Biogeographical and evolutionary aspects of a Guineo-Congolian bushcricket tribe: Revision of the genera Cestromoecha Karsch, 1893 and Poreuomena Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878, with the description of new species (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae, Phaneropterinae) Author Hemp, Claudia Dept Plant Systematics, Univ. of Bayreuth, Germany Author Massa, Bruno Dept of Agriculture, Food and Forest Sciences, University of Palermo, Italy text Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 2021 2021-01-05 68 1 45 79 journal article 1860-1324-1-45 227B739469C5447FB984250DF1ADFBE1 EE57E5591FE3500892459D0CF4FBB496 4435456 Poreuomena eala sp. nov. Figs 45-51 Material examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo , Eala , IV 1935 . J. Ghesquiere ( Holotype ) (MRAC); same data as holotype, but IV and XI 1935 ( Paratypes 1♂ , 2♀ ) (MRAC) . Diagnosis. Rather stout species with a 10th abdominal tergite differentiated into two bulges (Figs 48 , 49 ). The cerci are stout and upcurved with stout bifurcate tips (Figs 48 , 49 ). No other Poreuomena species has such a combination of bifurcate tips of the cerci and a 10th abdominal tergite differentiated into two bulges. Description. Male. Stout species with wings projecting over the body by about half of their length. Where tegmina meet, when folded, interior part of cells of dark colour while surrounding and elevated veins green. Rs branching off in the first half of the basal part of the tegmen. Tegmina with two flaps at their base, the flap of the left wing smaller and more pointed than the broader flap with a rounded tip on the right tegmen. The stridulatory rib marked dark brown on the flap of the left tegmen, uniformly brown on the right tegmen. Beneath flaps, tegmina with narrow longish brown markings. Stridulatory file on the underside of the left flap about 1.3 mm long; teeth at apical part of the left flap very densely set and gradually getting larger, about from half of the file teeth large and more widely to very widely spaced; inner part then strongly curved and teeth becoming smaller and then obsolete; with about 45-50 teeth (Fig. 50 ). Stridulatory file on the right tegminal flap not as strongly developed, but of similar shape and the same arrangement of the teeth. The 10th abdominal tergite bilobate, differentiated into two bulges (Fig. 48 ). Cerci stout along whole length, at their ends upcurved and divided into two tips (Figs 48 , 49 ). Subgenital plate elongated, deeply divided into two lobes; without styli (Fig. 49 ). Between subgenital plate and cerci, two longish internal structures present (titillators) (Fig. 51 ). Female. As male comparatively stout, of uniform green colour without brown markings (Fig. 45 ) present in males on and beneath the stridulatory area. As in the male, where tegmina meet when folded, interior part of cells of dark colour while surrounding veins green. Posterior margin of 10th abdominal tergite differentiated into two lobes or bulges, similar to those of the male, but much smaller and shorter (Fig. 46 ). Ovipositor short and upcurved. Subgenital plate triangular with an indentation at the posterior tip (Fig. 47 ). Measurements (mm) . Males (n = 2). Body length: 22.7-23.1; pronotum length: 4.4-4.5; length hind femora: 22-22.5; length of tegmina: 30-31.5; width of tegmina: 4.4-5.2. Females (n = 2). Body length: 19.5-22; pronotum length: 4.2-4.4; length of hind femora: 21-22.1; length of tegmina: 32-32.7; width of tegmina: 5.4-5.5; length of ovipositor: 6.4-6.5. Distribution. DRC, Equateur Province. Etymology. Named after the area Eala where specimens of this species were collected. Figures 45-51. Morphological details of Poreuomena eala sp. nov. Habitus, female ( 45 ), subgenital plate ( 46 ) and lateral view on ovipositor ( 47 ), semi-lateral ( 48 ) and lateral ( 49 ) view on the male abdominal apex, stridulatory file on the underside of the male left tegminal flap ( 50 ), titillators ( 51 ).