Native And Alien Carabidae (Coleoptera) Share Lanai, An Ecologically Devastated Island Author Liebherr, James K. Department of Entomology, John H. and Anna B. Comstock Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 - 2601, U. S. A. text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2009 2009-12-29 63 4 383 411 journal article 10.1649/1176.1 1938-4394 4924356 0949D971-E9E0-4FD3-B4EC-2C47B6124223 Metacolpodes buchanani (Hope) ( Figs. 6D , 7A ) Diagnosis. The non-native M. buchanani ( Fig. 7A ) can be simply diagnosed from all native Hawaiian Blackburnia by the presence of a small denticle at the apex of the elytral suture and by the vivid metallic green dorsal coloration (Liebherr and Zimmerman 2000: 56). Standardized body length 11.0– 13.2 mm . Lanai Distribution. This species was first collected on Lanai in 2004, at which point it was widely distributed across the island ( Fig. 6D ) in both the cloud forest and dry forest communities ( Fig. 1 ) ( new island record ). Habitat. This species has been collected in three different situations on Lanai; 1) beaten from uluhe fern on Haalelepaakai in association with the native B. depressa and M. filipes ( 13-V-2004 lot 01, Liebherr; CUIC); 2) under Eucalyptus bark SWS of Lehua at 683 m el. syntopic with the non-native G. picipes ( 13-V- 2004 lot 06, Liebherr; CUIC); and 3) beaten from Diospyros sandwicensis (A. DC) at Kanepuu Dry Forest Reserve, 525 m el. ( 14-V-2004 lot 04, Polhemus; CUIC). The Haalelepaakai specimen was collected along with Paratrechina bourbonica (Forel) , a predaceous ant species that also tends Homoptera (Huddleston and Fluker 1968) and is found in montane areas in disturbed habitats such as roadsides, but never in undisturbed forest ( Reimer 1994 ). The Kanepuu specimen was collected in the company of Micromus timidus Hagen ( Neuroptera : Hemerobiidae ), a lacewing of African origin ( Monserrat 1990 ) introduced to Hawaii for biological control ( Nishida 2002 ). Tribe Harpalini There are currently six species of Harpalini that have been recorded from Hawaii. The following key will facilitate both their identification and the recognition of any future colonizing harpaline taxa. The key structure is based in part on characters supporting subtribal classification of Harpalini ( Reichardt 1977 ) and generic classification of Anisodactylina ( Noonan 1973 ) . Island distributions and references pertinent to Hawaiian identification and distribution are provided for all species. Fig. 7. Non-native carabid beetle species known from Lanai (vignettes represent actual body size). A. Metacolpodes buchanani . B. Gnathaphanus picipes . C. G. multipunctatus . D. Perigona nigriceps . Key to Species of Harpalini Known to have been Introduced to Hawaii 1. Penultimate labial palpomere plurisetose.................................... 2 19. Penultimate labial palpomere bi- or trisetose (subtribe Stenolophina ).... 5 2(1). Standardized body length 8.2–11.2 mm ; male with anterior and middle tarsomeres dilated, with numerous longitudinal rows of adhesive setae (ventral surfaces of tarsomeres appearing to be covered with spongy pubescence (subtribe Anisodactylina )........................................ 3 29. Standardized body length 5.8–6.8 mm ; male with anterior and middle tarsomeres unmodified or dilated and with two longitudinal rows of adhesive setae ventrally (subtribe Harpalina ) ( Hawaii I., Oahu, Kauai; Beardsley 1985 )..................................... Selenophorus striatopunctatus Putzeys 3(2). Third elytral interval and adjoining striae bearing 3 or more dorsal setal punctures, fifth stria may bear setal punctures in apical half of elytron.. 4 39. Third elytral interval with single setal puncture in apical half of length, fifth stria without setal punctures ( Hawaii I., Maui, Oahu, Kauai; Zimmerman 1972 )............................. Notiobia purpurascens (Bates) 4(3). Five to 8 dorsal elytral setae present in the third interval, but fifth stria impunctate (all high Hawaiian Islands; Samuelson et al. 1997 ; Jamieson 1999 )........................................ Gnathaphanus picipes (MacLeay) 49. Five to 7 dorsal elytral setae associated with third interval and adjoining striae, and 4–5 dorsal elytral setae in fifth stria, all setae in foveate depressions as broad as nearby elytral intervals (Lanai, Maui, Oahu, Kauai; Beardsley 1983 )........... Gnathaphanus multipunctatus (MacLeay) 5(1). Elytra with transverse-line microsculpture resulting in orange to blue metallic sheen, disc piceous with flavous posthumeral spots and a median sutural spot near apex, flavous anteapical spots on intervals 7 and 8 present in some individuals ( Hawaii I., Oahu, Kauai; Beardsley 1981 ; Jamieson 1999 ).............................. Stenolophus quinquepustulatus (Wiedemann) 59. Elytra with transverse-mesh microsculpture that results in silvery sheen, but brunneous ground color not obscured by glossy surface, elytral marginal depression and apex narrowly flavous, disc brunneous without maculations (Oahu; Bryan 1929 )............. Stenolophus limbalis LeConte