A review of Himalcercyon stat. nov., with description of a new species from the Chinese Himalaya and an updated key to Asian genera of Megasternini (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae) Author Jia, Fenglong Institute of Entomology, Life Science School, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, 510275, Guangdong, China Author Liang, Zulong Institute of Entomology, Life Science School, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, 510275, Guangdong, China Author Fikacek, Martin Department of Entomology, National Museum, Cirkusova 1740, CZ- 193 00 Praha 9, Czech Republic & Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Vinicna 7, CZ- 128 44 Praha 2, Czech Republic https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2078-6798 mfikacek@gmail.com text Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 2020 67 1 35 49 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/dez.67.50078 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/dez.67.50078 1860-1324-1-35 56BB973DBE4E47AEBC98C1F1151C41C4 42CBDE9B2C305189858C3A18211EA41F Himalcercyon mirus (Hebauer, 2002) stat. nov. Figures 1A-D , 2 , 4 Cercyon (Himalcercyon) mirus Hebauer 2002: 39. Type locality. Nepal, Kathmandu district, Sheopuri Mt., 2100-2300 m a.s.l. [GPS ca 27.816672N , 85.400000E ]. Material examined. Holotype : NEPAL ● 1 ♂; Kathmandu Distr. Sheopuri Mt.; 2100-2300 m a.s.l.; 25 Jun 1988; W. Schawaller leg.; SMNS. Paratypes : NEPAL ● 2 ♀♀; same data as for holotype; SMNS ● 1 ♀; same data as for holotype; NMPC ● 1 ♀; Annapurna, Telbrung Danda; 2600-2800 m a.s.l.; 13 Jun 1997; Schmidt leg.; SMNS. Redescription. Form and color. Body size 3.1-3.5 mm (3.4 mm in holotype), body width 2.0-2.1 mm (2.0 mm in holotype), widest at anterior third of elytra, weakly narrowing posteriad (Fig. 1A ). Dorsum pitchy-brown to black; head with paler clypeus; pronotal margins brown; elytral apices and posterior half of lateral elytral margins brownish; epipleuron pitchy brown laterally, reddish mesally; antenna, maxillary and labial palpi brown to reddish brown; legs reddish brown, with darker femora. Head. Clypeus with moderately dense fine setiferous semicircular punctures, smooth between punctures. Frons with punctures of the same size and density as those on clypeus, smooth between punctures. Mentum 1.4 x wider than long, rugose, with dense punctures (Fig. 2B ), slightly concave anteriorly. Antenna with pedicel ca 0.2 x as long as scape, pedicel ca. as long as antennomeres 3 and 4 combined, cupule small. Thorax. Pronotum with punctation similar to that on frons, interstices without microsculpture; lateral marginal bead shortly overlapping to anterior margin but not to posterior margin, stopping at posterior angle. Scutellar shield smooth, with five to seven punctures. Elytral striae sharply impressed (Fig. 1A ), striae 6, 8, and 9 not reaching base; intervals with finer and sparser punctures than on pronotum, each puncture bearing a fine short seta, interstices between punctures smooth. Epipleuron with bare outer and pubescent inner portion delimited from each other by a fine ridge, inner pubescent part narrower than the outer part, reaching the level of posterior part of metaventrite (Fig. 1A ). Mesoventral elevation arrowhead-shaped, ca 1.5 x longer than wide, sparsely pubescent (Fig. 2F ). Metaventrite with large median elevation, finely and sparsely punctate (Fig. 2E ), interstices without microsculpture; lateral portions microsculptured, with sparse coarse punctures and dense pubescence. Legs with trochanters densely pubescent, femora with sparse and moderately coarse punctures, interstice between punctures with fine microsculpture consisting of transverse lines. Male genitalia. Middle lobe of abdominal sternite IX narrow, shorter than lateral struts (Fig. 1D ). Aedeagus (Fig. 1C ) with median lobe ca as long as tegmen; paramere ca 1.5 x as long as phallobase. Paramere gradually narrowed from base to apex, obliquely truncate apically, widened inwards to form a process with a few setae. Median lobe ca as wide as paramere, gradually narrowing in apical third, apex narrowly rounded, gonopore subapical. Distribution. Known from two localities in central Nepal (Fig. 4 ). Key to Eastern Palaearctic and Oriental genera of the Megasternini The following key is mainly based in the ventral characters, namely the form of prosternum and meso- and metaventrite, which are illustrated in Figures 5 - 8 . The concept of some of the genera will likely be modified in the future; the key reflects the current status. The key includes all genera occurring east of Iran, the Black Sea, and the Ural Mountains. (i.e. it does not cover the Near East and the Arabian Peninsula); eastwards it includes all regions west of New Guinea. See Table 1 for the number of described species and references to the most important keys or taxonomic treatments for each genus. Remarks and numbers of species only refer to those from the Eastern Palaeartic and Oriental Regions.
1 Antennal grooves large, reaching to the lateral margin of hypomeron (Fig. 5A, B, D ). 2
- Antennal grooves absent or small, not reaching to the lateral margin of the hypomeron (Figs 5E, F , 6 , 7 , 8A-C ) 5
2 Metaventrite with complete femoral lines reaching from posteriomesal portion to anterolateral corner (Fig. 5A, D ) 3
- Metaventrite without complete femoral lines, at most with short vestiges anterolaterally. (Fig. 5B, C ) 4
3 Mesoventral plate wider than long. Prosternum with wide plate without median carina (Fig. 5A ). Mentum with sharply pointed anterolateral corners (Fig. 8D ) Cryptopleurum Mulsant
- Mesoventral plate approximatley as long as wide. Prosternal plate approximately as long as wide, with more or less distinct median carina (Fig. 5D ). Mentum with bluntly rounded anterolateral corners Pachysternum Motschulsky
4 Median portion of prosternum roof-like, high (Fig. 5C ). Mesoventral plate longer than wide. Metaventrite without any traces of femoral lines (Fig. 5C ). Anterior tibia without anterolateral excision Pacrillum d'Orchymont
- Median portion of prosternum with flat hexagonal plate, not carinate medially (Fig. 5B ). Mesoventral plate slightly wider than long. Metaventrite with vestiges of femoral lines in anterolateral corners (Fig. 5B ). Anterior tibia anterolaterally with emargination Megasternum Mulsant
5 Metaventrite with postcoxal ridge widely diverging from posterior margin of coxal cavity and forming an arcuate ridge reaching lateral margin of metaventrite (Figs 5E, F , 6A, B ) 6
- Metaventrite with postcoxal ridge parallel to posterior margin of coxal cavity or nearly so, reaching anterolateral corner of metaventrite and not forming any arcuate ridge (Figs 6C-F , 7 , 8A-C ) 9
6 Metaventrite with complete femoral lines crossing the arcuate postcoxal ridge and X-shape in form (Fig. 5E ). Mesoventral elevation narrowly elongate or narrow but widely contacting metaventrite Peltocercyon d'Orchymont
- Metaventrite without X-shaped structure, femoral lines absent or short, not crossing with arcuate postcoxal ridge (Figs 5F , 6A, B ). 7
7 Mesoventral plate widely contacting metaventrite (Fig. 6A, B ). Median portion of prosternum at least weakly delimited from lateral portions 8
- Mesoventral plate separated from metaventrite by a wide deep gap (Fig. 5F ). Median portion of prosternum simply carinate, not delimited from lateral portions Armostus Sharp
8 Metaventrite with deep triangular impression along its lateral margin (Fig. 6A ) Morastus d'Orchymont
- Metaventrite without such impression (Fig. 6B ) Oosternum Sharp
9 Median portion of prosternum highly elevated and/or delimited from lateral portions by sharp ridges (Figs 6C-F , 7A-D ) 10
- Median portion of prosternum finely carinate, not delimited from lateral portions (Figs 7E, F , 8A, B ) 18
10 Pronotum with deep longitudinal grooves (Fig. 8E ). Bare portion of metaventrite very wide (Fig. 6C ). Tiny beetles: length ca 1.2 mm Emmidolium d'Orchymont
- Surface of pronotum without distinct longitudinal depressions. Bare portion of metaventrite confined to medial part only. Tiny to moderately large beetles 11
11 Median portion of prosternum in form of very small triangular, very highly elevated projection. Antennal grooves absent (Fig. 6D ). Abdomen with apical emargination Chimaerocyon Fikacek , Maruyama, Vondracek & Short
- Median portion of prosternum never so tiny and not so highly elevated. Antennal grooves present, even though sometimes rather small. Abdomen never with apical emargination 12
12 Prosternal elevation with lateral margins deeply excised (Fig. 6E, F ) 13
- Prosternal elevation with lateral margins or ridges straight (Fig. 7A-D ) 14
13 Tiny species, 1.2-1.6 mm. Metaventrite with complete femoral lines (Fig. 6E ). Antennal grooves present Paroosternum Scott
- Large species, ca 3.0 mm. Metaventrite without femoral lines (Fig. 6F ). Antennal grooves absent Oreosternum nom. nov.
14 Elytral series deeply impressed with the impressions contiguous to anterior margin of each elytron (Fig. 8F, G ). Mesoventral elevation longer than wide, rhomboid to suboval (Fig. 7A, B ) 15
- Elytral series not impressed or impressions of elytral striae series not reaching anterior margin of each elytron. Mesoventral elevation elongate or as long as wide 16
15 Pronotum highly bulged in lateral view, not forming a continuous curve with elytra. Anterior margin of prosternal elevation strongly projecting anteriad (Fig. 7A ). Mesoventral elevation subrhomboid Bolbonotum Hansen
- Pronotum not highly bulged in lateral view, forming a continuous curve with elytra. Anterior margin of prosternal elevation straight (Fig. 7B ). Mesoventral elevation suboval Kahanga Hansen
16 Grooves for reception of procoxae ending far before the anterior margin of mesocoxal cavities (Fig. 8C ). Mesoventral plate elongate Gillisius d'Orchymont (part)*
- Grooves for reception of proxocae reaching nearly the mesocoxal cavities (Fig. 7C, D ). Mesoventral elevation approximately as wide as long 17
17 Mesoventral elevation nearly semi-elliptical (Fig. 7C ), with wide marginal rim. Postcoxal ridges on the metaventrite meeting mesally and forming a short median longitudinal ridge. Metatibiae densely pubescent ventrally (Fig. 8H ). Large species: 2.5-3.3 mm Australocyon Hansen
- Mesoventral elevation more less pentagonal, without any marginal rim (Fig. 7D ). Postcoxal ridges mesally bending posteriad, remaining separate, forming two short median longitudinal ridges (in one species largely obsolete). Metatibie without dense ventral pubescence. Medium sized to tiny species: 2.0-2.9 mm Nipponocercyon Sato
18 Abdominal ventrite 1 without median carina. Mesoventral elevation narrowly laminar (Fig. 7E ) Cycreon d'Orchymont
- Abdominal ventrite 1 carinate medially. Mesoventral elevation in form of a lamina or an elongate plate 19
19 Ventral face of meso- and metatibiae with dense, long pubescence. Ventral morphology similar to Figure 7F Pilocnema Hansen
- Ventral face of meso- and metatibiae never densely pubescent, at most with sparse short setae. Ventral morphology similar to Figures 2 , 3 , and 8A, B 20
20 Mesoventral elevation laminar or forming an oval elongate plate; posterior part of the plate rounded or acute (as in Fig. 8A, B ) 21
- Mesoventral elevation elongate, but sharply cut off posteriorly, contacting metaventrite more or less in a straight line (as in Figs 2F , 8C ) 22
21 Median portion of prosternum with a pair of transverse ridges partly delimiting prosternal process (Fig. 8A ) Pseudocercyon d'Orchymont
- Median portion of prosternum without such ridges, only simply carinate (Fig. 8B ) Cercyon Leach
22 Mesoventral elevation arrowhead-shaped, with lateral angulate lobes (Figs 2F , 3C ) Himalcercyon Hebauer
- Mesoventral elevation elongate oval (as in Fig. 8C ); if small lateral lobes are present, they are below the plate 23
23 India, continental Southeast Asia and China. Gillisius d'Orchymont (part)
- Islands of the Malay Archipelago. Pelosoma Mulsant*
* the type species, G. madurensis d'Orchymont , 1925, keys out here. * the status of Gillisius and Asian Pelosoma is unclear. Figure 5. Ventral view of thorax of eastern Palaearctic and Oriental genera of the Megasternini . A. Cryptopleurum ferrugineum . B. Megasternum concinnum . C. Pacrillum manchuricum . D. Pachysternum nigrovittatum . E. Peltocercyon coomani . F. Armostus schenklingi . Table 1. List of Eastern Palaearctic and Oriental general of the Megasternini , with number of described species and references to the most important keys or taxonomic treatments.
Genus Described species Keys or original descriptions
Armostus 11 d'Orchymont 1942 ; Hebauer 2002a ; Hoshina and Sato 2006
Australocyon 7 Hansen 2003 ; Fikacek et al. 2012
Bolbonotum 3 Hansen 1999a
Cercyon 148 Shatrovskiy 1992 ; Hansen 1999b ; Short and Hebauer 2006 ; Hoshina 2008 ; Jia et al. 2011 ; 2019 ; Ryndevich et al. 2017 ; 2019 ; Ryndevich and Prokin 2017
Chimaerocyon 2 Fikacek et al. 2013
Cryptopleurum 7 d'Orchymont 1926 ; Jia and Zhang 2017
Cycreon 4 + 1 ssp. Arriaga-Varela et al. 2018b
Emmidolium 1 Fikacek 2007
Gillisius 2 d'Orchymont 1925a ; 1926
Himalcercyon 2 this paper
Kahanga 1 Hansen 1999a
Megasternum 4 Shatrovskiy 1989 ; Fikacek et al. 2012 ; Ryndevich 2017
Morastus 1 d'Orchymont ; 1926
Nipponocercyon 3 Hoshina and Fikacek 2010 ; Fikacek et al. 2012 ; 2015a
Oosternum 9 Hebauer 2002a ; Hoshina and Sato 2004b ; 2005
Oreosternum 1 Hebauer 2002
Pachysternum 11 Fikacek et al. 2012
Pacrillum 5 Hoshina and Sato 2004a ; Fikacek and Hebauer 2005 ; Shatrovskiy 1989 as Agnaeformia
Paroosternum 5 Hebauer 2006
Pelosoma 2 d'Orchymont 1925b ; 1932
Peltocercyon 4 d'Orchymont 1925a ; Hoshina 2016 ; 2018
Pilocnema 1 Hansen 2003
Pseudocercyon 1 d'Orchymont 1926
New replacement name