Revision of Ommatius Wiedemann (Diptera: Asilidae). IV. Pygommatius subgen. nov. with twenty-five Afrotropical species Author Scarbrough, Aubrey G. Department of Biological Sciences, Towson University, Baltimore, MD 21252, USA; Author Marascia, Claudio G. text Zootaxa 2003 2003-07-04 228 1 1 94 journal article 5623 10.11646/zootaxa.228.1.1 081ba61b-c79c-401c-a265-060a46979cd2 1175­5334 5019043 AC9F77DE-F702-4620-B756-D753E77FBC73 Ommatius (Pygommatius) limbus , sp. n. Figs. 12 , 25 , 34 , 42 , 147­151 Male. Length, body 12.0 mm; wing 9.0 mm. Black. Head : Dull yellow to gray tomentose; white to yellowish setose. Face with abundant yellow setae and pencil­like bristles ventrally; 8 black bristles present; FHWR 1.0:4.8. Frons dull yellow to brownish­yellow tomentose with mostly yellow setae, 1­2 brown setae present. Antenna with flagellum and style absent; ocellar setae longer than scape and pedicel combined. Occiput with 2­3 brown postocular bristles, apex of longest near ocellar tubercle. Thorax : Mesonotum brown tomentose with sides and posterior yellow to yellowishgray; numerous thin, yellow setae and 4 black lateral bristles present; 1 brown and 2 yellow dorsocentral bristles present. Scutellum light yellowish­gray tomentose with mostly thin setae and 2 marginal bristles, all yellow; sparse setae as long as marginal bristles, bristles slightly shorter than dorsocentral bristles. Pleuron light yellowish­gray tomentose, anepisternum dull yellow; vestiture yellow to white; halter yellow. Wing ( Fig. 12 ): Apical third and posterior margin microtrichose. Cell r 4 with veins parallel. Apex of cell m 3 slightly arched, just beyond r­m crossvein. Leg : Coxae black, gray tomentose, with long, thin, white setae. Hind trochanter with 2 unusually long, curved, yellow bristles, apex slightly swollen and round. Femora entirely to mostly yellow, each with some brown on apical third, light on anterior 2, much darker on third. Fore femur ( Fig. 25 ) posteriorly with a tuft of yellow setae, and 4­6 yellow ventral bristles clustered basally. Middle femur basoventrally slightly concave with abundant long, thin setae and 6 long bristles, all yellow. Hind femur ( Fig. 34 ) constricted basoventrally with abundant, long, thin, yellow setae anteriorly and 8­9 long posteroventral bristles on apical two­thirds. Fore and middle tibiae yellow laterally with thick fringe of yellow setae, that of fore tibia of uniform length, short, but with 1 long, yellow prebasal bristle; middle tibia bent preapically, and with a much longer fringe, 2 black, long, thin prebasal bristles present; HFWLR 1.0:5.0. Hind tibia with apical third brown, brown­yellow to yellow basally, fringe absent; hind tibia flat laterally ( Fig. 42 ) wider than thick, with a slight preapical bend, posterior setae before bend slightly longer than surrounding vestiture and brown, that beyond bend and along inner surface yellow. Tarsi with basal tarsomere mostly yellow, narrow apex and remaining tarsomeres brown; fore and middle tarsi with fringe of yellow setae on basal trasomere; tarsi laterally with 10, 7, and 4 yellow bristles, respectively. Abdomen : Light brown­yellow tomentose, basal 4 tergites with a brown basal tomentose spot and a dull yellow apical band; vestiture mostly yellow, especially long and abundant on apical 2 to 3 segments; apical half of tergite 5 and apical two­thirds of tergite 6 with a dense fringe of short yellow setae, setae much shorter than that on tergite 6. Sternite 3 with 2 long, thick bristles laterally and 2 short, wavy bristles admedially; sternite 4 with 3 long, straight bristles laterally and 3 admedially; sternite 5 basally with 4 wavy bristles. Terminalia ( Figs. 147­151 ): Large, black. Epandrium 3 branched: dorsal and median branch short; dorsal branch bifid; median branch narrow, oblique behind ventral branch; ventral branch prominent, strongly capitate. Hypandrium apically with flattened, undulated bristles. Female. Unknown. SPECIMENS EXAMINED. Holotype , ZAMBIA : 18 mi SW / of Mkushi 1300 m . / 14.ix.1967 / E. S. Ross and / A. R . Stephens ( CASC ). Distribution. The species was captured at 1300 m in southeast Zambia . Etymology. Latin, limbus , meaning border or fringe, referring to the long yellow setae on the legs and tergites 5 and 6. Remarks. In addition to the characters in the key, O. limbus differs by the large robust, black body, and the 4­6 stout bristles below the fore femur ( Fig. 25 ).