New species, synonymies and transfers in Neotropical Lamiinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
Bezark, Larry G.
521 46 Street, Sacramento, California, 95819, U. S. A.
Santos-Silva, Antonio
Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Insecta Mundi
journal article
Atrypanius schmidi
Bezark and Santos-Silva
new species
Fig. 15–19
Integument mostly dark brown; ventral mouthparts mostly reddish brown; anteclypeus testaceous with irregular brownish areas interspersed; labrum reddish brown on posterior 2/3, light yellowish brown on anterior third; scape and pedicel brown; antennomere III reddish brown on anterior 2/3, dark reddish brown on posterior third except dark brown apex; antennomeres IV–XI orangish brown (more reddish brown depending on light intensity), except dark-brown apex of IV–V. Apex of abdominal ventrites 1–4 reddish brown (more orangish depending on light intensity).
Frons densely, finely punctate; with dense pale yellowish-brown pubescence obscuring integument, pubescence slightly darker superiorly close to eyes; with one long, erect dark-brown seta close to eyes. Area between antennal tubercles with dense yellowish-white pubescence close to glabrous median groove and dense pale-yellow pubescence laterally. Area between upper eye lobes with dense pale-yellow pubescence. Remaining surface of vertex and area behind eyes with dense yellowish-brown pubescence, except irregular brownish pubescent macula behind upper eye lobes, glabrous triangular area on center of vertex close to prothorax, and narrow whitish pubescent area on each side of this glabrous area. Genae with yellowish-brown pubescence, partially pale-yellow on some areas, dense close to eye and glabrous apex, sparse on remaining surface. Antennal tubercles with dense yellowish-brown pubescence, except apex with dense pale-yellow pubescence, and dense yellowish-white pubescence frontally under eye. Wide central area of postclypeus with abundant, bristly pale-yellow pubescence partially obscuring integument, one long, erect dark-brown seta on each side of middle, and long, erect pale-yellow setae interspersed. Sides of postclypeus with sparse pale-yellow pubescence, but glabrous on some areas. Labrum with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument on posterior half, glabrous on anterior half, except fringe of pale-yellow setae on anterior margin; posterior half with long, erect setae interspersed, part of setae dark brown on their basal half, yellowish on posterior half, and part of setae entirely yellowish. Gulamentum glabrous, except intermaxillary process with abundant pale yellowish-brown pubescence. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.17 times distance between outer margins of eyes; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.52 times distance between outer margins of eyes. Antennae 2.4 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at base of antennomere VI. Scape with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence partially obscuring integument; with one long, erect dark-brown setae ventrally near apex; with small apical cicatrix dorsally. Pedicel and antennomeres III–IX with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument; pedicel with a few short, erect, thick brownish setae ventrally; antennomeres III–IV with a few short, erect, thick black setae ventrally, sparser on IV; apex of antennomeres IV–X with sparse, short, thick black setae directed backward on apex; antennomeres III–VIII with a few minute, decumbent, thick black setae interspersed dorsally. Antennal formula based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.97; pedicel = 0.13; IV = 0.95; V = 0.72; VI = 0.61; VII = 0.51; VIII = 0.49; IX = 0.49; X = 0.46; XI = 0.47.
Figures 15–19.
Atrypanius schmidi
new species
, holotype male.
Dorsal habitus.
Ventral habitus.
Lateral habitus.
Head, frontal view.
Prosternal and mesoventral processes.
Prothorax wider than long; sides slightly rounded, divergent from anterolateral angles to lateral tubercles, then convergent toward posterolateral angles; lateral tubercles moderately small, with acute apex directed backward, located on posterior fifth; with narrow transverse sulcus close to anterior margin and narrow transverse sulcus close to posterior margin of pronotum and sides. Pronotum densely, minutely punctate; with transverse row of coarse punctures on posterior sixth, not following toward lateral margin of prothorax; with longitudinal, wide, dense yellowish-brown pubescent band on each side of middle, from anterior sulcus to posterior margin, fused close to anterior sulcus, pubescence partially whitish from posterior row of coarse punctures; with moderately wide, longitudinal, slightly oblique, dense yellowish-brown pubescent band laterally, from posterior row of coarse punctures to anterior region; with oblique, large, dense yellowish-brown macula on anterior half, between two longitudinal pubescent bands; central area between innermost longitudinal pubescent bands with longitudinal light yellowish-brown pubescent band, pubescence denser on some areas, and remaining surface with sparse, both brownish and yellowish-brown pubescence; remaining surface with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence partially obscuring integument, except glabrous sulci; with a few long, erect blackish setae close to lateral tubercles of prothorax. Sides of prothorax with dense yellowish-brown pubescence. Prosternum with dense yellowish-brown pubescence laterally and abundant yellowish-white pubescence partially obscuring integument on remaining surface. Prosternal process with abundant yellowish-white pubescence partially obscuring integument on anterior 2/3, slightly sparser and bristly on posterior third; narrowest area 0.22 times procoxal width. Wide central area of mesoventrite with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence absent on each side of anterocentral region, except dense yellowish-brown pubescence close to procoxal cavities; sides with dense yellowish-brown pubescence. Mesanepisternum with moderately narrow yellowish-brown pubescent band close to procoxal cavity, dense yellowish-brown pubescence close to elytra, and large dark-brown pubescent band centrally. Mesepimeron with dense yellowish-brown pubescence close to elytra and abundant dark-brown pubescence on remaining surface, dark-brown pubescence following that on mesanepisternum. Mesoventral process with abundant pale-yellow pubescence laterally and abundant yellowish-white pubescence centrally; apex 0.62 times mesocoxal width. Metanepisternum and sides of metaventrite with abundant dark brown pubescence following that on mesanepisternum and mesepimeron; remaining surface of metaventrite with abundant yellowish-white pubescence obscuring integument, except wide, longitudinal dense yellowish-brown pubescent band between dark-brown lateral pubescence and yellowish-white central pubescence. Scutellum with abundant, both whitish and yellowish-brown pubescence centrally, this area narrowed centrally, and abundant dark-brown pubescence laterally not obscuring integument.
Moderately, coarsely punctate on anterior third, punctures gradually finer and sparser toward apex; apex individually rounded; mostly with dense yellowish-brown pubescence, except: four longitudinal, moderately wide, dorsal dark-brown pubescent bands, one close to suture, from middle to near apex, one on anterior second fifth, one laterally, from anterior margin near humerus to posterior third, partially interrupted by yellowish-brown pubescence near its apex, another oblique, fragmented on sides of posterior third; small white pubescent macula basally close to scutellum; wide, longitudinal, sinuous white pubescent band dorsally near suture, from near apex of scutellum to near middle; moderately wide, longitudinal white pubescent band dorsally, from slightly before middle to posterior seventh; two short, longitudinal white pubescent bands on dorsal posterior half, located between white and dark-brown pubescent bands; moderately wide, longitudinal white pubescent band on dorsolateral region, from apex of anterior seventh to middle; wide, fragmented white pubescent band laterally, from about anterior sixth to after middle, arched toward epipleural margin on its apical region; whitish pubescence interspersed on lateral area of basal region; and small white pubescent macula centrally close to epipleural margin.
Profemora with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence, except yellowish-white pubescence on base of ventral surface and part of lateral surface and small tufts of white pubescence on apex of dorsal and lateral surfaces; mesofemora with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence, except abundant yellowish-white pubescence on sides and ventral surface of peduncle and part of anterior 2/3 of lateral surface of club; metafemora with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence, except yellowish-white pubescence on ventral surface and inferior region of sides of anterior 2/3. Protibiae with dense yellowish-brown pubescence except dense, bristly dark-brown pubescence on posterior half of ventral surface; mesotibiae with dense yellowish-brown pubescence on anterior 2/3, denser, bristly dark brown-pubescence dorsally and ventrally on posterior third, and both dark-brown and yellowish-brown pubescence on sides of posterior third; metatibiae with dense yellowish-brown pubescence dorsally and dense yellowish-white pubescence on remaining surface, except brownish pubescence near apex of posterior quarter, and with sparse, short, erect, thick blackish setae ventrally; tarsi with abundant dark yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument dorsally.
Ventrites with dense yellowish-brown pubescence laterally and dense yellowish-white pubescence centrally; apex of ventrite 5 concave.
Variation in the
The examined
are quite similar to the
specimen; there is some variation in the amount of light brown pubescence on the elytra which renders the central longitudinal whitish markings less distinct, as there is less contrast between them and the adjacent elytral ground color. The apical tergite of the female from
, is distinctly notched centrally and laterally the apices are rounded and the apical sternite is slightly concave.
Dimensions (mm).
Total length, 6.70/6.60; prothoracic length, 1.25/1.20; anterior prothoracic width, 1.35/1.30; posterior prothoracic width, 1.60/1.70; maximum prothoracic width, 1.95/1.95; humeral width, 2.25/2.30; elytral length, 4.70/4.90.
Type material.
male from
Hotel Tirol Reserve
, 615’,
W.H. Tyson
leg. (
, formerly
1 male
10 km
S of Pedro Juan Caballero
Chacurru Ecotourismo
, 1369’, mv light,
L.G. Bezark
leg. (
1 female
San Ignacio
W.H. Tyson
leg. (
). Guiara:
1 km
E. Suizo
, Colonia Independencia,
1 specimen
W.H. Tyson
collector (
We are honored to name this species after our long-time colleague Herbert Schmid of
, who has helped us many times in the past providing translations and photographs of
specimens, among other kindnesses.
Bezark and Tyson (2020)
Atrypanius marcelamonneae
based on the
Atrypanius schmidi
new species
. Therefore, we formally exclude
A. marcelamonneae
from the Paraguayan fauna.
Atrypanius schmidi
new species
differs from
A. marcelamonneae
as follows: dark elytral pubescent band close to the suture starting after middle; sides of the elytra with longitudinal, moderately narrow white pubescent bands; and dorsal surface of elytra without slender and longitudinal dark pubescent band from base to posterior quarter, between suture and laterodorsal dark pubescent band. In
A. marcelamonneae
, the dark elytral pubescent band close to the suture begins close to scutellum, sides of elytra with wide and large white pubescent area, and dorsal surface of elytra with slender and longitudinal dark pubescent band from base to posterior quarter between dark-brown pubescent areas. As we have more than
one specimen
of the new species, we are comfortable differentiating them based on the pubescence. Furthermore, the geographical distribution of these species is very different (northern South America versus southern South America). Also, the general pubescence in the species of
is quite homogeneous.
Unfortunately, we haven’t examined specimens of
A. marcelamonneae
and as the original description does not provide much information, it is not possible to provide more accurate differences. The new species differs from
A. pleuriticus
especially by the elytra without large whitish pubescent band laterally, with its inner margin convex (present in
A. pleuriticus