Revision of the Lima clade (Miconia sect. Lima, Miconieae, Melastomataceae) of the Greater Antilles Author Majure, Lucas C. Department of Research, Conservation and Collections, Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Arizona 85008 USA & Department of Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611 - 8525 USA & Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611 - 0575 USA Author Becquer, Eldis R. Jardin Botanico Nacional, Universidad de La Habana, La Habana, Cuba Author Judd, Walter S. Department of Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611 - 8525 USA & Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611 - 0575 USA text PhytoKeys 2016 2016-10-13 72 1 99 journal article 1314-2003-72-1 5F33FFACFFB63C30D312A91E0773C435 160527 13. Miconia lima (Desr.) M. Gomez , Anales Hist. Nat. 23: 69. 1894. Figs 18 , 19A-C , 20A-E Melastoma lima Desr., Encycl. [Lamarck et al.] 4: 47. 1797. Type: [HAITI]. St. Domingue, M. Martin s.n. (lectotype: MPU! [MPU013839], designated here). Clidemia lima (Desr.) DC., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 3: 161. 1828. Type: Based on Melastoma lima Desr. Sagraea lima (Desr.) Naudin, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. ser . 3, 18: 99. 1852. Type: Based on Melastoma lima Desr. Calycogonium lima (DC.) Griseb., Cat. Pl. Cub. [Grisebach] 95. 1866. Type: Based on Melastoma lima Desr. Ossaea lima (Desr.) Triana, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 28: 147. 1871-1872. Type: Based on Melastoma lima Desr. Leandra lima (Desr.) Judd & Skean, Bull. Florida Mus., Biol. Sci. 36: 61. 1991. Type: Based on Melastoma lima Desr. Ossaea lima (Desr.) Triana var. grandifolia Cogn., Monogr. Phan. [A.DC. & C.DC.] 7: 1061. 1891. Type: [DOMINICAN REPUBLIC]. "In Santo Domingo, in summo Isabel de la Torre", H.F.A. von Eggers 2743 (lectotype: BR! [BR0000013239701], designated here). Ossaea lima (Desr.) Triana var. ovalifolia Cogn., Symb. Antill. (Urban) 7: 531. 1913. Type: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. La Vega. Jarabacoa, 650 m, June 1912, M. Fuertes 1625 (lectotype: BR! [BR0000025284560], designated here; isotypes: BR! [BR0000025284553], CAS [CAS0003715], F! [F1022644], GH! [GH00073117], K! [K000329541], NY! [NY00099702], US! [US00123691]). Type . Based on Melastoma lima Desr. Description. Evergreen shrub, 1.5-5 m tall; stems round in cross section, not ridged, the internodes 0.3-6.3 cm long, stem indumentum of granulate to long, attenutate bulla-based hairs to 1.5 mm long, these ascending, appressed; nodal line present. Leaves opposite, decussate, elliptic to slightly obovate, 0.7-5.7 x 0.42-3.2 cm, slightly anisophyllous, apex acute, acuminate or obtuse, base acute to rounded, venation acrodromous, 5-veined, the midvein and 2 pairs of arching secondary veins, the outermost sometimes intramarginal, secondary veins mostly basal to suprabasal, the innermost pair suprabasal, produced 0.5-10 mm from leaf base, positioned 1.2-6 mm in from margin at widest point of blade, tertiary veins percurrent, more or less perpendicular to midvein, 1.4-3.9 mm apart at midleaf, intertertiary veins present, tertiary veins often joined by quaternary veins; adaxial leaf surface densely covered in well-developed bulla-based hairs, these covering the leaf areoles, widest hair bases to 2.7 mm, apices of bulla-based hairs mostly erect to recurved towards to the leaf margin, young leaf adaxial surface producing long-stemmed, clavate-dentritic hairs along the primary, secondary, and tertiary veins from glandular hairs produced along the primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary veins between the bulla-based hairs; abaxial leaf surface covered in bulla-based hairs, these erect to spreading, oftentimes ascending along the primary and secondary veins, those along the primary, secondary, and tertiary veins larger than hairs produced throughout the lamina, the lamina visible to nearly obscured, lamina appearing as a series of pits from depressions of the bulla-based hairs produced from the upper leaf surface, sessile, glandular hairs produced throughout the lamina and along all primary, secondary and tertiary veins; petioles 0.3-2.1 cm long, covered in ascending, bulla-based hairs on both surfaces, those on the adaxial surface slightly longer. Inflorescences terminal, 5-43 flowered cymes, 1.9-6.5 x 1-6 cm, the peduncle absent to 2.5 cm long, proximal inflorescence branches 3-23 mm long; bracts oblong to ovate with an attenuate apex, 1.3-2.7 mm long; bracteoles 0.8-2.2 x 0.2-0.6 mm, narrowly ovate with an attenuate apex, glabrous or with a few bulla-based hairs. Flowers 4-5-merous, with pedicels to 0.9 mm long; hypanthium 2-3.3 mm long, short-oblong to globose, 4-5-lobed, but lobing mostly obscured by bulla-based hairs, slightly constricted below the torus, free portion of the hypanthium 0.5-1 mm long, abaxial surface covered in bulla-based hairs from 0.8-1.6 mm long, and occasional, sessile, glandular hairs near the bases of the bulla-based hairs; adaxial surface (i.e., free portion) covered in small, bulla-based hairs; calyx teeth 1.2-3.2 x 0.3-0.6 mm, ascending, spreading or deflexed, covered in bulla-based hairs; calyx lobes 1-1.5 x 1.5-2 mm, more or less triangular, apex acute to obtuse, covered in bulla-based hairs abaxially and sessile, sparse, glandular hairs, and occasionally, clavate-dendritic hairs adaxially; calyx tube not tearing, 0.3-0.7 mm long with bulla-based hairs abaxially and sessile, glandular hairs adaxially, clavate-dendritic hairs often produced at the tube apex; petals 4-5, red to pink or pinkish-red, elliptic, 3-4.3 x 1.9-2.6 mm, with an acute apex and slightly membranous margin, with one or two slightly bulla-based hairs produced abaxially, just below the apex, often two bulla-based hairs nearly identical and appearing as one hair with a cordate base, to 1.5 mm long; stamens 8-10; filaments 1.2-2.1 mm long, glabrous, anthers 1.4-1.9 mm long, with one dorsally oriented pore, anther thecae 1.1-1.6 mm long, anthers with a dorso-basal appendage 0.25-0.4 mm long; style 4.7-4.9 mm long, glabrous, slightly dilated in the middle, collar absent, style subtended by a crown of multicellular, elongate-triangular (needle-like) hairs, which are slightly longer than the surrounding bulla-based hairs of the ovary apex, stigma punctate; ovary 1.5-2.5 x 2.3-3.4 mm, apex flat, pubescent with bulla-based hairs, except for the linear or elongate-triangular hairs forming crown, placentation axile with deeply intruded placenta, 4-5-locular; berries globose, 4-5-lobed, purple to purple-black at maturity, 2-3.5 mm long (including calyx tube), 2-3.5 x 3-4.1 mm wide, seeds 0.6-0.8 mm long, obpyramidal, testa smooth, light brown, raphe light brown, smooth, extending the length of the seed. Figure 18. Miconia lima . A habit ( Ekman H1635 ) B flower ( Judd 6587 ) C petal side view ( Clase 935 ) D petal adaxial surface ( Judd 6587 ) E stamen ( Howard 12300 ) F fruit longitudinal section ( Judd 5172 ) G fruit ( Holdridge 1404 ) H seed ( Judd 5172 ). Figure 19. Photos of Miconia lima ( A-C ) and Miconia limoides . ( D-G ). A habit and adaxial leaf surface of Miconia lima , also with immature inflorescences ( Majure 5983 ) B flowering branch of Miconia lima showing dark pink petals ( Majure 6020 ) C fruiting branch of Miconia lima with dark purple fruit ( Majure 6036 ) D vegetative material of Miconia limoides showing habit ( Majure 5959 ) E fruting branch of Miconia limoides also showing reflexed stem hairs ( Majure 5958 ) F flower of Miconia limoides (frontal view) showing pink petals and radially disposed stamens G typical compact inflorescence and side view of flower of Miconia limoides showing pink style and expanded middle portion of style ( F-G from Majure 5959 ). All photos taken by L.C. Majure. Figure 20. Photos of Miconia lima ( A-E ) and Miconia pagnolensis ( F ). A Miconia lima from Massif de la Selle, Haiti showing habit and ascending stem hairs ( Majure 4334 ) B expanded infloresence and flowers showing whitish-pink petals (Sierra de Bahoruco, DR; Skean 4312 ), C-E ) "Monteada Nueva" form of Miconia lima from the Dominican Republic C habit, inflorescence structure and stem showing ascending hairs ( Majure 5960 ) D flower with dark pink petals showing an thers with a dorso-basal appendage and immature fruit with pinkish calyx lobes E leaf adaxial surface and stem with ascending hairs ( D-E from Judd 8083 ) F Miconia pagnolensis sp. nov. from the type specimen showing habit and bulla-based hairs of the adaxial leaf surface ( Timyan 27 ). Photos A and C taken by L.C. Majure, B by J.D. Skean, Jr., D-E by W.S. Judd and F by J. Timyan. Phenology. Miconia lima has been collected in flower and fruit from Februrary throught November. Distribution (Fig. 21 ). Miconia lima is the most widespread species of all of the members of the Lima clade occurring widely throughout Hispaniola on almost all mountain ranges from 550 to 2000 m in elevation. It is known from the Massif de la Selle, Massif du Cahos, and Massif de Matheux in Haiti and the Sierra de Baoruco, Sierra de Neiba, Cordillera Central and Cordillera Septentrional in the Domincan Republic (Fig. 22 ). Miconia lima was cited by Alain (1957) as occurring on Cuba, based on a misidentification of the Cuban species Miconia tentaculicapitata ( Linden 2102 ; BR, K, P, see above). Grisebach (1866) cited Wright 189 as Miconia lima ; this collection is actually referable to Miconia cubana , a Cuban species (see under Miconia cubana ). Figure 21. Distribution of Miconia marigotiana (closed star), Miconia lima (closed circles), Miconia pedunculata (open circles) and Miconia pagnolensis sp. nov. (open star). Figure 22. Miconia pedunculata ( A-E ) and Miconia limoides ( F-H ). A habit of Miconia pedunculata ( Pimentel 806 ) B bracteole ( Zanoni 40212 ) C flower ( Judd 6633 ) D petal abaxial surface ( Zanoni 28291 ) E stamen ( Zanoni 28291 ) F petal abaxial surface of Miconia limoides ( Zanoni 18900 ) G stamen ( Zanoni 18900 ) H fruit longitudinal section ( Ekman 9579 ). Ecology. Miconia lima occurs in moist tropical broadleaf or mixed broadleaf-pine, cloud forests ( Pinus occidentalis ) ranging in elevation from 550-2000 m on limestone-derived soils. The species can be found with Miconia limoides in Massif de la Selle, Haiti and Sierra de Baoruco (Monteada Nueva), Dominican Republic and co-occurs with Miconia paralimoides in parts of the Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic. Miconia lima also occurs with Calycogonium turbinatum Urb. & Ekman, Mecranium septentrionale Skean, Meriania involucrata Naudin, Miconia capillaris (Sw.) M. Gomez , Miconia ferruginea DC., Miconia hispidula (Cogn.) Judd et al. (Loma Isabel de Torres, Dominican Republic), Miconia dielsiana Urb., Miconia jimenezii Judd & R.S.Beaman, Miconia punctata (Desr.) D.Don, Miconia septentrionalis Judd & R.Beaman, Miconia tetrastoma Naudin, Miconia lanceolata DC., Miconia nanophylla Judd et al., Miconia scalpta (Vent.) Ionta et al., Miconia subcompressa Urb. and Miconia zanonii Judd et al. See Ciferri (1936) for more information about the species occurrence and associate species in the Cordillera Septentrional (Pico Diego de Ocampo). Conservation status. Miconia lima is the most widespread species of the Lima clade on Hispaniola and does not appear to be in any immediate danger from anthro pogenic disturbance in most parts of its range. However, localized populations are likely under intense pressure from forest clearing for farming and charcoal production in Haiti (e.g., Massif de la Selle) and the Dominican Republic, so we consider the species as vulnerable. Discussion. Miconia lima forms part of the Miconia lima species complex comprised of Miconia lima , Miconia limoides , Miconia marigotiana , Miconia ottoschmidtii , Miconia paralimoides , Miconia pedunculata and Miconia phyrnosomaderma . Miconia lima is perhaps the most taxonomically complex species of the entire Lima clade. The species varies greatly throughout its range but shows geographic cohesion in morphological features, i.e., plants from specific geographic regions can be distinguished from those of other regions. For instance, populations from Massif de la Selle, Haiti tend to have smaller leaves than other populations, and populations in the Cordillera Septentrional, Dominican Republic have longer calyx teeth than most other populations of the species. Populations in the Monteada Nueva region of the Dominican Republic show potential introgession with Miconia limoides , as they have spreading to spreading-ascending stem hairs (instead of strongly ascending stem hairs), strongly angular, bulla-based hairs on the adaxial leaf surface, and dense, bulla-based hairs on the abaxial leaf surface, mostly or nearly obscuring the lamina, as in Miconia limoides (e.g., Howard 12300 , Judd 5183, 8083 , Liogier 11661 , Majure 5960 , Zanoni 18919, 30470, 38638 ; see Fig. 26A-C ). Miconia lima also potentially hybridizes with Miconia paralimoides in the Cordillera Central (see under Miconia paralimoides ). Populations of Miconia lima from the Loma Quita Espuela region of the Cordillera Septentrional, Dominican Republic are unique within the species in having densely long- shaggy pubescent stems (with hairs to 2.8 mm long), inflorescence axes, and hypanthia, as well as adaxial leaf surfaces with well-developed bulla-based hairs with long, attenuate apices and calyx teeth up to 5 mm long (i.e., Abbott 2184 , Garcia 5222 ). Partial DNA sequence data from an herbarium specimen ( Garcia 5222 ) from this population exhibited synapomorphies with other accessions of Miconia lima , and in general, northeasternmost populations of Miconia lima in the Domincan Republic tend to have larger leaves and longer hairs on all surfaces of the plant and fall within the morphological limits of Cogniaux's Ossaea lima var. grandifolia from Loma Isabel de Torres, which we treat as a synonym under a broadly circumscribed Miconia lima . Thus, although the Loma Quita Espuela populations are somewhat morphologically divergent from most other populations of Miconia lima , we consider them as representing morphologically differentiated, geographically centered populations, which are not clearly diagnosable from others of Miconia lima . However, it is certainly possible that more molecular and mophological work on those populations might show them to be distinct from Miconia lima . Specimens examined. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC : Prov. Baoruco . Sierra de Neiba , Norte del poblado Apolinar Perdomo cerca del limite con la Prov. San Juan , Monte Bonito ; 18°35'N , 71°24'O , 31 Mar 1994 , Garcia 5521 (FLAS, JBSD); Loma del Pavo , Baoruco , 1500 m , 26-27 Jul 1973 , Liogier 19769 (NY). Prov. Barahona . La Hotte , between La Cueva and Placer Bonita , alt. 3500-5000 ft , 1 Aug 1950 , Howard 12300 (A, S, US); Sierra de Baoruco , Monteada Nueva , near Polo , 1400-1425 m , 28 May 1986 , Judd 5183 (F, FLAS, JBSD, NY); Monteada Nueva Region , S on Cabral-Polo Road , then 5.9 km SE on "riverbed road" and ca. 0.15 km more on turn-off toward Monteada Nueva (peak is Loma Trocha de Pey ), 18°6'51"N , - 71°14'5"W , 1330 m , 31 May 2006 , Judd 8083 (FLAS, JBSD); Monteada Nueva , "Cana Brava" S of Cabral Cloud Forest , 1300 m , 15 Jun 1968 , Liogier 11661 (NY); Sierra de Bahoruco , Municipio Polo , Monteada Nueva , lugar denominado Cortico ; 18.11419°N , - 71.23479°W ; 1407 m , 2 Feb 2016 , Majure 5960 (DES, FLAS, JBSD, NY); Sierra de Bahoruco , Prov. Barahona , Municipio Polo , Monteada Nueva , lugar denominado Monte Jo ; 18.16822°N , - 71.28043°W ; 1650 m , 2 Feb 2016 , Majure 5963 (DES, FLAS, JBSD, NY); Sierra de Baoruco , 4 km arriba en el pueblecito rural de Entrada de Cortico , en el camino El Gajo ( Monteada Nueva ), 18°07.5'N , - 71°13.5'W , 4100-4200 ft , 19 Jan 1982 , Zanoni 18919 (FLAS, JBSD, MO, NY); Sierra de Baoruco , en la cima de Morne La Jo ; 18°18'N , - 71°17'O , 1550-1600 m , 5 Jun 1984 , Zanoni 30470 (FLAS, JBSD, NY); Sierra de Baoruco , Loma "Pie Pol" ( Pie de Palo ) de La Guasara de Barahona ; 18°10'N , - 71°12'O , 1250 m , 25 Mar 1987 , Zanoni 38638 (FLAS, JBSD); Prov. Duarte . San Francisco de Macoris , 400-1000 m , 5-17 April 1923 , Abbott 2182 (GH, US); San Francisco de Macoris , 400-1000 m , 5-17 April 1922 , Abbott 2184 (NY); Cordillera Septentrional , Reserva Cientifica Loma Quita Espuela , en al lado Noroeste , camino al Valle ; 19°21'N , - 70°10'O , 600 m , 12 Aug 1993 , Garcia 5222 (FLAS, JBSD, MO). Prov. Elias Pina . Cordillera Central , west slope of Loma Nalga de Maco , in clearing called Pinar Claro , along trail from Rio Limpio to the peak, 1650 m , 21 May 1992 , Judd 6587 (FLAS, JBSD, NY); Cordillera Central , Loma Nalga de Maco , entre Pinar Claro y la cima de la loma; 19°13'N , - 71°29'O , 1700-1995 m , 21 May 1992 , Santana 956 (FLAS, JBSD). Prov. Espaillat . Cordillera Septentrional , Moca , lado N de la Loma El Mogote , 19°29.5'N , - 70°29'O , 950 m , 12 Aug 1986 , Garcia 1511 (FLAS, JBSD, MO, NY, S, US); Limestone crest, Jamao , Moca , La Cumbre , 700-800 m , 17 May 1969 , Liogier 15401 (GH, NY, US); Cordillera Septentrional , en la cima de la loma El Magote , aprox. 9 km al NE de Moca ; 19°29'N , - 70°29'O , 940-960 m , 30 Jul 1986 , Zanoni 36959 (FLAS, JBSD, MO, NY, S); Cordillera Septentrional , al este del Paso , La Cumbre , el paso entre Moca y Jamao al Norte ; 19°30'N , - 70°30'O , 800 m , 17 Feb 1987 , Zanoni 38327 (FLAS, JBSD, MO, NY, S). Prov. Hermanas Mirabal . Cordillera Septentrional , Tenares , Distrito Municipal de Blanco Arriba , paraje La Jibara , en los Mogotes del Penon , 19°30'56"N , - 70°19'55"O , 626 m , 21 Feb 2001 , Veloz 2401 (JBSD). Prov. Independencia . Sierra de Neiba , municipio La Descubierta , en la Loma del 15, subiendo por la carretera International , 18°41'N , - 71°47'W , 1900-2000 m , 15 Dec 2000 , Clase 2651 (FLAS, JBSD); Sierra de Neiba , La Descubierta , paraje Sabana Real , 18°38'N , - 71°48'O , 1800-2000 m , 19 Jul 2002 , Clase 3274 (FLAS, JBSD, MO); Sierra de Neiba , International Hwy., ca. 33.7 km N of La Descubierta on road to Los Doscientos and Hondo Valle , ca. 1800 m , 30 May 1986 , Judd 5194 (F, FLAS, JBSD, MO, S, US); Sierra de Neiba , near La Doscientos , Hondo Valle , 1750-1850 m , 5-7 Sept 1968 , Liogier 12525 (NY); 5-6 km NNW of Angel Feliz , crest and S of crest of Sierra Neiba , 18°41'N , - 71°47'W , 15 Oct 1991 , Sierra de Neiba , 1500 m , 24-26 Mar 1975 , Liogier 22668 (UCMM); Sierra de Neiba , Municipio La Descubierta , comunidad Sabana Real , yendo desde Loma del 15 hacia La 204, carretera Internacional ; 18.68394°N , 71.78865°W ; 1901 m , 5 Feb 2016 , Majure 6007 (DES, FLAS, JBSD, NY); Sierra de Bahoruco National Park , El Cielo , 8°07'57"N , - 72°40'10.9"W , 1520 m , 2 June 2006 , Skean 4312 (FLAS); 5-6 km NNW of Angel Feliz , crest and S of crest of Sierra de Neiba , 18-41N, -71-47W, 1770-1800 m , 15 Oct 1991 , Thompson 9728 (FLAS); Sierra de Baoruco , en Charco de la Paloma , 37.4 km al sur de Puerto Escondido en el camino a Aceitillar y continuando en el camino a Aguacate , 18°12'N , - 71°32'O , 1810 m , 19 Mar 1985 , Zanoni 33924 (FLAS, JBSD, NY); Sierra de Neiba , ladera occidental de la Loma El Hoyazo , entre el Puesto Militar 204 y el Monumento km 204 en la Carretera Internacional (al sur de Aniseto Martinez ); 18°41'N , - 71°47'O , 1856 m , 15 Jul 1987 , Zanoni 39899 (FLAS, JBSD, MO, NY). Prov. La Vega . gorge of Arroyo de la Sal , above the Jimenoa Dam , Jarabacoa , 900 m , 19 Jun 1968 , Liogier 11758 (NY, US); Cordillera Central , Municipio Constanza , Valle Nuevo , en la calle subiendo hacia Pinar Parejo ; 18.85540°N , - 70.72659°W ; 1692 m , 7 Feb 2016 , Majure 6020 (DES, FLAS, JBSD, NY). Prov. Pedernales . Sierra de Baoruco , Carretera Internacional , 2024007N, 212375E, 2 Apr 2003 , Clase 3512 (FLAS, JBSD); Sierra de Baoruco , Parque Nacional Sierra de Baoruco , Distrito Municipal Jose Francisco Pena Gomez , Comunidad Los Arroyos , Carretera International , entrada Ladera del Sur , parche de vegetacion justo despues del letrero del parque; 18.25557°N , - 71.74443°W ; 1628 m , 4 Feb 2016 , Majure 5983 (DES, FLAS, JBSD, NY); Sierra de Baoruco , 38 km Sur de Duverge , 0.5 km Sur de Aguacate , en la Carretera Internacional a Los Arroyos y Pedernales , 18°18'N , - 71°42.5'O , 1550-1600 m , 18 Aug 1983 , Zanoni 26574 (FLAS, JBSD, NY). Prov. Puerto Plata . Cordillera Septentrional , Loma Isabel de Torres , en el casquete de la cima, cara este de la loma; 18°45.2'N , - 70°42.5'O , 700-800 m , 23 Sep 1997 , F. Jimenez 2302 (FLAS, JBSD); Loma Isabel de Torres Peak , 775 m , 30 Jun 1963 , J. Jimenez 4778 (FLAS, UCMM, US); Cordillera Septentrional , Pico Diego de Ocampo , above and NW of Piche , 1140 m , 25 May 1986 , Judd 5171 (F, FLAS, JBSD, NY); Cordillera Septentrional , Pico Diego de Ocampo , above and NW of Piche , 1170-1250 m , 25 May 1986 , Judd 5172 (F, FLAS, JBSD, NY, S, US); El Penon , La Cumbre , Cordillera de Yaroa , 900 m , 2 May 1968 , Liogier 11049 (NY, US); El Penon , La Cumbre , Cordillera de Yaroa , 2 May 1968 , ca. 900 m , Liogier 11072 (NY); Cordillera de Yaroa , facing the Yaroa Valley , 800-850 m , 11 May 1968 , Liogier 11209 (US); Cordillera de Yaroa , near the trail to Arroyo del Toro , 800-850 m , 28-29 June 1968 , Liogier 11861 (NY, US); Sierra de Yaroa , Arroyo del Toro , 850-900 m , 29 Aug 1968 , Liogier 12389 (NY); Loma Isabel de Torres , 700-800 m , 25 Mar 1969 , Liogier 14582 (GH, NY, US); Cordillera Septentrional , Loma Isabel de Torres , cima de El Teleferico ; 19.76345°N , - 70.71097°W ; 786 m , 10 Feb 2016 , Majure 6036 (DES, FLAS, JBSD, NY); Cordillera Septentrional , Pico Diego de Ocampo , ca. 1200 m , 25 May 1986 , Skean 1804 (FLAS, JBSD); Cordillera Septentrional , Loma Diego de Ocampo , 19°34'47"N , - 70°44'42"O , 3 Jul 2000 , Skean 4116 (FLAS, JBSD). Prov. Puerto Plata / Santiago . Cordillera Septentrional , Loma Diego de Ocampo , 15 aereo-km Node la ciudad de Santiago ; 19°35'N , - 70°45'O , 1249 m , 4 Mar 1983 , Zanoni 25575 (FLAS, JBSD, MO, NY). Prov. San Juan . La Rucilla , 1800-2000 m , 15 Aug 1968 , Liogier 12144 (NY, US); La Rucilla , Cordillera Central , 1800-2000 m , 15 Aug 1968 , Liogier 12165 (NY). Prov. San Juan / Azua . Cordillera Central , Parque Nacional Ramirez , en el sendero entre Los Frios ( de Los Montes Frios ), 18°53'N , - 70°58'O y el Valle de Tetero 18°59'N , -70°65'O, 1400-2100 m , 22 Jun 1988 , Zanoni 41528 (FLAS, JBSD). Prov. Santiago . Diego de Ocampo Peak , 1249 m , 1 Jun 2004 , Acevedo-Rodriguez 14224 (US); Cordillera Central , Municipio San Jose de las Matas , Paraje Mata Grande , Parque A. Bermudez , loma del Oro , 22 Apr 1999 , Clase 935 (FLAS, JBSD); Cordillera Central , Municipio de San Jose de Las Matas , seccion Diferencia , Paraje Diferencia , en Loma de la Guajaca , Parque A. Bermudez , parte arriba del Rio Amina , 1030 m , 16 Jul 1999 , Clase 1413 (FLAS, JBSD); Cordillera Septentrional , El Cerrazo , ca. 700 m , 20 Feb 1930 , Ekman H14310 (A, NY, S, US); Cordillera Septentrional, Santiago , top of Loma Diego de Ocampo , ca. 1250 m , 19 Jul 1929 , Ekman H13230 (S); Igua, 960 m , 13 Aug 1946 , J. Jimenez 1214 (UCMM, US); Santiago . top of Pico Diego de Ocampo , 1220 m , 3 Sep 1960 , J. Jimenez 4546 (FLAS, UCMM); summit of Pico Diego, Diego de Ocampo (above Pinche ), 1220 m , 17 May 1976 , Judd 1510 (A); near summit of Pico Diego de Ocampo , above Pinche , 1175 m , 17 May 1976 , Judd 1528 (A, NY); Loma del Oro , about 5 mi S of Mata Grande , 1200-1400 m , 4 Jun 1968 , Liogier 11529 (NY); slopes of Diego de Ocampo Peak , 1100-1200 m , 17 Sep 1968 , Liogier 12697 (NY); between Guacara and Guacarita rivers, La Guacara Arriba tributary of Bao River , Cordillera Central, 1200-1400 m , 5-9 Nov 1968 , Liogier 13440 (NY); Arroyo del Toro , Tamboril, 800 m , 20 Feb 1965 , Jimenez & Marcano 5132 (NY, UCMM, US); Cordillera Central, 16-17 km al SO de Pedregal de San Jose de las Matas, en Mata Grande en las margenes del Rio Sape Malo al NO de la caseta de la Direccion Nacional al Parques; 19°14'N , - 70°58'O , 28 Jun 1988 , Pimentel 1062 (FLAS, JBSD, NY, S, US); Cordillera Septentrional, Loma Diego de Ocampo , 15 aereo-km al NO de la ciudad de Santiago , 19°35'N , - 70°45'O , 1249 m , 10 Oct 1987 , Zanoni 40576 (FLAS, JBSD, NY); Cordillera Septentrional, Loma Diego de Ocampo , 13 km por aire al NorO de Santiago , en la ladera del norte, 19°35'N , 70°44.5'O , 1180-1250 m , 7 Jun 1989 , Zanoni 42462 (FLAS, JBSD, NY); Valverde-Santiago. Cordillera Septentrional, sobre Loma El Murazo ; 19°41'N , - 70°58'O , 1083 m , 18 Dec 1984 , Zanoni 32764 (FLAS, JBSD, NY) . HAITI : Dept. du Centre . Massif de Cahos , group Las Caobas , Belladere , Morne Lagoune-Ibere , ca. 1350 m , 22 Feb 1926 , Ekman H 5620 (S). Dept. de l'Oeste . Massif de la Selle , Petionville , top of Morne Tranchant , 1700-1920 m , 28 Jul 1924 , Ekman H 1161 (EHH n.v., GH, NY, S, US); Massif de la Selle , Morne Cabaio , Jardins Bois Pin , 1900 m , 25 Aug 1924 , Ekman H 1635 (EHH n.v., IJ, S); Massif de la Selle , Petionville , Morne Tranchant , ca. 1750 m , 1 Jun 1928 , Ekman H10014 (EHH n.v., NY); Massif de Matheux , l'Arcahaie , Morne Delpech, ca. 1400 m , 14 Nov 1927 , Ekman H 9319 (A, IJ, S); [ Massif de la Selle ], Gros Cheval, Mornes de Commissaires , 1500 m , 9 Aug 1942 , Holdridge 1404 (F, MICH, MO, NY, US); Massif de la Selle , Morne Teleco, 2.8 km NW of Furcy , 2.4 km W of Obleon , 1.5 km SW of Kenskoff , 18.443286°N , - 72.294033°W , 1677-1700 m , 18 Jan 2013 , Majure 4334 (EHH, FLAS, NY, US). Dept. du Sud-Est . Massif de la Selle , Marigot, Jardins Bois Pin, 1800 m , 25 Aug 1924 , Ekman H 1635 (GH, US) .