Herpetofauna of Engabao, Playas Canton, Ecuador, with notes on the occurrence of Ceratoprhys stolzmanni (Steindachner, 1882) Author Cuadrado, Stefania S. Author Loor, Yelsin A. Author Narváez, Andrea E. text Check List 2020 2020-06-02 16 3 665 674 http://dx.doi.org/10.15560/16.3.665 journal article 10.15560/16.3.665 1809-127X Engystomops guayaco ( Ron, Cannatella & Coloma, 2005) Figure 2H Material examined. ECUADOR , province of Guayas , Playas Canton , Engabao 1 specimen (sex undeter- mined), 15 mm ; near a waterbody near vegetation: 02° 36′49″S , 080°26′28″W ; 12 m a.s.l; 26 Apr. 2019 ; Stefa- nia S. Cuadrado, Yelsin A. Loor leg.; UG-AN135 • 1 specimen (sex undetermined), 20 mm ; near a waterbody near moderate vegetation; 02°36’49”S , 080°26′28″W ; 12 m a.s.l; 26 Apr. 2019 ; Stefania S. Cuadrado, Yelsin A. Loor leg.; UG-AN105 • 1 specimen (sex undetermined), 16 mm ; near a waterbody near moderate vegetation; 02°36′49″S , 080°26′28″W ; 12 m a.s.l; 28 Apr. 2019 ; Ste- fania S. Cuadrado, Yelsin A. Loor leg.; UG-AN136. Identification. This frog measures 15.45–20.98 mm SVL. There are scattered tubercles on the back, and the snout is truncated in dorsal view and rounded in side view. It is similar in size to Engystomops montubio and Engystomops randi but differs from those species in hav- ing less extensive lateral fringes on its feet and shorter interdigital membranes. Engystomops guayaco differs from E. randi in having the shortest edge and less abundant dorsal tubers ( Ron et al. 2005 ). Engystomops pustu- latus is a larger species, with males reaching 27 mm and females 31 mm . We documented E. guayaco in all sites, both visually and by auditory calls. It was found in the less disturbed dry thorn scrub at sites C and D, calling from hollows near the pond, and at sites A and B calling in vegetation near puddles formed after few rains. Animals were calling or active from 15:00 to 22:00. Distribution. Engystomops guayaco is endemic to Ecuador and ocurrs in the southwestern lowlands of the country ( Frost 2016 ).