Review of the Monobazus-group leafhopper genera (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae) from the Indian subcontinent with description of five new genera and twenty-eight new species Author VIRAKTAMATH, C. A. Author WEBB, M. D. Author YESHWANTH, H. M. text Zootaxa 2025 2025-01-10 5567 1 1 105 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5567.1.1 1175-5334 14703735 AF6254F6-CE26-41FE-BB85-A3FFD16FAA39 Cicurbanus gen. nov. Type species: Thamnotettix greeni Melichar , here designated. Diagnosis . Often with two prominent black spots on crown in addition to anterior marginal small brown spot on either side of median line. Pygofer with blade-like ventral process directed posteriorly either twisted or serrated, style lacking subapical process, aedeagus short with prominent dorsal apodeme that is longer than aedeagal shaft, shaft abruptly anteriorly curved near apex and with one apical spine on ventral surface, gonopore apical. It differs from Monobazus in not having ventral processes on the aedeagal shaft and from Mavromoustaca in the absence of basilateral processes on the aedeagal shaft and from both these genera it can be distinguished by the aedeagus not having a well-developed preatrium. Description . Yellowish ochraceous with prominent pair of black spots on crown and a pair of smaller brown spots on fore margin, basal triangles of exposed mesonotum with black or brown triangles. Medium sized species measuring 4.5–5.5 mm long. Head distinctly narrower than pronotum, crown surface with apical half shagreen, posterior half polished; median sulcus about 0.5 as long as crown; fore margin rounded to face. Eyes large, their outer margin in line with outer margin of crown, obliquely extended on anterolateral angles of pronotum. Ocelli prominent placed a distance less than own diameter away from eyes. Antennae long, almost reaching half-length of body. Face including eyes slightly longer than wide or as wide as long; frontoclypeus somewhat narrow; clypellus broad apically. Pronotum slightly convex dorsally, about 1.5–1.8× as long as crown; with lateral margins carinate, surface polished, posterior margin almost straight. Exposed mesonotum slightly longer than pronotum. Forewing with claval veins separate, inner claval vein connected to claval suture by cross vein, three anteapical and four apical cells, inner anteapical cell open behind, appendix narrow not extending beyond middle of second apical cell. Pro-tibia comparatively long and slender compared to meso tibia; AV row of setae composed of 15 conical short peg-like in basal 0.66, AM row of setae represented by hair-like AM1, IC row of setae 15, slender hair-like. Metafemur with 2+2+1 apical macrosetae. Meta tibia with PD row macrosetae long, as long or longer than half length of fore tibia; Metabasitarsomere with 3 platellae and one stout tapered seta on either side. Female sternite VII half as long laterally as wide, with broadly V-shaped excavation on posterior margin. Male genitalia . Pygofer with or without anterior apodemes, tergum short, lobes well produced posteriorly, making tergum deeply U-shaped in dorsal view, well-developed ventral process present and exceeding outer margin of pygofer, with numerous macrosetae in distal 0.5–0.75 length, ventral margin convex, posterodorsal angle subconically rounded. Valve with posterior margin angularly produced medially. Subgenital plates triangular, elongate, about 2.2–2.5× as long as basal width, with marginal row of uniseriate macrosetae in basal 0.75 region and numerous hair-like setae in distal half. Style without well-developed subapical lobe, with smooth surface and hair-like setae on lateral surface before apex. Connective Y-shaped, with stem longer than arms. Aedeagus symmetrical, with well-developed dorsal apodeme much longer than shaft, shaft comparatively shorter, sharply anteriorly curved near apex, with spine-like apical process on ventral surface, gonopore apical, shaft with lateral lamellate flanges or ridges. Female genitalia . First and second pair of valvulae as in Banus Distant. Etymology . The generic name is a combination of the Latin adjective cicur, -uris (= tame, mild) and Banus (firstcentury desert-dwelling Jewish ascetic, teacher of Titus Flavius Josephus), gender masculine. Remarks . Genus Cicurbanus belongs to the Monobazus group of genera and can be recognized by the markings on the crown (see key), male pygofer with ventral process directed posteriorly, style without subapical lobe and aedeagus short, with elongate dorsal apodeme, and shaft with lateral ridges or flanges, with apical spine-like process on ventral surface but lacking a ventral process in the basal half-length. Key to species of Cicurbanus 1. Crown with two prominent black spots (1MO).............................................................. 2 - Crown with transverse pale reddish brown stripe margined by a few dark brown spots ( Fig. 7L )........ C. notatus (Distant) 2. Black spots on crown round, mesonotum with basal triangles black ( Fig. 1M ); male pygofer ventral process smooth and twisted ( Figs 18 AB).......................................................................... C. greeni (Melichar) - Black spots on crown rectangular, mesonotum without black basal triangles ( Figs 1 OQ); male pygofer ventral process serrated and not twisted ( Figs 20 AB).............................................................. C. serratus sp. nov .