, yellow trap , 23.04.1992 , AP ; 2♀ ( MRAC , 177.975), Madagascar, Lagune Onibe, boggy vegetation, 9.05.1993 , AP ; 1♀ ( MRAC , 174.554), same locality, Cyperaceae marsh, yellow trap , 22.04.1992 , AP . Diagnosis . This species is most similar to B. kovaczi (see figs 13-20 in Wesołowska and Tomasiewicz 2008 ; Figs 1-6 ), reported from several African countries (see above), but can be reliably distinguished from it by the cheliceral dentition in males: i.e., the promarginal tooth being rather large and bicuspid ( Fig. 12 ). The conformation of the epigyne and spermathecae in both species (cf. Figs 13-14 and figs 17-20 in Wesołowska and Tomasiewicz 2008 ), as well in many others (e.g. B. albobimaculatus , B. maculatus ; see Logunov 2001 ), is almost indistinguishable. Etymology . The species is named after Dr A Pauly, the collector of the type series and of many other salticid species from Madagascar . Distribution . NE region of Madagascar (several localities) and the Comoros . Description . Male (the holotype ). Measurements. Carapace 2.10 long, 1.88 wide, 1.15 high at PLE. Ocular area 1.33 long, 1.35 wide anteriorly and 1.75 wide posteriorly. Diameter of AME 0.50. Abdomen 2.15 long, 1.63 wide. Cheliceral length 1.13. Clypeal height 0.15. Length of leg segments: leg I- 1.85+1.20+1.40+0.98+0.65; leg II- 1.00+0.70+0.63+0.58+0.41; leg III- 1.15+0.53+0.60+0.70+0.39; leg IV- 1.15+0.60+0.73+0.80+0.43. Leg spination. Leg I: Fm d 0-0-1-2ap; Tb v 2-2-2; Mt v 2-2ap. Leg II: Fm d 0-0-1-2ap; Tb pr 0-1, v 1-1; Mt v 2-2ap. Leg III: Fm d 3ap; Tb pr and rt 1-1, v 1-1ap; Mt pr and rt 2ap, v 1ap. Leg IV: Fm d 0-0-1-2ap; Tb rt 0-1; Mt pr 1ap, rt 2ap. Colouration. Carapace russet, punctured-reticulate, sparsely covered with white scales ( Fig. 7 ); clypeus and ‘cheeks’ russet, ‘naked’ (with sparse black hairs). Sternum yellowish brown, covered with white protruding hairs. Labium, maxillae and chelicerae russet. Abdomen ( Fig. 7 ): dorsum brown, with pairs of white spots and without scutum; sides and venter yellowish grey. Book-lung covers and spinnerets yellow, tinged with grey. Legs I stronger and longer than others, russet, Tb, Mt and Tr covered with protruding light hairs. Legs II-IV yellowish brownish, with all tarsi contrastingly yellow. Palps yellowish-brownish; palpal structure as in Figs 10-11 . Figures 7-9. Bianor paulyi sp. n. , male holotype ( 7 ) and female paratype ( 8-9 ). 7 male general appearance, dorsal view 8 female general appearance, dorsal view 9 ditto, lateral view. (scale bars: 1 mm ). Figures 10-14. Bianor paulyi sp. n. , male holotype ( 1 0-1 2 ) and female paratype ( 1 3-1 4 ). 1 0 left male palp, ventral view 11 ditto, retro-lateral view 1 2 left male chelicera, ventral view 1 3 epigyne, ventral view 1 4 spermathecae, dorsal view. (scale bars: 0.1 mm ). Female (the paratype , sample 225.263). Measurements. Carapace 1.83 long, 1.60 wide, 0.90 high at PLE. Ocular area 1.05 long, 1.23 wide anteriorly and 1.53 wide posteriorly. Diameter of AME 0.43. Abdomen 3.03 long, 2.13 wide. Cheliceral length 0.63. Clypeal height 0.10. Length of leg segments: leg I- 1.08+0.68+0.71+0.58+0.41; leg II- 0.83+0.53+0.48+0.50+0.38; leg III- 1.05+0.48+0.50+0.58+0.35; leg IV- 1.10+0.53+0.65+0.73+0.40. Leg spination. Leg I: Fm d 0-0-1-1ap; Tb v 2-2-2; Mt v 2-2ap. Leg II: Tb pr 0-1, v 1-1; Mt v 2-2ap. Leg III: Fm d 1ap; Tb pr and rt 0-1, v 1ap; Mt pr and rt 2ap, v 1ap. Leg IV: Mt pr and rt 1ap. Colouration as in the male ( Figs 8-9 ), but differs as follows: carapace much more densely covered with white adpressed scales; clypeus and chelicerae anteriorly covered with white hairs and scales; dorsum with poorly marked or no pattern of white spots; palps entirely yellow. Epigyne and spermathecae as in Figs 13-14 .