New data on geometroid moths (Lepidoptera: Geometroidea: Uraniidae and Geometridae) from Sakhalin and Moneron islands with notes on their taxonomy distribution and ecology Author Beljaev, Еvgeniy A. Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia. Author Titova, Olga L. Sakhalin Territory Department of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, Sakhalinskaya oblast, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia. text Zootaxa 2023 2023-11-08 5369 1 1 41 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5369.1.1 1175-5326 10147411 B39D176D-381C-4F77-8A5F-F7992335930D Dysstroma citrata (Linnaeus) , ab. ( Fig. 43 ) Dysstroma korbi , nec (Heydemann): Beljaev & Mironov 2019: 261 ( Sakhalin ); Beljaev & Mironov 2019 ; Vasilenko & Dubatolov 2021: 258 (Yasnomorskoe);? Kurina 2022g : GBIF occurrence 3023181481 (Juzno-Sahhalinsk). Material examined. 1 ♂, S Kholmsk, 01.VIII.2017 . Remarks. The erroneous report of D. korbi from Sakhalin ( Beljaev & Mironov 2019 ) was based on the dark specimen with a postmedial line going similar to that in this species. However, subsequent dissection of the genitalia showed their similarity to those in D. citrata . The report of “ D. korbi ” from Sakhalin by Vasilenko & Dubatolov (2021) is also based on a misidentification of D. citrata (personal communication by S.V. Vasilenko). In the GBIF, an indication of “ D. korbi ” from Sakhalin is based on the specimen kept in the IZBE Entomological collection ( Kurina 2022f ), taken 12.VIII. 1975 in Juzno-Sakhalinsk. However, this report needs to be revised as D. korbi was never mentioned from Sakhalin by Viidalepp in his publications. Thus, for now D. korbi has to be excluded from the fauna of Sakhalin . Generally, high similarity in the wing pattern and the shape of genitalia in the genus Dysstroma Hübner , accompanied with its high polymorphism lead to numerous misidentifications. Some of them concerning the East Asian fauna were discussed by Beljaev (2016: 618–619) . In particular, the nominal taxon Cidaria nyiwonis Matsumura, 1925 was revised as a subspecies of Dysstroma infuscata nyiwonis ( Matsumura, 1925 ) , leading to the name Dysstroma citrata conformalis (Prout, 1937) ( Prout 1934 –1939) being restored from a synonymy with C. nyiwonis ( Beljaev 2016: 620 ) . In appearance the discussed male from Sakhalin well corresponds to “ Dysstroma citrata nyiwonis ” (= D. c. conformalis ) of Japanese authors ( Inoue 1982a: 484 , 1982b : pl. 73, figs 20–25; Nakajima & Yazaki 2011: 276 , figs 1-060-7—1-060-11). However, the illustrated female genitalia of this subspecies ( Nakajima & Yazaki 2011 : Fig.Nsha11-2) differ from those of D. citrata and are similar to those of Dysstroma dentifera (Warren) pictured by Heydemann (1929 , Taf. 9, Fig. 81a). On the other hand, “ D. infuscata ” of Japanese authors, judging from the images of the moths ( Inoue 1982b , pl. 73, figs 15–19; Nakajima & Yazaki 2011 , figs 1-060- 1—1-060-6) and the female genitalia ( Nakajima & Yazaki 2011 , Fig.Nsha11-3, Fig.Nsha11-4), is qite similar to the typical Far Eastern moths of D. citrata . Thus, East Asian taxa from the D. citrata species-group need to be carefully revised. To avoid possible errors in identification, it should be noted that in Nakajima & Yazaki (2011) the photos of the female genitalia on Fig.Nsha11-5 and Fig.Nsha11-6 (page 276), captioned as “ D. korbi ”, well correspond to the genitalia of D. citrata .