A revision of Sagriva (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Dinidoridae) Author Rédei, Dávid text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2017 2017-06-30 57 1 73 95 https://www.aemnp.eu/acta-entomologica/volume-57-1/1664/a-revision-of-sagriva-hemiptera-heteroptera-dinidoridae.html journal article 10.1515/aemnp-2017-0059 0374-1036 5754354 Sagriva banna sp. nov. ( Figs 9–12 , 18–21 , 28–31 , 38–40 , 43–48 , 50 , 53–55 ) Type locality. China : Yunnan , Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Mengla County, Wangtianshu Nature Reserve, 21°37 39.9 N 101°35 16.9 E . Type material. HOLOTYPE : , “CHINA: Yunnan , Xishuangbanna \ Mengla , Wangtianshu Nat.Reserve \ 21°37’39.9”N 101°35’16.9”E \ 710 m , 1.viii.2012 , leg. D. Rédei ”, [a label with the same information but in Chinese ], “singled from unidentified \ cucurbitacean climbing plant”; mounted on card, intact; deposited at NKUM ( Figs 9–10 ) . PARATYPES : CHINA : YUNNAN : same labels as those of the holotype ( 1 NKUM ) ( Figs 28–31 , 38–40 , 43–48 ) ; Yunnan Province Xishuangbanna \ Mengla County Menglunzhen Meng \ Yuan Village Nangongshan 1000M \ 2010-VIII-13 Zhao Qing” [in Chinese script] ( 1 NKUM ) ( Figs 11–12 ) ; Yunnan Province Xishuangbanna \ Mengla County Menglunzhen Man \ Lun Village Nanping 845M \ 2010-VIII-14 Dang Kai” [in Chinese script] ( 1 NKUM ) ; “CHINA: Yunnan , Xishuangbanna \ Mengla , Wangtianshu Nat. Reserve \ 21°37’39.9”N 101°35’16.9”E \ 710 m , 27.ix.2012 , leg. D. Rédei ”, [a label with the same information but in Chinese ], “singled from unidentified \ Cucurbitaceae climbing \ on low shrub” ( 1 HNHM ) ; “CHINA: Yunnan Province \ Xishuangbanna State :\ Mengla Co. , \ 1.5km E to Shangyong \ 6/X/2013 M.L. Jeng leg.\ by light trap ”, “ NMNS ENT \ 7264/369” ( 1 NMNS ) ; same locality label, “ NMNS ENT \ 7264/368” ( 1 NMNS ) ; 2012-VIII-5 \ Yunnan Menghai County Meng’a Township \ Xu Jishan, Chang Lingxiao \ Hebei University Museum” [in Chinese script] ( 1 HBUM ) . VIETNAM : YEN BAI PROV.: “VIETNAM, Yen Bai Prov. , Mu \ Cang Chai Distr. , Che Tao \ commune, Mu Cang Chai \ Species & Habitats Cons.Area , \ 21.7641ºN 104.0430ºE ,”, “around Cong Troi ( Gate to \ Heaven ) Pass , 2040 m , upper \ montane evergreen forest, \ swept & hand-collected, \ 24–29.IX.2016 (#11), \ Ottó Merkl & Phu Pham Van” ( 4 ♀♀ HNHM , 1 NMPC ) . Additional specimens examined. CHINA : YUNNAN : Xishuangbanna, Mengla, Wangtianshu Nature Reserve, 21°37 39.9 ʺ N 101°35 16.9 ʺ E , 710 m , 27.ix.2012 , singled from unidentified Cucurbitaceae climbing on low shrub, leg. Y. Cui ( 1 , head and thorax preserved in 100% ethanol, abdomen detached and mounted on card, genital and postgenital segments removed and preserved in plastic microvial pinned with the abdomen, both deposited in NKUM ) ( Figs 51–52 ) (not part of the type series). Diagnosis. Sagriva banna sp. nov. conspicuously differs from S. vittata by its much smaller size and uniformly black body ( Figs 9–12 ). The most important differences between the two species are provided in Table 1 . Table 1. Diagnostic characters of Sagriva vittata Spinola, 1850 and S. banna sp. n. other than genitalia. Sagriva vittata Spinola, 1850 Sagriva banna sp. n. Dorsum and venter with contrasting yellow, brown and Dorsum and venter rather uniformly black (Figs 9–12) black pattern (Figs 1–8) Anteocular part of head more elongate, mandibular Anteocular part of head shorter, mandibular plates plates long, their portion anteriorly surpassing clypeus relatively short, their portion anteriorly surpassing distinctly longer than clypeus itself (Figs 13–14) clypeus subequal in length to clypeus itself (Fig. 18)
Antenna thick, segment III slightly more than 4 times Antenna relatively gracile, segment III slightly more
( ) longer than their greatest diameter (Fig. 15) than 7 times ( ) longer than its greatest diameter
(Fig. 19)
Pronotum of brachypterous morph 1.7–1.9 times as Pronotum of brachypterous morph strongly transverse,
broad across humeri as its median length (Fig. 16) 2.35–2.7 times as broad across humeri as its median
length (Fig. 20)
Scutellum of brachypterous morph 1.05–1.2 times as Scutellum of brachypterous morph much shorter, broad at its base as its length along midline, apical 1.35–1.5 times as broad at its base as its length along portion distinctly narrowed, apex relatively narrowly midline, apex very broadly rounded (Fig. 20) rounded (Fig. 16) Fore wing of brachyperous morph about as long as Fore wing of brachyperous morph distinctly shorter scutellum, membrane truncate, forming a narrow, than scutellum, membrane lacking (Fig. 20) subtriangular band at the distal end of corium (Fig. 16) Description. Brachypterous male and female. Colour. Body and appendages nearly uniformly black; most of distiflagellum except a rather broad basal annulus as well as labium reddish brown; base of scutellum with a small yellowish median patch, apical margin also suffused with yellow medially; with a small, inconspicuous yellowish patch surrounding proximal extremity of R+M vein of fore wing; midline of thoracic venter and mesal portions of coxae brownish; abdominal ventrites III–VII each with a pair of small, rounded, somewhat callose yellowish patch surrounding mesal ones of the two pairs of trichobothria; tergite VII ( ) and sternite VII ( , ) posteriorly margined with brown to yellowish. Structure. General aspect as in Figs 9–10 ( ) and 11–12 ( ), body short and broad. Integument dull, without distinct puncturation, rather coriaceous; integument of scape, pedicel, basiflagellum and legs (mainly femora and tibiae) finely granulate; scutellum strongly, coarsely wrinkled transversally. Body nearly glabrous; mandibular plate with a few scattered stiff hairs around its apex; pregenital abdominal venter with a few scattered hairs only, but posterior margin of abdominal sternite VII with several strong, stiff, oblique or adpressed hairs medially; scape, pedicel, basiflagellum and legs with thick, stiff, semierect or oblique hairs, distiflagellum with dense, short, fine, oblique pilosity and several more scattered, longer and thicker, semierect or oblique setae ( Fig. 19 ). Head ( Fig. 18 ) short, 1.35–1.55 times as broad across eyes as its length (measured along midline from its base to an imaginary transverse line connecting apices of mandibular plates); mandibular plates relatively short, their portion anteriorly surpassing clypeus subequal in length to clypeus itself, contiguous anteriad of clypeus, mesal outlines narrowly diverging towards apex, lateral margins distinctly reflexed; anteocular process short, obtuse; vertex with a pair of large but weak sublateral tubercles between eyes delimited by a pair of shallow oblique furrows mesally; eye small, placed on a short peduncle, head 1.40–1.55 times as broad as interocular distance. Antenna ( Fig. 19 ) relatively gracile, pedicel about 9 ( ) or slightly more than 10 times ( ), basiflagellum 6.5–7.5 times ( , ) as long as their greatest diameter respectively. Apex of labium reaching posterior margin of metasternum. Thorax. Pronotum ( Fig. 20 ) subtrapezoid, strongly transverse, 2.35–2.7 times as broad as its median length, anterolateral and humeral angles broadly rounded, anterior margin almost straight, broadly emarginate at middle; with a weakly elevated anteromedian tuberosity; lateral margin weakly concave, almost straight; cicatrices distinct; with a pair of weak submedian impressions posteriad of mesal angles of cicatrices. Scutellum ( Fig. 20 ) short, strongly transverse, about 1.35–1.5 times broader at its base than its median length, apical portion only weakly narrowed, apex broadly rounded. Fore wings ( Fig. 20 ) distinctly shorter than scutellum, slightly longer than broad, strongly reduced, membrane completely lacking, clavus and corium immovably fused but claval furrow still recognizable as a shallow groove. Thoracic pleura and sterna. Meso- and metathoracic venter both with a distinct median groove widened at the middle of both segments, bordered by a pair of thick, tumid, weakly elevated keels. Metathoracic scent gland ostiole with short, spout-like peritreme, evaporatorium extending to mesepimeron and mesepimeroid ( Fig. 21 ). Legs as characteristic for the genus, hind tibia with very weak ( ) or more distinct ( ) subbasal dilation. Figs 49–50. Female terminalia of Sagriva vittata Spinola, 1850 (Fig. 49) and S. banna sp. nov. (Fig. 50) in posterior view. Scale bars in mm. Pregenital abdomen broadly rounded, almost circular in dorsal view, about 0.67 times ( , ) as broad as body length, dorsum weakly, venter strongly convex; spiracles II–VI situated on distinct and large protruberance, spiracle VII on smaller protuberances. External male genitalia ( Figs 28–31 , 38–40 , 43–48 ). Genital capsule ( Figs 28–29 ): outline in most exposed view of its morphological posterior surface almost circular, less elongate than in S. vittata , posteriorly deeply and broadly emarginate medially ( Fig. 28 ); infolding of dorsal rim sharply impressed laterad of dorsal sinus, neighbouring lateral portions provided with short, sparse pilosity; cuplike sclerite as in S. vittata but median projection not emarginate (cf. Fig. 29 ). Paramere ( Figs 30–31 ) kidney-shaped in most exposed view ( Figs 28, 31 ). Phallus : in repose as in Figs 38–39 ; in inflated condition as in Figs 43–44 . Articulatory apparatus ( Fig. 40 ) basically as in S. vittata but narrower, submedian projections of support bridge complex thinner, erection fluid pump smaller; support bridge prolongation not dissected out in order to preserve phallus of the single examined male. Phallotheca posteriorly with an excision somewhat similar to the condition found in S. vittata . Conjunctiva ( Figs 43–44 : con) voluminous, about as long as phallotheca; with a large, saccular, membranous dorsal lobe ( Figs 43, 45 : cp-I) apically subdivided into a pair of short branchlets; with a pair of greatly elongate, strongly sclerotized, flattened, arched, apically rounded lateral processes ( Figs 38–39 , 43–44 : cp-II) bases of which are associated with a pair of elongate sclerites on which support bridge prolongation is attached ( Figs 47–48 : scp-II); without ventral or ventrolateral lobe (cp-III). Aedeagus ( Figs 38 , 43–44 : aed, 47) greatly elongate, about as long as phallotheca, its distalmost portion narrowly protruding from phallotheca in repose (cf. Figs 38–39 ), strongly curved dorsad, directed posterodorsally in inflated condition (cf. Fig. 43 ), with a small, flat, rounded, apically bilobed process at its base ventrally ( Figs 43–44, 46 : vpae); endophallic sperm efferent system forming an arched tube, endophallic reservoir elongate, indistinctly delimited from associated portions of endophallic duct, subdivided into a dorsal and a ventral chamber by a horizontal septum; ductus seminis ( Fig. 47 : ds) directly opens into the ventrobasal lumen; endophallic sperm efferent system consisting of two lumina, its wall distinctly sclerotized and pigmented in its entire length, but outer wall of aedeagus thin, unpigmented, almost membranous; aedeagus somewhat broadened at its extreme apex, forming a dorsal and a ventral lip-like projections, dorsal one larger than ventral. Figs 51–55. External female genitalia of Sagriva vittata Spinola, 1850 (Figs 51–52) and S. banna sp. nov. (Figs 53–55). 51, 53 – terminalia, posterior view, left valvifer VIII opened; 52, 54 – genital and postgenital segments as seen in dorsal view after removal of pregenital abdomen; 55 – proximalmost section of spermathecal duct in dorsal view. Scale bars in mm. Lettering: ar = apical receptacle of spermatheca; cod = common oviduct; dsl = dorsal lobe of spermatheca; fec = fecundation sclerite; gy = gynatrium; lsl = lateral lobe of spermatheca; lt 8 , lt 9 = laterotergite VIII, IX; va 9 = valvula IX; vf 8 , vf 9 = valvifer VIII, IX. External female genitalia ( Figs 50 , 53–55 ). Terminalia ( Figs 50 , 53 ). Tergite VIII transversal, with a pair of distinct submedian impressions, posterior margin broadly rounded, at most insignificantly emarginate at level of lateral margin of laterotergite IX; laterotergite VIII subtriangular, posteromesal angle narrowly rounded; valvifer VIII distinctly longer than broad; laterotergite IX much broader than long, posterior margin rather abruptly broken at level of segment X, with broad transverse impression close to its anterior margin; contralateral valvifers IX fused along midline, greatly membranous, with a pair of transversely directed, elongate sclerites in their posterior walls; valvula IX short, broadly rounded, ramus IX strongly curved and gradually tapering towards apex. Gynatrium ( Fig. 54 : gy) large, saccular, its wall not sclerotized and not pigmented; orifice of spermathecal duct surrounded by a small, lyra- -shaped sclerite (fecundation sclerite) ( Fig. 55 : fec) formed by a pair of thin, arched branches. Spermatheca : proximal section of spermathecal duct relatively short, straight, cross-striated, then bifurcate, both of its distal branches cross-striate; one of the distal branches strongly curved backwards, its diameter about half of that of proximal section, terminated in a large, globose sac; the other distal branch directed towards proximal part of basal section of spermathecal duct, very short and thin (its diameter less than one third of that of proximal section), terminating in a conspicuously short intermediate part with large proximal and distal flanges and a globose apical receptacle; intermediate portion rather uniformly weakly sclerotized, no “flexible zone” can be recognized. Figs 56–57. Distribution of Sagriva vittata Spinola, 1850 (Fig. 56) and S. banna sp. nov. (Fig. 57). Solid circles represent specimens examined during the present study, empty circles unverified literature data. Measurements ( holotype / male paratypes , N = 2 / female paratypes , N = 2) (in mm). Total length 12.2 / 10.8–11.7 / 14.2–14.3, length of head along midline from base to an imaginary transverse line connecting apices of mandibular plates 1.93 / 1.90–1.93 / 2.13–2.32, width across eyes 3.03 / 2.59–2.75 / 3.05–3.16, interocular distance 1.93 / 1.82–1.83 / 2.13–2.13; lengths of antennomeres (greatest diameters in brackets): scape 0.77 (0.42) / 0.72–0.75 (0.34–0.38) / 0.87–0.88 (0.39–0.42), pedicel 2.67 (0.30) / 2.31–2.55 (0.26–0.28) / 3.12–3.16 (0.29–0.31), basiflagellum 1.35 (0.21) / 1.27–1.35 (0.17–0.18) / 1.65–1.68 (0.23–0.23), distiflagellum 1.65 (0.23) /?–1.65 (?–0.21) / 1.85–1.90 (0.23–0.24); lengths of labial segments (I) 1.32 / 1.27–1.32 / 1.38–1.41, (II) 1.72 / 1.54–1.60 / 1.76–1.88, (III) 0.86 / 0.99–1.05 / 0.92–0.97, (IV) 0.83 / 0.77–0.80 / 0.88–0.88; length of pronotum along midline 2.31 / 1.87–2.20 / 2.46–2.47, greatest width 5.39 / 5.01–5.25 / 5.82–5.94, length of scutellum 2.42 / 2.09–2.45 / 2.52–2.57, width across base 3.30 / 2.97–3.37 / 3.77–3.78; greatest width of abdomen 7.98 / 7.15–7.70 / 9.40–9.65. Pterygopolymorphism. Only the short-winged morph is known. Its wing is more strongly reduced than in S. vittata , being distinctly shorter than the scutellum, with immovably fused corium and clavus (but with a recognizable remnant of the claval furrow) and lacking membrane ( Figs 9–12 , 20 ). In spite of the stronger degree of reduction, as the difference from the condition seen in S. vittata is not sharp, the morph is termed “brachypterous” as well. Etymology. The specific epithet banna comes from Banna, the short name of the region Sibsongbanna / Sipsongpanna (in Thai) or Xishuangbanna (in Chinese) where the type locality is located. Noun in apposition, ending not to be changed. Distribution. The species is known from the type locality and two additional nearby localities in Yunnan Province , southwestern China , and from a locality in Yen Bai Province , northerncentral Vietnam ( Fig. 57 ).