Review of Glyphidocera Walsingham of Costa Rica (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Glyphidoceridae) Author DAVID ADAMSKI text Zootaxa 2005 858 1 158 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.170793 94a0cedb-15bb-4bfd-955e-77200a536045 1175-5334 170793 511FBF55-10F2-4A00-B15B-CBD34EAB023E Glyphidocera eminetiae , new species (Figs. 90–92, 317 , Map 17 ) Diagnosis.— Glyphidocera eminetiae is similar to G. gemmae but differs from the latter by having an upturned apical furca of the valval costa, a more angular distal part of the valva, and a smaller apical cornutus of the aedeagal vesica. Description.— Head: Vertex and frontoclypeus pale brownish yellow; outer surface of labial palpus pale brownish yellow intermixed with few brown scales, inner surface pale brownish yellow; scape of antenna pale brownish yellow, flagellum with alternating bands of pale brownish­yellow and brown scales; male 4 th flagellomere dorsally protuberant and curved, forming a deep concavity opposite slightly excavated flagellomeres 5–6 ; concavity nearly closed by a few setiform scales on apex of protuberance of 4 th flagellomere; proboscis pale brownish yellow. Thorax: Tegula and mesonotum pale brownish yellow intermixed with few brown scales. Legs pale brownish yellow intermixed with few brown scales. Forewing (Fig. 317 ): Length 6.2–7.6 mm (n = 11 ), pale brownish yellow intermixed with brown scales; costa and distal 1 / 4 darker patterned; cell with 2 large spots, 1 near middle, 1 near distal end [some specimens with some or all spots absent]. Undersurface brownish gray. Hindwing: Pale brownish gray. Abdomen (Fig. 90 ): Male with 3–4 transverse, irregular rows of sex scales on intersegmental membrane between terga 2–3 , and two small, elliptical­shaped clusters of sex scales on dorsolateral surface of intersegmental membrane between terga 3–4 . Male Genitalia (Figs. 91–92 ): Uncus elongate, wide basally, broadly constricted near 2 / 3 , apically widened, tapering to an acuminate and setose apex; gnathos sparsely setose, protuberant, narrow throughout length, apically upturned; tegumen slightly widened basally; dorsal strut of tegumen with arms convergent, fusing about 2 / 3 distance from posteroventral margin of tegumen, gradually widening dorsally to base of uncus; costa of valva nearly straight from base to subapical part; apical furca, acuminate, and slightly upturned; base of costa bearing a slanted digitate process; sacculus twisted apically, constricting valva near midlength, distoventrally forming a broadly rounded cucullus; cucullus membranous and setose; vesica sparsely spinulate, bearing a short, conical, apical cornutus; cornutus shortened on one side, exposing a hollow, basal cavity. Female Genitalia: Unknown. Holotype , ɗ, “Est[ación] Pitilla, 700 m , 9 km S S[an]ta Cecilia, P[arque] N[acional] Guanacaste, Prov[incia] Guanacaste, COSTA RICA , C. Moraga, 31 Mar.– 15 Abr. 1992 , L­ N­ 330200 , 380200 ”, “ INBio , COSTA RICA : CRI 000, 725144 ” [bar code label], “ INBio , ɗ Genitalia Slide by D. Adamski, No. 756 ” [yellow label]. Paratypes ( 10 ɗ): 6 ɗ, Same label data as holotype except, “ 2–9 Mar. 1992 ”, “ CRI 000, 414805 ”, “Slide No. 769 ”, “ CRI 000,414789”, “Slide No. 770 ”; “ 3–9 Feb. 1992 ”, “ CRI 000, 537631 ”, “Slide No. 762 ”; “ Jul. 1991 , “ CRI 000, 300184 ”, “ PARATYPE , Glyphidocera guaroa Adamski ”, “Slide No. 1075 ”; “ 10 Set. 22 Oct 1990 ”, “ CRI 000, 628172 ”, “Slide No. 757 ”; Ene 1995 , C. Moraga, L­N­329950, 380450, # 4354 ”, “ CRI 002, 131715 ”, “ PARATYPE , Glyphidocera guaroa Adamski ”, “Slide No. 1076 ”; 2 ɗ, “ COSTA RICA , Heredia, Est. Biológica, La Selva, 50–150 m , 10 ° 26 'N , 84 °01'W , Apr. 1996 , INBio­OET”, 22 Abril 1996 , L/00/ 221 , CES 200 m ”, “ CRI 002, 061202 ”, “ Slide No. 869 ”; “ 13 Marzo 1996 , L/00/ 184 , Sura 350 m ”, “ CRI 002, 058005”, “Slide No. 871 ”; 1 ɗ, “Est. Magsasay, P. N. Braulio Carrillo, 200 m , Prov. Here., COSTA RICA , R. Aguilar, Abr. 1991 , L­N­ 264000 , 531100 ”, “ CRI 000, 275070 ”, “ PARATYPE , Glyphidocera guaroa Adamski”, “Slide No. 1067 ”; 1 ɗ, “Sector Cerro Cocori, Fca. de E. Rojas, 150 m , Prov. Limón, COSTA RICA , Feb. 1993 , E . Rojas, L­N­ 286000 , 567500 ”, “ PARATYPE , Glyphidocera guaroa Adamski”, “Slide No. 1036 ”, ( 5 in INBio , 5 in USNM ). Distribution ( Map 17 ): Glyphidocera eminetiae is known from five collecting sites in northern Costa Rica ; two nearby sites in the north­west along the Cordillera de Guanacaste, two nearby sites in the north­central part of the country along the Cordillera Central, and one site half way between Tortuguero and Barra del Colorado. MAP 17. Distribution of Glyphidocera eminetiae (). Outlying circles indicate multiple adjacent localities. Etymology: The species epithet eminetiae is derived from the Latin “eminetia,” meaning prominence.