Phylogenetic relationships and taxonomic revision of Paranoplocephala Lühe, 1910 sensu lato (Cestoda, Cyclophyllidea, Anoplocephalidae) Author Haukisalmi, Voitto Author Hardman, Lotta M. Author Hoberg, Eric P. Author Henttonen, Heikki text Zootaxa 2014 3873 4 371 415 journal article 42366 10.11646/zootaxa.3873.4.3 3762132e-7358-44b3-a430-0708f1fe15f5 1175-5326 229232 7FCB1765-9A81-4BA7-9633-F896B2B808BA Tenoraia n. g. ( Fig. 19 ) Etymology. The name of the new genus refers to the late Frantisék Tenora, a renowned expert in the taxonomy of anoplocephalid cestodes of rodents. “ Tenoraia ” is feminine. Diagnosis. Strobila relatively short and narrow. Scolex small, globular, merging gradually with neck. Suckers slightly protruding, directed antero-laterally. Neck rather long; neck width relative to scolex width ca. 50%. Proglottids distinctly craspedote, transversely elongated; length/width ratio of mature segments ca. 21%. Genital pores unilateral. Genital ducts pass dorsal to longitudinal osmoregulatory canals. Testes antiporal and anterior to ovary. Poral testes may overlap poral ventral canal; few testes usually lateral to corresponding antiporal canal. Testes slightly or markedly overlapping ovary. Cirrus sac short and wide, overlapping, but not extending across ventral longitudinal canal. Vagina short, on average half of cirrus sac length or slightly more; covered by prominent cell layer. Seminal receptacle pyriform or slightly elongate. Ovary large, slightly antiporal; reaching poral ventral canal, but not corresponding antiporal canal. Vitellarium slightly poral with respect to ovary. Early uterus reticulate, anterior, ventral to other organs, partly overlapping ovary and extending across longitudinal canals ventrally; lateral parts fenestrated and somewhat widened posteriorly. In Microtus arvalis ( Cricetidae : Arvicolinae ) in Central Europe. Type species: T. janickii ( Tenora, Murai & Vaucher, 1985 ) n. comb. Paranoplocephala janickii Tenora, Murai & Vaucher, 1985 Holotype of T. janickii : HNHM 6722/1. Remarks . Tenoraia is compared with cestodes with a short vagina (relative to the length of the cirrus sac), i.e. Microticola , Cookiella and Rodentocestus . Tenoraia differs from Cookiella and Rodentocestus in its more restricted distribution of testes in the poral part of the proglottid, pyriform seminal receptacle (elongate in Cookiella and Rodentocestus ) and unilateral genital pores (irregularly alternating in Cookiella and Rodentocestus ). Also, the cirrus sac extends further mediad (with respect to the ventral longitudinal canal) in Tenoraia compared with the latter genera. Tenoraia differs from Microticola mainly in its more restricted distribution of testes in the poral part of the proglottid, shape of the seminal vesicle (pyriform vs. elongate) and the extent of the ovary (covering all the space between longitudinal canals in Tenoraia but not in Microticola ). Tenoraia janickii appeared as an isolated basal lineage without significant phylogenetic associations with other taxa.