The family Stratiomyidae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Diptera: Stratiomyoidea) Author El-Hawagry, Magdi Entomology Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt Author Al Dhafer, Hathal Mohammed King Saud University, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Author Abdel-Dayem, Mahmoud King Saud University, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Author Hauser, Martin California Department of Food & Agriculture, Sacramento, United States of America text Biodiversity Data Journal 2021 2021-03-22 9 64212 64212 journal article 1314-2828-9-e64212 155C2A86F26150509A92A043F7BB1238 Stratiomys singularior (Harris, 1776) Musca singularius Harris, 1778: 45. Type locality: England. Stratiomys furcata Fabricius, 1794: 264. Type locality: Germany. Stratiomys panthaleon Fallen , 1817: 7. Type locality: Sweden. Stratiomys riparia Meigen, 1822: 138. Type locality: Europe. Stratiomys paludosa Siebke, 1863: 149. Type locality: Norway (Dovre Mountains: Jerkin). Preoccupied, primary homonym of Stratiomys paludosa Schummel in Gravenhorst, 1837. Materials Type status: Other material . Occurrence : sex: 1 male ; lifeStage: Adult ; Taxon : taxonID:; scientificName: Stratiomys singularior; Location : country: Egypt ; locality: Fayoum ; decimalLatitude: 29.32061 ; decimalLongitude: 30.818 ; Identification : identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser ; dateIdentified: 2020-2021; Event : samplingProtocol: Not given ; eventDate: 03-01-1947 ; Record Level : institutionCode: EFC Type status: Other material . Occurrence : sex: 2 males ; lifeStage: Adult ; Taxon : taxonID:; scientificName: Stratiomys singularior; Location : country: Egypt ; locality: Girza ; decimalLatitude: 29.49968 ; decimalLongitude: 31.0738 ; Identification : identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser ; dateIdentified: 2020-2021; Event : samplingProtocol: Not given ; eventDate: 04-09-1950 ; Record Level : institutionCode: EFC Type status: Other material . Occurrence : recordedBy: Efflatoun ; sex: 1 male ; lifeStage: Adult ; Taxon : taxonID:; scientificName: Stratiomys singularior; Location : country: Egypt ; locality: Abu-Zaabal ; decimalLatitude: 30.24098 ; decimalLongitude: 31.35211 ; Identification : identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser ; dateIdentified: 2020-2021; Event : samplingProtocol: Not given ; eventDate: 03-19-1950 ; Record Level : institutionCode: EFC Distribution PA: Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Mongolia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, former Yugoslavia. [Sources: Woodley (2001) and Badrawy (2006) ] Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 9 ): EGYPT: Fayoum: Fayoum City, Girza (March and April). Lower Nile Valley & Delta: Abu-Zaabal (March). [Source: Badrawy (2006) and museum material]