Review of Glyphidocera Walsingham of Costa Rica (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Glyphidoceridae) Author DAVID ADAMSKI text Zootaxa 2005 858 1 158 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.170793 94a0cedb-15bb-4bfd-955e-77200a536045 1175-5334 170793 511FBF55-10F2-4A00-B15B-CBD34EAB023E Glyphidocera vestita Walsingham 1911 (Figs. 225–227, 362 , Map 41 ) Glyphidocera vestita Walsingham, 1911 : 112 ; Becker 1984 : 41 (checklist). Diagnosis.— Glyphidocera vestita is most similar to G. speculae but differs by having fewer rows of sex scales between terga 2–3 on the abdomen of the male, a tegumen that is wider basally, a narrower costal furcae of valva, a more protracted apicoventral margin of the valval cucullus, an apical cornutus with a bulbous base, and the presence of many spinelike cornuti on vesica of aedeagus. Description.— Head: Scales on vertex and frontoclypeus brown tipped with pale brown; outer and inner surfaces of labial palpus brown intermixed with pale­brown scales to apical margin of segment II; scape of antenna brown intermixed with few pale­brown scales, flagellum with alternating bands of brown and pale­brown scales; male 4 th flagellomere dorsally protuberant and curved, forming a deep concavity opposite slightly excavated flagellomeres 5–6 ; concavity nearly closed by a few setiform scales on apex of protuberance of 4 th flagellomere; proboscis brown. Thorax: Tegula and mesonotum with brown scales tipped with pale brown or brown. Legs brown intermixed with pale­brown to apical margins of all segments and tarsomeres. Forewing (Fig. 362 ): Length 5.5–6.1 mm (n = 14 ), brown intermixed with pale­brown scales and few brownish­yellow scales; cell and surrounding areas paler than marginal areas; cell with 2 small, faint spots, 1 spot near middle, 1 spot near distal end [rubbed specimens with spots faint or absent]. Undersurface brown. Hindwing: Pale brown. Abdomen (Fig. 225 ): Male with 4 transverse rows of sex scales on intersegmental membrane between terga 2–3 . Male Genitalia (Figs. 226–227 ): Uncus elongate, constricted near ½ length, broadly rounded and upturned apically, apex acuminate and setose; gnathos protuberant, wide throughout length, upturned apically; tegumen slightly widened basally; dorsal strut of tegumen with arms convergent, fusing medially, extending dorsally, gradually widening narrowly to base of uncus; costa of valva nearly straight from a shallow depression beyond a curved, basal, digitate process to an upturned dorsal furca; apex widely bifurcate, inner margin U­shaped; dorsal furca large, falcate, ventral furca extending slightly beyond outer margin of cucullus; sacculus twisted apically, constricting valva slightly before midlength, widening distoventrally forming an broadly rounded, slightly protracted cucullus; cucullus membranous and setose; vesica of aedeagus with many moderately large, spinelike cornuti, and bearing a large, conical, apical cornutus; cornutus bulbous basally, with one side shortened, exposing a hollow, basal cavity. Female Genitalia: Unknown. Types Examined: Holotype ɗ, “ Panama : Canal Zone, Tabernilla, VI. 1907 , A, Busck, ( 5810 ). Paratype ɗ, same label data as holotype except, “ 33632 ”, “BM Slide No. 30123 .” Other Specimens Examined: ( 14 ɗ), 9 ɗ, “Sector Cerro Cocori, Finca de E. Rojas, Prov[incia] Limón, COSTA RICA , 150 m , Set. 1993 , E. Rojas, L­N­ 286000 , 567500 , # 2347 ”, “ CRI 001, 141294 ”, “Slide No. 704 ”; “Ago., # 2291 ”, “ CRI 001, 135862 ”, “Slide No. 696 ”; “Oct.”, # 2395 ”, “ CRI 001, 642573 ”, “Slide No. 712 ”; “ Jul. 1991 ”, “ CRI 000, 643115 ”, “Slide No. 699 ”; “ Nov. 1991 ”, “ CRI 000, 460134 ”, “Slide No. 708 ”; “ Nov. 1991 ”, “ CRI 000, 460100 ”, “Slide No. 703 ”; “ CRI 000, 361367 ”, “Slide No. 700 ”; “ Oct. 1992 ”, “ CRI 000, 819733 ”, “Slide No. 695 ”; “ 26 Jun. a 16 Jul. 1992 ”, “ CRI 000, 703098 ”, “Slide No. 707 ”; 1 ɗ, “Est. Cuatro Esquinas, P. N. Tortuguero, 0 m, Prov. Limón, COSTA RICA , J. Solano, Oct. 1990 , L­N­ 280000 , 590500 ”, “Slide No. 850 ”; 1 ɗ, “Estacion Pitilla, 9 km S de Santa Cecilia, Prov. Guana., COSTA RICA , 700 m , 4–24 Abr. 1995 , M. Moraga, L­N­329950, 380450, # 4627 ”, “ CRI 002, 141080 ”, “Slide No. 771 ”; 1 ɗ, “Est. Queb. Bonita, 50 m , Res. Biol. Carara, Prov. Punt., COSTA RICA , R. Zuniga, Mar. 1991 , L­N­194500, 469850”, “ CRI 000, 648556 ”, “Slide No. 642 ”; 1 ɗ, “Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio, Quepos, Prov. Punta., COSTA RICA , 8 m , Oct. 1993 , G. Varela, L­S­ 370900 , 448800 , # 2463 ”, “ CRI 001, 998230 ”, “Slide No. 810 ”; 1 ɗ, “Est. Sirena, 0–100 m , P. N. Corcovado, Prov. Puntarenas, COSTA RICA , G. Fonseca, May 1992 , L­S­ 270500 , 508300 ”, “ CRI 000, 914883 ”, “Slide No. 793 ”, ( 7 in INBio , 6 in USNM ). Distribution ( Map 41 ): In Costa Rica , Glyphidocera vestita is known from north­western to north­central Costa Rica , south to the Pacific Coast from the Province of San José east to Puntarenas. G. vestita is also known from Panamá (Walsingham, 1911 ).