A revision of the genus Trisuloides Butler, 1881 with descriptions of three new species from China (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Revision of Pantheinae, contribution I Author Behounek, Gottfried Author Han, Hui-Lin Author Kononenko, Vladimir text Zootaxa 2011 3069 1 25 journal article 46102 10.5281/zenodo.278996 e57b727c-16bb-4f80-a4fa-166059e74638 1175-5326 278996 Trisuloides sericea Butler, 1881 ( Figs. 9–22 , 46–49 , 58–60 , 67 ) Trisuloides sericea Butler, 1881 , Annals and Magazine of Natural History (5)7: 36, (TL: India , Meghalaya, West Bengal [ST: BMNH, London). Material examined. Photographs of the holotype : female, labeled “Darjiling Lidderdale 79-57/ type / Trisuloides sericea Butler Type ” (photo G. Ronkay from coll. BMNH ). INDIA : 1 male , India , Kumaon Himalaya, Distr. Nainti Tal, Bhim Tal, 1500 m , 27.vi.1971 , leg deFreina (coll. ZSM ); 1 male , Himalaya, Bhimtal, 17.xi.1973 leg. Smetacek, genit. prep. (coll. ZSM ); 1 female , India U.P. Bhimal 1500 m , 11–20.vi1975 , leg. W.Thomas(coll. ZSM ); 1 male , India septr. Kumaon Himalaya Distr. Nainti Tal, Bhim Tal, 1500 m . 10.vii1979 , leg Smetacek (coll. ZSM ); 2 males with same locality and collector, 2, 10 .vii.1978, genit. prep. 7318 (coll. ZSM , in coll. Hacker); 1 female , Iindia, Reg. Hindustan , Prov. Uttar Pradesh, Naini-Tal, Bhimtal, 1500 m , Smetacek leg., vii,1979, genit. prep. N 4219f ( in coll. Hacker, ZSM ); 1 male , Bhutan (Central), 9 km E Wangdue Phodrang, Kichu Resort, ca. 1300m , 7.viii.2005 , leg. Kautt & Naumann (coll. AB ); VIETNAM 1 male , Vietnam ,Mt. Fan-si-pan, Cha pa, 2400 m (22˚15ʹN, 103˚46ʹE, 8–29.v.1993 , leg. Siniaev & Simonov, genit. prep. 7319 (coll. GB); TAIWAN : 1 male , 1 female , Taiwan , Kaosiung, Shanping, 640 m , 1–10.v.1998 , leg. R. Davidson, C. Young, J. Rawlins (coll. Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh); 1 female , Taiwan , Prov. Taoyuan, Ming Chyr Forest Recreation Area, 1160, 30 .x.1996, leg. Fabian & Nemes; male, same locality, 25.v.1997 , leg. M. Laszlo & G. Laszlo; 1 male , same locality, 1200 m , 4– 5.vi.1997 , leg. B. Herzig & L. Ronkay; 1 female , Prov. Taitung, 5 km W Chihpen, 320 m , 15–16.v.1997 , leg. M. Laszlo & G. Laszlo (coll. G. Romkay); CHINA : 1 male , Likiang ( China ), Prov. Norh Yunnan, 1934, H. Höne, genit. prep. 1874 ZFMK (coll. ZFMK ); 1 male , 1 female , China , Jiangxi-Fujian border, Wuy Shan, 50 km SE from Yingtan, 1600 m , 50˚55ʹN–54˚21ʹE, v.2002 , leg. Siniaev (coll. AB ). Diagnosis. Adult ( Figs. 9–22 ). Wingspan 50–57 mm . Head and thorax covered with brown-black hairs, patagia bordered with pale-grey scales; tegulae - with pale-grey and black scales. Forewing color brown-grey; wing pattern with prominent subbasal line, diffused medial shadow, traceable rounded orbicular and traceable reniform usually surrounded with pale diffused area; postmedial fascia dentate, twin with clear white subtornal mark; subterminal area irrorated with grey-fuscous; subterminal line wide, diffused, with characteristic extensions in upper, mid and lower parts of wing; terminal field brown, often with fuscous-grey irroration. Hindwing brown basally, yellow in central part, with wide terminal band, bearing white tornal mark. In male genitalia ( Figs. 46–49 , 58–60 ) uncus short, massive, spatulated, with small pointed apical extension; tegumen broad, equal to vinculum in length; valva lobe-like with costal flap-like process (developed editum); harpe digitate extending to apex of valva, with serrate inner margin; its shape and arming are is rather variable throuthout the range of the species. Aedeagus rather massive, but short, carina tipped apically; vesica simple, bulbous, bearing moderate basal diverticulum; cornuti absent. Female genitalia ( Fig. 67 ) figured by Sugi (1976) . Papillae anales short, quadrangular; apopyses posteriors and anteriores short, on wide base, equal in length, antrum small, cup-like; ductus bursae somewhat longer and wider then in rotundipennis and becheri , sp. n. corpus bursae sacculate, with small appendix. Distribution and biology. Occurs in Pakistan , North India , Nepal , Bhutan , Myanmar , Thailand , Vietnam , South East China (provinces Yunnan, Jiangxi, Fujian), Japan (Kyushu, Shikoku), and Indonesia . In Japan , larvae feed on evergreen hard-leaved oak Quercus phylliraeoides , and may cause serious damage in the forest. Moths appear from May to June and from October to November ( Ishihara 1955 ; Sugi 1976 , Miyata et al. 2000 ). The species occurs widely in South East Asia from Pakistan to Indonesia . In the mainland of Asia it is represented by nominative subspecies, in Indonesia by subspecies Trisuloides sericea hawkeri Prout & Talbot, 1924 and Trisuloides sericea trigonoleuca Prout, 1922 . Taxonomic note. We did not find significant differences in facies and male genitalia between T. sericea from Borneo, illustrated by Holloway (2009) , and specimens from continental Asia. There are not many differences between the male genitalia of hawkeri and trigonoleuca illustrated by Prout (1924) , with examined specimens from India , Vietnam and China (taking into account variability in the shape of harpe). Although Holloway (2009) proposed that hawkeri and trigonoleuca night be considered species, we follow the treatment of A.E. Prout (1924) and Sugi (1976) and consider hawkeri and trigonoleuca as subspecies of T. sericea .