New or little known Sphecidae (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) from Sicily (Italy) Author Tomarchio, S. Author G. F text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2006 2006-07-21 38 1 953 960 journal article 4385 10.5281/zenodo.5434594 287a3f15-b20c-453b-afd9-4469d5095c6c 0253-116X 5434594 Gorytes quinquecinctus (FABRICIUS 1793) M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Mount Etna , Tremestieri Etneo , 350 m ( Catania ), 19. V .1993 , 1 ( G.F. Turrisi leg.) ; 16.V.1994 , 1 (G.F. Turrisi leg.); Mount Etna , slopes of Mount San Leo , 1000 m ( Belpasso , Catania ), 4. VI .1992 , 1 ( G.F. Turrisi leg.) ; 24.VI.1992 , 1, 3 (G.F. Turrisi leg.); 7- 9.VII.1992 , 2 (G.F. Turrisi leg.); 2.VI.1993 , 7 (G.F. Turrisi leg.); 26.VI.1999 , 1 (G.F. Turrisi leg.). R e m a r k s: First record for Sicily! Widespread in Europe, Turkey , and Kazakhstan , its presence in N-Africa is not confirmed ( BITSCH et al. 1997 ). It is recorded from the whole peninsular Italy , as south as Calabria . The specimens from Mount San Leo were collected on flowers of several Apiaceae : Ferula communis L., Thapsia garganica L., and Opopanax chironium L. All the male specimens examined have clypeus and pronotal lobes extensively yellow, as females.