A revision of and key to the world species of Mycterothrips Trybom (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) Author Okajima, Masami Masumoto And Shûji text Zootaxa 2006 2006-07-17 1261 1261 1 90 journal article 1175­5334 Mycterothrips betulae (Crawford) ( Figs. 34–40 ) Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter) ; Hood, 1927: 215 . Misidentification ( O'Neill, 1972: 278 ). Taeniothrips betulae Crawford, 1939: 71 , 74. Physothrips betulae (Crawford) ; Priesner, 1957: 161 . Mycterothrips betulae (Crawford) ; Bhatti, 1969: 378 . Diagnosis : Body uniformly brown; antennal segment III brownish yellow; fore wings brown. Head with cheeks slightly rounded ( Fig. 34 ). Antennal segment II with microtrichia, VI slightly truncate ( Fig. 35 ). Pronotum with about 20 discal setae; anterior margin with six setae, median pair of setae slightly elongate ( Fig. 34 ). Mesonotum with a pair of CPS anteromedially; median pair of setae near posterior margin ( Fig. 36 ). Metascutum transversely reticulated medially and slightly concentric­like reticulation posteromedially; median pair of setae near anterior margin ( Fig. 36 ). Abdominal terga without ciliate microtrichia on lines of sculpture; terga II or III to VIII with a few (often weak) lines of sculpture except posteromedially ( Fig. 38 ), posterior margin of terga V to VII with microtrichia developed laterally; tergum II with four lateral marginal setae ( Fig. 37 ); terga VI to VIII with B4 setae minute; tergum IX with both anterior and posterior pairs of CPS; sterna without discal setae. Male has antennal segment VI slightly longer than that of female with 11 setae and some rows of microtrichia on both dorsal and ventral surface ( Fig. 39 ). Abdominal terga V to VIII with B4 setae minute; tergum IX with SB1 setae minute ( Fig. 40 ), CPS not visible in the available uncleared specimen; sternum VIII with a pair of discal setae near posterior margin. Hypomere expanded at apex. FIGURES 34–36 . Mycterothrips betulae . Female (paratype): (34) Head & pronotum; (35) Antenna (right); (36) Meso­ & metanota. FIGURES 37–40. Mycterothrips betulae . Female (paratype) 37–38; Male 39–40: (37) Tergum II (right side); (38) TergumV (right side); (39) Antennal segments III–VIII (right); (40) Tergum IX (sculpture omitted). Specimens examined . U.S.A. : Paratypes ( 2 females ) of Taeniothrips betulae [Cwfd 502, Fort Lee N. J., on leaves Betula populiforia , 17­vii­1937 , J. C. Crawford Coll.](USNM). 1 female , '' Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter) '', Slaterville, N. Y., leaves of Salix , v­1926 , J. D. Hood (USNM) [misidentified by Hood ( O'Neill, 1972 )]. 1 male , Wanakena, N. Y., 7­ix­1940 , J. D. Hood (USNM). Comments . A female labeled as '' Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter) '' has only a few very weak lines between B1 setae of some terga, but there are few differences between this female and the two paratype females listed above; this female was recognized subsequently as M. betulae (O’Neil, 1972) .