Revision of the genus Dinotoperla Tillyard, 1921 (Plecoptera: Gripopterygidae) using morphological characters and molecular data: Establishes two new genera, three new species and updates the larval taxonomy Author Mynott, Julia H Author Suter, Phillip J Author Theischinger, Gunther text Zootaxa 2017 4224 1 1 76 journal article 37264 10.5281/zenodo.259007 e57764ce-8c26-4ab9-a6d2-0b8a324f828c 1175-5326 259007 07DB90CB-4C8C-49A6-96AC-BFD33BB0ADF9 Dinotoperla parabrevipennis Theischinger ( Fig. 19 A–D) Larva. Remarks. Associated with adults using genetic methods. Material examined: New South Wales : New England National Park: 4 x adult male: Styx River at Tea Tree Falls . -30.49689, 152.39756. Collected: 14-Nov-12 , Collectors: J Mynott & D Black, Accession numbers: JMH1130, JMH1113, JMH1134, JMH1138. 1 x adult female: Styx River at Tea Tree Falls . -30.49689, 152.39756. Collected: 14-Nov-12 , Collectors: J Mynott & D Black, Accession number: JMH1133. 3 x larvae: Styx River at Tea Tree Falls . -30.49689, 152.39756. Collected: 14-Nov-12 , Collectors: J Mynott & D Black, Accession numbers: JMH1699, JMH1700, JMH1701. 1 x larva: Styx River at Toms Cabin. -30.49650, 152.39851. Collected : 14-Nov- 12 , Collectors: J Mynott & D Black, Accession number: JMH1435. Werrikimbe National Park: 1 x larva: Kunderang Brook on Racecourse Trail at Grass Tree picnic area. -31.13577, 152.28869. Collected: 12-Nov-10 , Collectors: J Mynott & M Shackleton, Accession number: JMH1412. Length: 3.5–4.8 mm . FIGURE 19. Dinotoperla parabrevipennis : (A) dorsal overview; (B) dorsal surface of thorax; (C) hind tergites showing setation on the segment surface and hind margin of tergite X; (D) dorsal view of hind leg. Colour: Light pale brown. Body: Small, abdomen usually appears shorter than thorax and tapered posteriorly. Head: Not as wide as pronotum. Tear-shaped robust setae present on top of head. Antennae as long as body, first third robust and then tapers to thin elongate segments. Thorax: Broad. Pronotum wider than head, with all four corners produced into points. Outer margin of pronotum and much of the dorsal surface covered with dense tear-shaped robust setae. Hind margins of meso- and meta-nota convex. Inner margin of wing pads with tear-shaped robust setae present; outer margin of wingpads without robust setae. Anterolateral margin of mesonotum with tear-shaped robust setae present. meso- and metanota without obvious bosses at base of wingpad but with patch of tear-shaped robust setae; surface of nota also with tear-shaped robust setae present. Legs: Hind legs relatively long compared to the body. Outer surface of femora smooth, outer margin of femora with short robust setae present. Outer surface of tibiae triangular in appearance with strong central ridge; all edges with short robust setae. Abdomen: Dorsal cuticle reticulate, especially from tergites 5 to 10. Hind margins of tergites with tear-shaped robust setae present, also scattered on surface of tergites. Hind margin of tergite X circular, enclosing paraprocts, gill stalk and cercal base. Sternites with long setae present. Paraprocts triangular, tapering posteriorly; surface reticulate; length greater than width at base of paraproct.