A revision of the genus Podaena Ordish (Insecta: Coleoptera: Hydraenidae) Author Delgado, Juan A. Departamento de Zoología y Antropología Física, Facultad de Biología, Universidad de Murcia, 30100, Murcia, Spain. Author Palma, Ricardo L. Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand. E-mail: ricardop @ tepapa. govt. nz text Zootaxa 2010 2010-11-17 2678 1 1 47 https://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.2678.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.2678.1.1 1175-5326 5303297 FB43BE83-EBB8-4D58-85CF-CBE73DD683FE Podaena trochanteralis Ordish, 1984 ( Figs 17, 18 , 32, 36 , 51 , 60 , 63 , 77, 78 , 90, 91 , 98 , 105 ) Podaena trochanteralis Ordish, 1984: 17 , figs 31, 59, 86, 115. Differential diagnosis. Male ( Fig. 105 ) body length (taken from anterior margin of labrum to elytral apex) 2.30 mm; female body length 2.40 mm. A rather large species, only matched in size by P. mariae , but several clear differences separate these two species, especially in the male foretibiae ( Figs 27−28 , 32−36 ) and genitalia ( Figs 69−70 , 77−78 ). The male maxillary palps are somewhat modified ( Figs 17−18 ). The third (penultimate) palpomere has a groove without lateral expansions, being cylindrical in almost all its length. The fourth (distal) palpomere has an inconspicuous groove. Being a large species, the male maxillary palps are the longest in the genus, with a certain degree of variability in the depth of the grooves among different populations. The male foretibiae are well modified ( Figs 32, 36 ) with a marked lateral expansion in the shape of a tooth about mid-length, best observed on the anterior view ( Fig. 32 ), which allow a clear separation of P. trochanteralis from all species, except for P. obscura ( Figs 33, 37 ) and P. dentipalpis ( Figs 34, 38 ). Although the male foretibiae are similar among these three species in having a lateral expansion ( Figs 32−34 ) and tibial spines 1 and 2 closely inserted ( Figs 36−38 ), they show enough subtle differences that can be used for their separation in conjunction with the male maxillary palps. The glabrous metaventral area ( Fig. 51 ), with a deep and wide longitudinal groove running from the anterior apex to the base, is diagnostic for P. trochanteralis . However, the male terminalia (as in Fig. 54 ) and the female terminalia ( Fig. 63 ) are very similar to those of other species. The male ventrite 7 and the spiculum ( Fig. 60 ) are larger than in other species, probably due to the larger size of this species. The male genitalia of P. trochanteralis are markedly larger than in all other species. Furthermore, despite being moderately unsclerotized in the distal half, the main piece, the distal lobe and the parameres ( Figs 77−78 ) are different from those of its closest congeners. The proximal half of the main piece is cylindrical and well sclerotized, but dorso-ventrally compressed in its distal half. On a ventral view ( Fig. 78 ), the distal third of the main piece tapers abruptly, ending in a foliaceous distal lobe with a short flagellum. The spermatheca ( Figs 90−91 ) is very similar to those of several other species. Distribution. As in Fig. 98 . Widely distributed in the north and west of the South Island, but with an apparent southern limit at about 44 o 30’. Material examined. Type material. Holotype : South Island : Buller ( BR ): Male – “Goings Bridge / Lewis Pass 815 m . / 11 Apr. 73 G.K.”. Paratypes : South Island : Nelson ( NN ) : 1 male (dry-mounted, genitalia missing) ( NZAC ) : “Flora Stm. NN. / at Flora Hut / 28. Dec. 72 G.K.” . 1 female (dry-mounted) ( NZAC ) : “Flora CK N.N. / 24 Mar. 73 / J.S. Dugdale . 1 male (dry-mounted) ( NZAC ) : “Redmans CK. / Capleston 10.1.73 / J.C. Watt . 3 males , 1 female (in alcohol) ( NZAC ) : “Orbit CK 810 m . / mt Kendall ”. Marlborough ( MB ) : 1 male , 1 female (drymounted) ( NZAC ) : “Altimarloch / Black Birch Ra / 1200 m ., 16.1.73 / J.S. Dugdale . 16 males , 45 females ( 14 males in alcohol, 2 males dry-mounted: printed labels, 42 females in alcohol, 3 females dry-mounted: printed labels) ( MONZ ) : “Altimarloch, MB / Black Birch RG / 1200 m ., 16.1.73 / J.S. Dugdale . 2 females (dry-mounted) ( MONZ ) : “Altimarloch MB / Black Birch Ra. 1200 m . / 16.1.73 J.S. Dugdale ”. Buller ( BR ) : 1 male (dry-mounted, genitalia missing) ( MONZ ) : “Rahu CK, Rahu Saddle / 6.4.73 J.S.D. 600 m . . 2 males , 5 females (in alcohol) ( NZAC ) : “Rahu CK. 600 m . / Rahu Saddle / 6.4.1973 . J.S. Dugdale . 1 male (drymounted) ( NZAC ) : “Lewis Pass 900 m . / 11.4.73 G. K / swamp stream” . 9 males , 6 females ( 7 males in alcohol, 2 males dry-mounted: printed labels, 3 females in alcohol, 3 females dry mounted: printed labels) ( NZAC ) : “Lewis Pass / Going Bridge / 815 m . 11.4.73”, “See Slide”. Male palps and legs (on microslide) ( MONZ ) : “Lewis Pass / Going Bridge / 815 m . 11.4.73”. Westland ( WD ) : 1 male , 1 female (dry-mounted) ( NZAC ) : Haast Pass / opp. Pyke CK / 29 Mar 1973 , G.K.” . 2 males , 2 females ( 1 male in alcohol, 1 male dry-mounted, teneral and without male genitalia, 2 females in alcohol) ( NZAC ) : 5 km N of / Fox glacier / 29 Mar 73, G.K.” . 5 males , 2 females ( 4 males in alcohol, 1 male dry-mounted: printed label, 1 female in alcohol, 1 female dry-mounted: printed label) ( NZAC ) : 8 males [sic] S. of / L. Paringa / 29.3.1973 / G.K. J. McB.” . 1 male (dry-mounted) ( MONZ ) : L. Paringa / 29.3.73 G.K.”. North Canterbury ( NC ) : 2 females (in alcohol) ( NZAC ) : “Kelly CK. Arthurs Pass / 19.1.74 D.A. Craig . Additional material examined. South Island : Nelson ( NN ) : 1 male (dry-mounted: printed label) ( NZAC ) : Flora Hut , NN / ex small bush strm. / 28 Dec. 1972 G.K.” . 1 male (dry-mounted: printed label) ( NZAC ) : “The Brook NN / 11.2.73 G.K.”. Marlborough ( MB ) : 1 male , 8 females (in alcohol) ( MONZ ) : “Altimarloch, MB / Black Birch RG / 1200 m ., 16.1.73 / J.S. Dugdale ” [surplus to the number of paratypes designated by Ordish 1984: 17 . See Table 1 ] . 1 male (dry-mounted) ( MONZ ) : Black Birch Ra. / Marlborough . NZ. / 16.Jan.1973 / J.S. Dugdale . 1 female (dry-mounted) ( MONZ ) : “Black Birch Ra. MB./ 2000 m . 16. Jan. 73 / J.S. Dugdale ”. Westland ( WD ) : 1 male , 1 female (dry-mounted) ( NZAC ) : Haast Pass / opp. Pyke CK / 29 Mar 1973 , G.K.” . 1 male (dry-mounted) ( CDMS ) : Chelsea Creek . Haast Pass / Westland / NEW ZEALAND / 5−12−96 11−S / J.A. Delgado leg” . 1 male , 4 females (dry-mounted) ( NMWA ) : “NEW ZEALAND: S-Isl. WD / Mount Aspiring Nat. P./ Haast River Valley / McPherson’s Creek / 4.2.1997 Schuh & Lang” . 2 females (dry mounted) ( SMDG , CDMS ) : “New Zealand WD. Chelsea , Creek. Serpentine Creek , 15 km east of Haast. 200m , Leg. Jäger & Nunn 20.01.08” .