Additions to the Flora of China: seven new species of Elatostema (Urticaceae) from the karst landscapes of Guangxi and YunnanAuthorWei, Y. G.Guangxi Key Laboratory of Functional Phytochemicals Research and Utilization, Guangxi Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin 541006, China. E-mail: weiyigang @ yahoo. com. cnAuthorMonro, A. K.Department of Botany, The Natural History Museum, London, SW 7 5 BD, United Kingdom. E-mail: alm @ nhm. ac. uk (corresponding author)AuthorWang, W. T.State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China.textPhytotaxa20112011-09-3029127 article618210.11646/phytotaxa.29.1.152e55c02-45c3-498b-9537-3d93c79153fc1179-31634894334Elatostema celingense
W.T.Wang, Y.G.Wei & A.K.Monro
sp. nov.
Fig. 2
Elatostemo backeri
similis sed caulibus et stipulisque minoribus, bractus principalis receptaculum staminalibus panduratus lobatus, differt.
Hechi City
Celing Town
Laba Village
N 24°51'17.7"E 107° 44'11.4"
550 m
7 May 2010
. Monro &
. Wei 6621
, isotypes
Figure 9 A–H
Perennial herb, terrestrial, monoecious. Not tuber forming but callous forming, callous ca 10 ×
13 mm
, brown. Stems 110–200 ×
, decumbent, not succulent, dark green, drying sulcate, densely pubescent with two classes of hairs, major hairs 1.25–1.50, weakly curved to crooked, erect, brown towards the base, minor hairs
mm, weakly curved to straight, appressed, ascendent, borne in clusters of 2 or 3, internodes
11–18 mm
. Stipules 2 at each node, caducous, 2.0–
2.5 mm
, lanceolate, sparsely pubescent. Leaves distichous, alternate, terminal pair of leaves subopposite, subsequent leaves subequal, the major leaves subsessile, petioles 0.75–1.50 ×
0.5 mm
, densely pubescent, with two classes of hairs, major hairs 0.75–1.25, erect to weakly appressed, ascendent, minor hairs
, weakly curved, appressed, borne in clusters of 2 or 3; the major laminae 8–52 ×
7–16 mm
, length:width ratio 1:1.1–3.3, asymmetrically ovate/ elliptic, obovate/elliptic or broadly ovate, membranous, 3-nerved, the secondary nerves (3–)4–6 pairs, 45–60° to the midrib; upper surface drying dark green-brown, sparsely pubescent, the hairs
1.25–1.50 mm
, weakly curved, appressed, ascendent, the base of the hair brown, cystoliths densely scattered, bacilliform to fusiform,
mm; lower surface drying green-brown, densely pubescent, the hairs
, weakly curved, appressed, ascendent, the base of the hair brown, cystoliths sparsely scattered, bacilliform,
0.37 mm
; base asymmetrical, cuneate/acute, decurrent/acute; margins serrate to denticulate, the teeth spaced
3–4 mm
apart; apex acute to subacuminate. Staminate and pistillate inflorescences borne on the same or separate stems. Staminate inflorescences solitary, 3.5–5.0 mm, bearing 3–8 flowers in a pedunculate receptacle; peduncle
mm, pubescent, subtended by 1 bract; bract
0.75 mm
, ovate; receptacle 2.5–4.0 ×
3.5–4.5 mm
, oval to suborbicular, not lobed or inconspicuously so, sparsely pubescent and brown glandular, white and green above, green below, subtended by marginal bracts, the bracts unequal, major bract subtending the receptacle, minor bracts marginal to each quarter of the receptacle, major bracts 1(2),
5–7 mm
, pandurate appearing bilobate or acuminate, with four keel-shaped lobulae, white and green, minor bracts 3–6,
2.5 mm
, lobulate, the lobes obovate with a dorsal thickening and subapically corniculate, pale green. Staminate flowers 1.0–1.5 × 1.0 mm immediately prior to anthesis, white, pedicellate, bracteolate; pedicel
0.25 mm
, glabrous; bracteoles 2, unequal, major bracteoles
1.25 mm
, oblong or obovate, the apex ciliate, minor bracteoles
0.5 mm
, oblong or obovate, the apex ciliate; tepals 4, the subapical appendage
mm, corniculate. Pistillate inflorescence solitary, 1.5–2.0 mm, bearing ca 30 flowers in a pedunculate receptacle; peduncle 0.75–1.00 ×
0.5 mm
, glabrous, ebracteate?; receptacle 1.5–2.0 ×
1.5–2.5 mm
, sub orbicular to sub quadrate, inconspicuously 2-lobed, pubescent, dark green above, dark green below, subtended by marginal bracts, the bracts unequal, major bracts 4,
1.5 mm
, obovate, subapically 1-corniculate, corniculae falcate, borne perpendicular to the axis of the bract and ascendent, green, minor bracts 8, 1.0 mm, elliptic to obovate, apically corniculate, green. Pistillate flowers 0.500 ×
0.375 mm
at anthesis, pale brown, pedicellate; pedicel
0.25 mm
; bracteoles 2, unequal, major bracteole
0.75 mm
, obovate with a subapical appendage, minor bracteole
0.5 mm
, subulate. Infructescences not seen.
:—Known only from the
locality in Hechi City,
, Southwest
Elatostema celingense
is known only from a small cave formed in limestone karst at an elevation of ca
530 m
This species grows towards the cave entrance in 0.2–2.5% daylight (photosynthetically active radiation).
Elatostema celingense
is named after the town near the
Elatostema celingense
is most similar to
Elatostema backeriSchroeter (1936)
from which it can be distinguished based on stem, stipule and staminate receptacle major bract morphology as summarised in the table below:
FIGURE 2.Elatostema celingense
. Habit with leaves, stipules and staminate inflorescences visible.
. Staminate inflorescence with marginal receptacle bracts and flowers.
. Staminate receptacle major bract.
. Staminate receptacle minor bract.
Staminate flower, tepals with subapical appendage visible.
Filaments and anthers at anthesis.
Staminate major and minor bracteoles.
. Pistillate receptacle major bract.
Monro & Wei 6621
, IBK (Illustration by Sun Ying-Bao).
FIGURE 3.Elatostema celingense
. Habit.
. Staminate inflorescence with major receptacle bracts and flowers visible.
. Pistillate inflorescences.
Monro & Wei 6621
(Photo A.K. Monro).
Elatostema celingense
Elatostema backeri
Stem length
110–200 mm
200–500 mm
Stipule length
2.0–2.5 mm
7–8 mm
Staminate receptacle major bract shape
pandurate appearing bilobate, lobe(s) with four keel-shaped lobulae
scaphoid spathulate
Conservation status
:—A Global Conservation Assessment is presented here based on IUCN methodology (2001, version 3.1).
Elatostema celingense
is known from a single locality (IUCN criteria D2). At this locality the population of this species comprises ca 10 mature individuals (IUCN criteria D1). The cave in which this species is located is at the edge of agricultural land on a small limestone hill, which, although deforested in the past, appears not to be actively disturbed. Using the IUCN methodology our Global Conservation Assessment for
E. celingense
Critically Endangered (CR)
based on criteria D1 and D2: population size and number of locations combined with a plausible future threat that could drive this taxon to Extinct in a very short time. Future threats include the use of caves in agriculture to store livestock or cultivate medicinal plants, mining of the limestone hills or tourism.