A new species of Calliaspis Dejean, 1837 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae) from French Guyana Author Borowiec, L. text Zootaxa 2003 148 1 6 journal article 51368 10.5281/zenodo.156278 855dbdb1-68cc-4745-810b-19c309e1bf64 1175­5326 156278 Key to species of Calliaspis 1 Elytra partly or completely red or yellowish­red, sometimes with indistinct metal­ lic tint ..................................................................................................................... 2 ­ Elytra completely or mostly brown, black or metallic, sometimes with pale spot 11 2(1) Elytral margins distinctly punctate ........................................................................ 3 ­ Elytral margins impunctate .................................................................................... 4 3(2) Elytra uniformly red; Guyana ...................................................... substriata Spaeth ­ Elytral disc partly with indistinct metallic blue tint; Peru ...... cyaneomicans Spaeth 4(2) Pronotum partly black ............................................................................................ 5 ­ Pronotum uniformly yellowish­red to red, or only base of disc partly infuscate .. 6 5(4) Elytra unevenly convex, disc with distinct postscutellar tubercle. Large, length 6.6 mm ; French Guyana ................................................................... cerdai sp. nov. ­ Elytra evenly convex, disc without postscutellar elevation. Small, length 5.3­6.1 mm ; Suriname ..................................................................... surinamensis Borowiec 6(4) Antennae elongate, segments 8­9 distinctly longer than wide ............................. 7 ­ Antennae short and stout, segments 8­9 slightly wider than long; Ecuador ............. ............................................................................ sachaensis Borowiec et Stojczew 7(6) Elytra distinctly unevenly convex, disc with distinct postscutellar tubercle ........ 8 ­ Elytra evenly or only slightly unevenly convex, disc at most with very low posts­ cutellar elevation .................................................................................................... 9 8(7) Large, length 7.0­ 8.8 mm . Basal part of pronotal and elytral disc infuscate. Ground colour of dorsum yellowish­red; Brazil .......................... umbonata Hincks ­ Small, length 5.3 mm . Dorsum uniformly purple red; Ecuador ............................... ...................................................................... wegrzynowiczi Borowiec et Stojczew 9(8) Two apical antennal segments infuscate to black ................................................ 10 ­ Antennae uniformly yellowish red; Brazil .................................... coccinea Spaeth 10(9) Pronotum simply coarsely punctuate; Brazil , Ecuador , French Guyana ................. .......................................................................................................... rubra (Olivier) ­ Pronotum dubly, coarsely and finely, punctuate; Brazil , French Guyana , Suriname .............................................................................................. cinnabarina Boheman 11(1) At least pronotal and elytral disc of same colour ................................................ 12 ­ Pronotum yellowish red, elytral disc mostly metallic blue; Brazil , French Guyana ......................................................................................................... nimbata (Perty) 12(11) Antennae very short and stout, segments 8­9 at most as wide as long ................ 13 ­ Antennae elongate and slim, segments 8­9 longer than wide .............................. 14 13(12) Dorsum deep black, thorax partly black. Elytral disc slightly unevenly convex, with low postscutellar elevation; Brazil , Peru ........................... brevicornis Spaeth ­ Dorsum brown, thorax yellowish. Elytral disc evenly convex; Brazil .................... ....................................................................................................... sahlbergi Spaeth 14(12) Pronotum unicolours, without yellow margin ..................................................... 15 ­ Pronotum with yellow margin ............................................................................. 16 15(14) Elytra at base with yellow spot; French Guyana .................... discophora Boheman ­ Elytra at base without pale spot; Franch Guyana .................... funeraria Boheman 16(14) Antennae uniformly yellow ................................................................................ 17 ­ Apical antennal segments infuscate to black ....................................................... 18 17(16) Thorax completely yellow; Bolivia ............................................. bicolor Boheman ­ Thorax partly black; Bolivia ................................................. testaceicornis (Weise) 18(16) Small, length 4.3­4.8 mm . Principal impression of elytral disc shallow. Intervals without punctures or with irregular micropunctation only .................................. 19 ­ Large, length 4.9­5.7 mm . Principal impression of elytral disc deep. Intervals with two more or less regular rows of very fine punctures; Brazil .. limbaticollis Spaeth 19(18) Prosternum black. Elytra without yellow margin; Bolivia , Peru ... andicola Spaeth ­ Prosternum yellow. Elytra with yellow margin; Brazil ................... bohemani Baly