Revision of Scopaeus Erichson, 1839 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae) of Indonesia, with description of 19 new species Author Frisch, Johannes Author Narakusumo, Raden Pramesa MUseUm ZoologicUm Bogoriense, Research Center for Biosystematics and EvolUtion, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor KM 46, Cibinong, West Java, 16911, Indonesia text Soil Organisms 2022 2022-04-01 95 1 23 73 journal article 291999 10.25674/so95iss1id311 06b03cc4-e211-4f65-be07-742740b0053c 2509-9523 10724236 Scopaeus spiraliflagellatus Frisch , spec. nov. ( Figs 10 , 35 , 74 –76 , 128 , 157, 158 ) Type specimens: Indonesia : Holotype , Sulawesi Tengah , Poso : Tentena – Peura ( Lake Poso ), ( 01°47’59’’S , 120°38’08’’E ), 550 m , 9.5.2017 , leg. Frisch ( MZB ) . Paratypes ( 16 specimens ): 1 ♀ , same data as holotype ( MFNB ) . Sulawesi Tengah : 1 ♀ , Poso : S Peura ( Lake Poso ), ( 01°51’48’’S , 120°38’59’’E ), 520 m , 9.5.2017 , leg. Frisch ( MFNB ) ; 1 ♀ , Morowali : Betelene – Tinompo ( 02°06’06’’S , 121°08’26’’E ), 430 m , 12.5.2017 , leg. Frisch ( MFNB ) ; 1 ♂ , 5 ♀ , Poso : Tentena – Taripa ( 01°48’40’’S , 120°46’30’’E ), 880 m , 10.5.2017 , leg. Frisch ( MFNB , MZB ) ; 1 ♀ , Poso : Tentena – Peura ( Lake Poso ), ( 01°47’59’’S , 120°38’08’’E ), 550 m , 9.5.2017 , leg. Frisch ( MFNB ) ; 1 ♂ , 3 ♀ , Poso : Palolo – Sedoa : NW Sedoa ( 01°18’02’’S , 120°16’22’’E ), 1250 m , 6.5.2017 , leg. Frisch ( MFNB ) . Sulawesi Selatan : 1 ♂ , Makale , 17.07.1982 , leg. Rougemont ( HECO ) . 1 ♂ , labeled ‘ Célebès , Kandari 7’ (handwritten; Kendari in Sulawesi Tenggara ?), ‘ apicipennis Fvl’ (handwritten; in litteris name) ( ISNB ) . Description: Habitus and coloring as in Fig. 10 . Total body length 3.1 – 4.0 mm; forebody length 1.9 – 2.2 mm . Head subcircular. Antennae with penultimate segment elongate. Mesotibia strongly thickened. Forebody surface with extremely spacious, fine, shallow, setose punctation, strongly shiny; abdomen also very finely, but more densely punctate than forebody, thus somewhat matter; body surface without microreticulation. Forebody setation comparatively long and strongly raised, including numerous, long macrosetae. Body black-brown except for yellow-brown posterior fifth of elytra, tip of abdomen, and legs with dark brown basal half of profemora becoming evenly lighter towards yellow-brown distal half; maxillary palpi darkened; antennae with scapus medium brown, pedicellus slightly darkened, segment 3 darkest, then evenly lighter towards light yellow-brown terminal segments. Male:Abdominal sternite VII with unmodified posterior margin. Abdominal sternite VIII widely emarginate in posterior fifth with median third of emargination almost semicircularly projecting posteriad ( Fig. 128 ); macrosetae of sternite VIII long, conspicuous. Aedeagus ( Figs 35 , 74 – 76 ) about 1.2 mm long with distal lobes strongly asymmetrical; apical lobes remarkably enlarged apically with short, right-angled dorsad curved apices; dextral apical lobe ventroproximad extended, ending in dorsad pointing hook ( Figs 35 , 74 ); ends of apical lobes, in ventral and dorsal view, curved towards each other, together forming triangular end ( Figs 75, 76 ); dorsal lobe subrectangular in lateral view ( Fig. 74 ), with transverse, slightly oblique, truncate end in dorsal view ( Fig. 76 ); flagellum extremely lengthened, whip-like, thin proximally, spiral with two windings at dextral side of aedeagus ( Figs 35 , 74 – 76 ); ventral lobe elongate, about four times as long as wide, pointing ventrodistad ( Figs 35 , 74 ); setose lateral lobes short, little projecting, strongly shifted distad to different extents ( Figs 35 , 74 – 76 ); median foramen large, asymmetrically extended distad with concave, distolateral enlargement at either side, without transverse ridge ( Figs 74, 75 ). Female: Sperm pump with apophysis adjacent to bursal duct; bursal duct strongly sclerotized in distal half, proximal half membranous ( Figs 157, 158 ); bursa membranous. Phylogeny: Scopaeus spiraliflagellatus is a member of the S. gracilis species group ( Frisch et al. 2002: 39 ). Distribution: Scopaeus spiraliflagellatus , probably widespread in Sulawesi , is recorded in the surroundings of Lake Poso, Sulawesi Tengah , and in Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara . Etymology: The epithet spiraliflagellatus [adjective, Latin, composed of the noun spiralis (spiral) and the adjective flagellatus (indicating a characteristic/feature of the flagellum)] refers to the spiral flagellum of the aedeagus of this new species ( Figs 35 , 74 – 76 ).