Descriptions of new genera and new species of Western Hemisphere checkered beetles (Coleoptera, Cleroidea, Cleridae) Author Opitz, Weston text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2019 2019-12-20 51 2 959 1076 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.3746744 3ab3ca17-b957-454a-bdcf-d664740802e6 0253-116X 3746744 Pujoliclerus sentus OPITZ nov.sp. ( Figs 20 , 141 , 347) Holotype : . Type locality: BOLIVIA : Santa Cruz , 3.7 km SSE Buena Vista , Hotel Flora & Fauna , 430 m , 17°29.949'S- 63°33.152'W , 5-15-XI-2001 , M. C. Thomas , trop. Transition forest BLT ( FSCA ). Paratype : 1 specimen . Bolivia : Departamento de Santa Cruz , Buena Vista, 29-X-1999 , disturbed tropical forest, at light, 410 m , C. Porter, L. Stange ( WOPC ). D i a g n o s i s: The extraordinarily rough punctation on the pronotal disc will distinguish the members of this species from congeners. The genus Pujoliclerus PIC was revised in 2014 ( OPITZ 2014d ). D e s c r i p t i o n: Size: Length 4.5 mm ; width 1.7 mm . Form: As in Fig. 347 . Color: Cranium mostly testaceous, frons and epicranium black; antenna black; pterothorax and abdomen brown; elytra mostly brown, epipleural margin testaceous; legs mostly yellow, prothoracic tibiae brown; prothoracic and metathoracic tarsi brown, metathoracic tibiae yellow. Head: Cranium coarsely punctate; antenna ( Fig. 20 ) capitate, funicular antenno- meres shorter to capitulum; capitular antennomeres 8 and 9 triangular, antennomere 10 ovoid; eyes large, coarsely facetted, eye as wide as frons (EW/FW 25/25). Thorax: Pronotum ( Fig. 141 ) slightly transverse (PW/PL 80/73), disc coarsely punctate, lateral tubercles well developed; elytra sculptured with 10 striae of asetiferous punctures (EL/EW 190/55). Abdomen: Pygidium scutiform. N a t u r a l H i s t o r y: The available specimens were collected during October. D i s t r i b u t i o n: This species is known from Bolivia . E t y m o l o g y: The trivial name, sentus , is a Latin name with a meaning of "rough"; with reference to the very rough surface on the pronotal disc.