The Neotropical genus Lenkothrips (Thysanoptera: Heterothripidae): additions to the faunas of Argentina and Brazil with an updated key to species Author Lima, Élison Fabrício B. Universidade Federal do Piauí, Campus Amílcar Ferreira Sobral, Coleção de História Natural da UFPI. BR 343, Km 3,5. Floriano, PI, Brazil. 64808 - 065. Author Zamar, María I. Instituto de Biología de la Altura, Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, Avenida Bolivia 1661, San Salvador de Jujuy, República Argentina. Author Greco, Nancy 0000-0003-3968-6604 Universidade Federal do Piauí, Campus Amílcar Ferreira Sobral, Coleção de História Natural da UFPI. BR 343, Km 3,5. Floriano, PI, Brazil. 64808 - 065. & Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores. Boulevard 120 s / n entre Av. 60 y Calle 64, 1900, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Author Rocca, Margarita 0000-0002-0079-0634 Universidade Federal do Piauí, Campus Amílcar Ferreira Sobral, Coleção de História Natural da UFPI. BR 343, Km 3,5. Floriano, PI, Brazil. 64808 - 065. & Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores. Boulevard 120 s / n entre Av. 60 y Calle 64, 1900, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. & Universidade Federal do Piauí, Campus Amílcar Ferreira Sobral, Coleção de História Natural da UFPI. BR 343, Km 3,5. Floriano, PI, Brazil. 64808 - 065. & Universidade Federal do Piauí, Campus Amílcar Ferreira Sobral, Coleção de História Natural da UFPI. BR 343, Km 3,5. Floriano, PI, Brazil. 64808 - 065. text Zootaxa 2024 2024-07-31 5489 1 184 191 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5489.1.13 1175-5326 13211147 3F11DC7E-57F4-4303-8577-DF06E99CF7CB Lenkothrips canastra sp. n. ( Figs 1–5 ) Female macroptera . Body dark brown ( Fig. 1 ); legs yellow; antennal segments I–II and VI–IX brown, III light brown with basal half yellow, IV light brown with basal third yellow; V brown with basal half light brown ( Fig. 2 ); fore wing uniformly brown and brown setae ( Fig. 3 ). Head about 1.5 times wider than long, with no long setae, ocellar setae minute, pair III on lateral external margins of ocellar triangle, in front of posterior ocelli ( Fig. 4 ), ocellar area weakly reticulate. Antennal segment III longer than segment IV, both with a long and continuous sensorial area extending laterally about to the midpoint of each segment. Pronotum with moderate sculpture; about 30 discal setae and 7–8 pairs of short posteromarginal setae ( Fig. 4 ). Mesonotum closely striate, distance between striae about 4 microns, often narrower than discal setal pore ( Fig. 4 ). Fore wing clavus with 7 marginal setae and 1 discal seta ( Fig. 3 ). Abdominal tergites I–VIII with a posteromarginal fringe of microtrichia, well developed laterally on I–V but bearing only few teeth on median third, VI incomplete on median fifth, on VII–VIII complete; lateral thirds covered with dense rows of fine microtrichia and around 10–12 discal setae ( Fig. 5 ); tergite IX covered with microtrichia in the distal two thirds. Sternites with faint transverse striae medially, lateral thirds with oblique striae with lines of fine microtrichia; II–VI with 5 pairs of posteromarginal setae arising well in front of posterior margin; VII with 4 pairs of posteromarginal setae arising well in front of posterior margin and 1 pair on the discal area. Pleurotergites striated and with microtrichia. Male . Unknown. Measurements ( holotype female in microns). Body, length 1100. Head, length 80; width 125. Pronotum, length 115; width 185. Hind tibia length 145; width 30; hind tarsus length 55; width 15; fore wing length 600. Antennal segments I–IX length, 13, 28, 50, 42, 22, 22, 13, 13, 13 respectively; VII width 10. Material examined . Holotype female. Brazil : Mato Grosso do Sul : Aquidauana , Nhecolândia , Fazenda Baía das Pedras (interior murundu) ( 19°11’28.00”S 55°49’27.00”W ), from Moericke trap , 16–24.ix.2021 ( MY Oliveira col.) (CHNUFPI). Comments . Along with daedali , this is the only species with fore wing uniformly brown. In contrast, the antennal segments of canastra are much shorter than on daedali , and the posteromarginal fringe of microtrichia on abdominal tergite VI is complete in the latter, whereas it is interrupted medially in canastra . Both species, however, largely resemble in colour and general structure, such as the microtrichial fields and number of setae on pronotum, tergites and sternites. The new species is also similar to two of the paratypes of daedali in having a lateral comb of microtrichia on sternite VII, which is absent in the holotype ( Ulitzka 2003 ). The new species is named by apposition after the common name in Portuguese of the armadillo Priodontes maximus , as the new species was collected during research efforts for animal conservation when traps were placed near the armadillo’s den.