A checklist of rheophytes of Cameroon Author Kuetegue, Felix Author Sonke, Bonaventure Author Ameka, Gabriel K. text PhytoKeys 2019 121 81 131 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.121.29924 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.121.29924 1314-2003-121-81 B21D393FFFFBFC4EFF96FFA7FFF98263 3484962 Ixora inundata Hiern, Fl. Trop. Afr. 3: 166 (1877) Type. Gabon. Cristal Mountains, 1862, Mann 1731 (holotype: K; isotype: P). Description. Shrub up to 1.5 m tall; strongly rooted; stems tough; leaves lanceolate 4-11 x 1-2.5 cm; flowers translucent white. Specimens examined. Near Nkolemvom, 20 km southeast of d'Ebolowa , 2°54'N , 11°09'E , 03 Mar 1970, R. Letouzey 9986 (YA); between Bulu and Ekum Bako, SW Region, 4°56'N , 8°52'E , 01 Jun 1984, D. W. Thomas 3499 (YA); at the bank of Cross River, north of Nsanaragati, 5°52'N , 8°54'E , 16 Dec 1986, Stephen D. Manning 1217 (YA). Habitat. Rocky bank of rivers, periodically inundated; between rocks in rivers. Distribution. Cameroon (Fig. 20 ) and Gabon. Conservation status in Cameroon. Ixora inundata is not listed on http://www.iucnredlist.org. However, in Onana and Cheek (2011) , the species was assessed as Endangered. The taxon is currently known from five localities. The extent of occurrence of the species is about 56,000 km2, and the area of occupancy is about 20 km2. The proposed dam on Ntem River is very likely to threaten the survival of I. inundata . Based on this threat and the continuous decline of vegetation cover in the area, extent and /or quality of habitat the species is assessed here as Endangered. IUCN Red List Category: Endangered ENB2ab (ii, iii). Figures 20-25. 20 Ixora inundata Hiern 21 Virectaria angustifolia (Hiern) Bremek 22 Virectaria salicoides (C.H.Wright) Bremek 23 Deinbollia angustifolia D.W.Thomas 24 Deinbollia saligna Keay 25 Podostemaceae distribution.