Revision of the genus Dinotoperla Tillyard, 1921 (Plecoptera: Gripopterygidae) using morphological characters and molecular data: Establishes two new genera, three new species and updates the larval taxonomy Author Mynott, Julia H Author Suter, Phillip J Author Theischinger, Gunther text Zootaxa 2017 4224 1 1 76 journal article 37264 10.5281/zenodo.259007 e57764ce-8c26-4ab9-a6d2-0b8a324f828c 1175-5326 259007 07DB90CB-4C8C-49A6-96AC-BFD33BB0ADF9 Dinotoperla bassae Hynes ( Fig. 5 A–B) Larva. Remarks. Species described and life stages associated by rearing ( Hynes 1982 ). Material examined: New South Wales : Paratypes : 5 x larvae: Kiandra. -35.883648, 148.514076. Collected: 5 Nov 1966 , Collector : EF Riek (housed in ANIC ) . 3 x larvae: Kiandra. -35.883648, 148.514076. Collected: 5 Nov 1966 , Collector: EF Riek (housed in ANIC). 4 x larvae: NSW Kiandra . -35.883648, 148.514076. Collected: 5 Nov 1966 , Collector : EF Riek (housed in ANIC ), Accession Number : AN08 0 0 1695. Victoria : 1 x larva: Pirron Yallock Creek (EPA Site Code KJI), -38.34542, 143.36633. Collected: 08-10-08 , Collectors : EPA Victoria , Accession number: EPAVP 3 . FIGURE 5. Dinotoperla bassae : (A) dorsal overview; (B) dorsal surface of thorax. Length: 8–10 mm . Colour: Pale brown with dark patterning on the nota. Body: Robust and smooth in appearance. Head: Antennae very long, length greater than the body length; without long fine setae on margins; last 20 segments elongated becoming very thin near tip. Posterior area of head mottled; scattered short robust setae on dorsal surface. Thorax: Pronotum wider than head; trapezoidal with anterior half narrower than posterior; hind corners may appear to be slightly produced with wide round margin. Meso- and meta-nota without raised bosses; hind margins straight to convex. Nota surface smooth but with scattered short robust setae; hind margins with short robust setae. Legs: Legs generally long and thin with a smooth appearance. Femora and tibiae without long fine setae. Femora outer margin with fringe of long robust setae; outer surface with scattered short robust setae present in distal area. Tibiae with outer and inner margin with fringe of long robust setae, more evident on inner margin. Very faint longitudinal stripe on the femora and tibiae. Hind leg with 1st tarsal segment long, approximately half length of 3rd. Abdomen: Tergites each have a transverse row of spots, usually two, either side of medial line. Surface of tergites relatively smooth in appearance but with short robust setae scattered, hind margin with similar short robust setae to surface; tergite X with denser covering of short robust setae, hind margin with broader robust setae than present on surface. Hind margin of tergite X slightly raised and pointed in males; females squarish (broad and blunt) with a small medial knob. Gills purple, dense rosette and long. Cerci long, as long or longer than abdomen; segments very elongate after gill tuft (approximately segment 8–9 and thinning afterwards); without long fine setae. Paraprocts triangular with rounded tip; length approximately equal to basal width.