To the knowledge of the fauna of thrips (Thysanoptera) of the Middle East and the South Caspian region Author Poushkova, S. V. Author Kasatkin, D. G. text Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 2020 2020-10-06 16 2 213 217 journal article 10.23885/181433262020162-213217 2713-1785 13274147 Bacillothrips nobilis (Bagnall, 1909) Material. Lebanon : 3♀ , 1♂ (cRV), Beirut , on Eucalyptus sp ., 10.05.2018 ; 5♀ (cRV), Akkar , 2.5 km SE Qoubaiyat , 34.552644 N / 36.296044 E , on dead trees branches, 22– 23.05.2018 . Distribution. Europe. The first record for Lebanon .