Diversity of Scydmaeninae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) in Upper Eocene Rovno amber Author Jałoszyński, Paweł Author Perkovsky, Evgeny text Zootaxa 2016 4157 1 1 85 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4157.1.1 2389f078-1812-4b4e-826a-561cd7e46654 1175-5326 262413 6BF4514A-892F-499F-BC1E-B7920C7A00B0 Rovnoscydmus sp. specimen 3 ( Figs 16 , 130–134 ) Material studied. Late Eocene of Europe , Rovno amber: sex unknown; inclusion in elongate, nearly rectangular prism of amber 15 mm long ( Fig. 16 ), collection number UA-1556 ( SIZK ). Description. Body ( Figs 130–134 ) elongate, slender and relatively strongly convex, light brown; BL 0.83 mm . Head ( Figs 131–132, 134 ) broadest at eyes, HL 0.15 mm ; vertex and frons not exposed in dorsal view; supraantennal tubercles indistinct; compound eyes large, strongly convex, oval; length of tempora in relation to eyes not possible to assess. Antennae ( Figs 130–134 ) much shorter than half BL, AnL 0.30 mm , antennal club indistinctly demarcated; antennomeres I–II elongate, III–VI seem to be elongate or at least not transverse, VII and VIII most likely transverse, IX and X slightly transverse, XI much shorter than IX–X combined, about 1.3 × as long as broad, with rounded apex. FIGURES 126–129. Rovnoscydmus sp. specimen 2 (K-26348). Dorsal (126, 128) and ventral (127, 129) view. Abbreviations: abg, antebasal groove; bef, basal elytral fovea; bst, basisternal part of prosternum; hy, hypomeron; lbr, labrum; md, mandible; mtvp, metaventral intercoxal process; mxp2–4, maxillary palpomere II–IV; nr, 'neck' region; st3–8, abdominal sternite III–VIII; v3, metaventrite; vt, vertex. Pronotum ( Figs 130, 133 ) seems to be slightly elongate, broadest site not possible to define; PL 0.20 mm ; punctures on disc ( Fig. 134 ) small but distinct, separated by spaces 3–4 × as wide as diameters of punctures; setae ( Fig. 134 ) short and sparse, suberect or erect. Elytra ( Figs 130, 133 ) elongate oval, strongly convex, broadest most likely in front of middle, EL 0.48 mm ; punctures and setae similar to those on pronotum ( Fig. 134 ). Legs ( Figs 130–134 ) moderately long, slender, unmodified. Remarks. This inclusion is about as long as specimen 2, but the orientation of the beetle in amber and its strongly declined head and pronotum make it difficult to compare proportions of body parts.