Revalidation of Obidosus Roewerı 1913 and description of two new cave-dwelling species of Protimesius Roewerı 1913 from Brazil (Opiliones: Stygnidae) Author Osvaldo Villarreal Author Ludson Neves de Ázara Author Kury, Adriano Brilhante text Journal of Natural History 2019 2019-06-03 53 15 965 989 journal article 23975 10.1080/00222933.2019.1620893 42ae9e66-896e-456b-85a1-156825ee9a3e 1464-5262 3673222 C4E9C04D-A646-41E4-AE59-B6D0C951DEAB Obidosus laevis (SØrensen, 1932) new combination Ideostygnus laevis SØrensen in Henriksen 1932: 289. Ideostygnus laevis : Roewer 1943: 62 ; H. Soares and B. Soares 1978: 82 , 90 figs 16 29. Pickeliana laevis : Mello-Leitão 1935: 112 . Protimesius laevis : Pinto-da-Rocha 1997: 285 , figs 386 393, 545 546, 563, 576 577, 584, 588, 595, 603; Kury, 2003: 230. Type data ³ lectotype, 2 ³ 2 ♀ paralectotypes (ZMUC 90056a), BRAZIL, Pará, without further locality data, in termite nests. Records BRAZIL, Mato Grosso, Chapada dos Guimarães, Fazenda São José, 4 km from Chapada dos Guimarães. Pará, Ananindeua: Seminário Pio X, night collecting with Petromax; Bagaginha, in leaves of inajá palm; Belém; Canindé: Aldeia Araçu, Igarapé Gurupi-Una, rio Gurupi, 50 km E of Canindé; Jacundá: 2 km S Tocantins River, right bank, in inajá palm ( Soares and Soares 1978 ; Pinto-da-Rocha 1997 ).