Review of Glyphidocera Walsingham of Costa Rica (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Glyphidoceridae) Author DAVID ADAMSKI text Zootaxa 2005 858 1 158 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.170793 94a0cedb-15bb-4bfd-955e-77200a536045 1175-5334 170793 511FBF55-10F2-4A00-B15B-CBD34EAB023E Glyphidocera zothecuale , new species (Figs. 78–80, 313 , Map 15 ) Diagnosis.— Glyphidocera zothecuale is most similar to G. sardae but differs by having a smaller gnathos, a shorter and less upturned costal furca of the valva, and a more angular outer margin of the valval cucullus. Description.— Head: Vertex and frontoclypeus with grayish­brown scales tipped with pale brown; outer surface of labial palpus grayish brown intermixed with pale yellowishbrown scales to apical area of segments I–II; inner surface pale yellowish brown; scape of antenna pale yellowish brown intermixed with few grayish­brown scales, flagellum with alternating bands of pale yellowish­brown and brown scales; male 4 th flagellomere dorsally protuberant and curved, forming a shallow concavity opposite slightly excavated flagellomeres 5–6 ; concavity nearly closed by a few setiform scales on apex of protuberance of 4 th flagellomere; proboscis pale yellowish brown. Thorax: Tegula and mesonotum with grayish­brown scales tipped with pale brown. Legs grayish brown intermixed with yellowish­brown scales to near apical areas of all segments and tarsomeres. Forewing (Fig. 313 ): Length 8.0 mm (n = 1 ), pale yellowish brown intermixed with brown and grayish­brown scales tipped with pale brown; cell and surrounding areas paler than marginal areas; cell with 2 large brown spots, 1 near middle, 1 near distal end. Undersurface grayish brown intermixed with yellowish­brown scales along costa. Hindwing: Pale grayish brown. Abdomen (Fig. 78 ): Male with 4 transverse, irregular rows of sex scales on intersegmental areas between terga 2–3 and terga 3–4 . Sex scales between terga 2–3 are slightly larger and more numerous than sex scales between terga 3–4 . Male Genitalia (Figs. 79–80 ): Uncus elongate, slightly constricted broadly near 1 / 3 , slightly rounded apically, tapering to an acuminate and setose apex; gnathos setose, protuberant, wide throughout length, upturned apically; tegumen slightly widened basally; dorsal strut of tegumen with arms convergent, fusing near 2 / 3 length from a widened base along posteroventral margin to base of uncus; valva with costa broadly emarginate from a shallow depression beyond a basal digitate process to subapical part; subapical area slightly raised, with base of apical furca excavated; furca acuminate, slightly upturned; base of costa with a digitate process with a slightly widened base; sacculus twisted apically, constricting valva near 1 / 3 length, widening distoventrally, forming an elongate and broadly rounded cucullus; cucullus membranous and setose; vesica of aedeagus sparsely denticulate, bearing a large, crescent­shaped, apical cornutus; cornutus dilated basally, exposing a hollow, basal cavity. Female Genitalia: Unknown. Holotype , ɗ, “ COSTA RICA , Prov[incia] Limón, Est[ación] Aguas Frias, 10–20 m , Jun. 1997 , E. Rojas, de Luz, L­N­ 264700 , 580300 , # 46786 ”, “ INBio : COSTA RICA : CRI 002, 554248 ” [bar code label], “ INBio , Genitalia Slide by D. Adamski, Sex ɗ, No. 507 ” [yellow label]. Distribution ( Map 15 ): Glyphidocera zothecuale is known from one collecting site in northeastern Costa Rica , south of Tortuguero. MAP 15. Distribution of Glyphidocera zotheculae () and G. arae (). Etymology: The species epithet zothecuale is derived from the Latin “zothecula,” meaning small alcove.