On the pseudoterrestris species group of the spider genus Coelotes (Araneae, Amaurobiidae) Author Wang, Xin-Ping Author Griswold, Charles E. Author Ubick, Darrell text Zootaxa 2009 2313 1 34 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.191946 7553d49b-d6a8-42dc-9128-410ac6536908 1175-5326 191946 Coelotes pseudoyunnanensis sp. nov. Figs 88–108 ; 156 Material examined: Holotype . CHINA : Yunnan: 3, Nujiang Prefecture, Pianma Yakou, pass over Gaoligongshan, at elev. 3200 m , N25°58' , E98°41' , October 11, 1998 , C. Griswold, D. Kavanaugh, C.L. Long ( HNU ). Paratype . CHINA : Yunnan: 3Ƥ, in same vial as holotype ( HNU ); 3Ƥ, Nujiang Prefecture, Pianma Yakou, pass over Gaoligongshan, 3200 m , N25°58' , E98°41' , October 11, 1998 , C. Griswold, D. Kavanaugh, C.-L. Long ( CAS , CASENT 9029801); 132Ƥ, Gongshan County, Cikai Township, Dabadi troops place along River banks, 3030-3045 m , N27°47' , E98°30' , October 2–3, 2002 , night, October 8–10, 2002 , H.M. Yan ( CAS , CASENT 9025799); 131Ƥ,Gongshan County, Cikai Township, 16.8 km W of Gongshan on Dulong Valley Road at Heiwadi, 2054-2200 m , N27°47' , E98°35' , October 10, 2002 , H.M. Yan ( HNU , CASENT 9025797); 131Ƥ, Gongshan County, Cikai Township, 41 km W of Gongshan on Dulong Valley Road at Dabadi, 2984 m , N27°47' , E98°30' , October 1, 2002 , H.M. Yan ( CAS , CASENT 9025801). FIGURES 88–91. Coelotes pseudoyunnanensis sp. nov. , female holotype (HNU) from Nujiang, Pianma Yakou. 88,89 Female epigynum, ventral and dorsal view; 90,91 Male palp, ventral and retrolateral view. Other material examined. CHINA : Yunnan: 13,Gongshan County, Cikai Township, 41 km W of Gongshan on Dulong Valley Road at Dabadi two sides, 3100 m , N27°47' , E98°32' , September 30, 2002 , H.M. Yan ( CAS , CASENT 9025802); 1Ƥ, Gongshan County, along Dulong Valley Road about 38–41 km , 2800– 2900 m , N27°47'05.8" , E98°31'41.5" , September 23, 2002 , X. Xu & C.M. Yin ( HNU , CASENT 9025803); 2Ƥ, Gongshan County, Cikai Township, 41 km W of Gongshan on Dulong Valley Road at Dabadi, 3000 m , N27.79655° , E098.50562° , September 27 to October 6, 2002 , D.H. Kavanaugh, P.E. Marek, D.Z. Dong, & X.C. Liang ( CAS , CASENT 9025804); 1Ƥ, Gongshan County, Cikai Township, 41 km W of Gongshan on Dulong Valley Road at Dabadi two sides, 3100 m , N27°27' , E98°37' , September 23, 2002 , H. M. Yan ( HNU , CASENT 9025805); 2Ƥ, Gongshan County, Cikai Township, 41 km W of Gongshan on Dulong Valley Road at Dabadi, 3000 m , N27.79655° , E098.50562° , September 27 to October 6, 2002 , D.H. Kavanaugh, P.E. Marek, D.Z. Dong, & X.C. Liang ( HNU , CASENT 9025806); 1Ƥ, Gongshan County, Cikai Township, Dabadi north bank, 3090 m , N27°47' , E98°30' , September 29, 2002 , H.M. Yan ( CAS , CASENT 9025807); 13, Gongshan County, along Dulong Valley Road about 38-41 km , 2800–2900 m , N27°47'05.8" , E98°31'41.5" , September 23, 2002 , X. Xu & C.M. Yin ( CAS , CASENT 9025800); 131Ƥ, Lushui County, Pianma Yakou, 58.1 km W of Nu Jiang Road on Pianma Road, 3140 m , N25.97288° , E098.68336° , October 15, 2002 , D. H. Kavanaugh, P.E. Marek, & H.B. Liang ( CAS , CASENT 9025854); 2Ƥ, Tengchong County, Mingguang Township, Zizhi Village, up slope, N25.48351° , E098.37149° , 2880 m ; down slope, N25.47531° , E098.37266° , 2756 m , May 19, 2006 , C.M. Yin, J.F. Hu & X.H. Yang ( HNU , CASENT 9025624); 13, Tengchong County, Jietou Township, 0.4 km N of Dahetou, Lingganjiao at Longtang He, N25.74277° , E98.69691° , 2020 m , May 15–20, 2006 , pitfall traps, D. Kavanaugh ( HNU , CASENT 9025590); 1Ƥ, Mingguang Township, Zizhi Village, N25.80894° , E098.62080° , 2890 m , May 23, 2006 , X.J. Peng, X.P. Wang & P. Hu ( CAS , CASENT 9025592, same vial with 132Ƥ Coelotes incertus ); 1Ƥ, 00-QF-17 ( CAS , CASENT 9025603); 13, Lushui County, Pianma Township, Feng Xue Yakou, elev. 3142 m , N26.00949° , E98.61704° , along the road, May 17, 2005 , K. J. Guo ( HNU , CASENT 9022074); 2Ƥ, Longyang County, Bawan District, Nankang Yakou, elev. 2180 m , N24.83178° , E98.76472° , understory of good forest on Efacing slope, night collecting, May 22, 2005 , C. Griswold & D. Kavanaugh ( CAS , CASENT 9022287); 1Ƥ, Lushui County, Feng Xue Yakou, E. side on Pianma Road, elev. 3150 m , N25.97288° , E98.68336° , hand collecting under rocks, May 17, 2005 , C. Griswold ( CAS , CASENT 9022355, DNA sample); 2Ƥ, Gongshan County, Cikai Township,Dabadi troops place south bank of River, 3030 m , N27°47' , E98°31' , September 28, 2002 , H. M. Yan ( CAS , CASENT 9025798, same vial with 13 Gnaphosidae ); 1Ƥ, Mingguang Township Zizhi Village, N25.80894° , E098.62080° , 2890 m , May 23, 2006 , road cut, about 2 miles down from Yakou border station, X.J. Peng, X.P. Wang & P. Hu ( CAS , in same vial with 2Ƥ13 Draconarius insertus , CASENT 9025592); 1Ƥ, Zhongdian County, 51 km SSE Zhongdian, 2970 m , N27°25.3' , E99°56.5' , creek valley, mixed coniferous forest with shrubby vegetation, bamboo, vinegar trap, August 16–19, 2003 , D.W. Wrase ( SMF ); 1Ƥ, Lijiang Naxi county, E Yulongxue Shan, 30 km N Lijiang, 2800-2900 m , N27°09.0' , E100°14.9' , creek valley, secondary mixed forest, August 13, 2003 , D.W. Wrase ( SMF ). FIGURES 92–96. Coelotes pseudoyunnanensis sp. nov. , male and female paratypes (CAS, CASENT9025799) from Gongshan County, Cikai, Dabadi. 92,93 Female epigynum, ventral and dorsal view; 94–96 Male palp, prolateral, ventral and retrolateral view. Etymology: The specific name refers to its similarity to C. yunnanensis . Diagnosis: The female resembles C. yunnanensis in having a similar vulva but can be distinguished by the anteriorly originating epigynal teeth and small, laterally extending copulatory ducts ( Figs 88–89 ). The male can be recognized by the broad conductor ( Figs 90–91 ). Description: Male ( holotype ): Medium sized coelotine, total length 6.70 ( Fig. 97 ). Carapace 3.50 long, 3.20 wide. Abdomen 3.20 long, 2.00 wide. AME smallest, ¾ the size of other eyes which are subequal or with ALE slightly larger (AME 0.16, ALE 0.20, PME 0.18, PLE 0.19); AME separated by half of their diameter, from ALE by 1/3 of AME diameter; PME separated by slightly more than half of their diameter, from PLE by slightly more than PME diameter (AME-AME 0.07, AME-ALE 0.05, PME-PME 0.10, PME-PLE 0.18, AME-PME 0.13) ( Fig. 98 ). Promargin of chelicera with 3 teeth, retromargin 3. Labium slightly wider than long (L/W=0.96) ( Fig. 99 ). Palpal patellar apophysis short, broad, distinctly extending and pointing distally; RTA more than half of tibial length, distinctly extending distally; lateral tibial apophysis broad, distinctly separated from RTA; cymbial furrow short, less than half of cymbial length; conductor short, broad, somewhat twisted, with a dorsal apophysis, a small basal lamella; median apophysis broad, round, spoonshaped; embolus short, filiform, originating prolaterally ( Figs 90–91 , 94–96 ). FIGURES 97–102. Coelotes pseudoyunnanensis sp. nov. , male (97–99) and female (100–102) paratype (CAS, CASENT9025799) from Gongshan County, Cikai, Dabadi. 97,100 Habitus, dorsal view; 98,101 Eyes, view between from and dorsal; 99,102 Labia, ventral view. FIGURES 103–108. Coelotes pseudoyunnanensis sp. nov. , female epigynum, ventral and dorsal view. 103,104 From Tengchong County, Mingguang, Zizhi (HNU, CASENT9025624); 105,106 No detailed label (CAS, CASENT9025603); 107,108 From Gongshan County, Cikai (HNU, CASENT9025797). Female (one of the paratypes measured): Medium sized coelotine, total length 7.70 ( Fig. 100 ). Carapace 3.50 long, 2.20 wide. Abdomen 4.20 long, 2.80 wide. AME smallest, ¾ size of lateral eyes which are subequal; PME slightly larger than AME (AME 0.13, ALE 0.17, PME 0.15, PLE 0.17); anterior eyes equally separated by half of AME diameter; PME separated from each other by 2/3 of their diameter, from PLE by slightly more than PME diameter (AME-AME 0.06, AME-ALE 0.05, PME-PME 0.10, PME-PLE 0.17, AME-PME 0.16) ( Fig. 101 ). Promargin of chelicera with 3 teeth, retromargin 3. Labium slightly longer than wide (L/W=1.05) ( Fig. 102 ). Epigynal teeth short, arise anteriorly at atrium, separated by atrial width; atrium small, with distinct, continuous anterior margin but indistinct lateral margins; copulatory ducts small, slightly extending laterally; spermathecae broad, slightly separated, slightly extending anteriorly; spermathecal heads arising anteriorly from subdistal spermathecae ( Figs 88–89 , 92–93 , 103–108 ). Distribution: China (Yunnan) ( Fig. 156 ).