A phylogeny and classification of the Talitroidea (Amphipoda, Senticaudata) based on interpretation of morphological synapomorphies and homoplasies Author Myers, A. A. School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University College Cork, Cork Enterprise Centre, Distillery Fields, North Mall, Cork, Ireland. Author Lowry, J. K. Australian Museum Research Institute, 1 William Street, Sydney, NSW 2010, Australia. text Zootaxa 2020 2020-05-14 4778 2 281 310 journal article 22157 10.11646/zootaxa.4778.2.3 e1c66730-b0ab-402e-a48d-61335c1dbd0e 1175-5326 3826328 C547A832-4C3D-4314-9611-5AA6C32FE986 Talitrinae Rafinesque, 1815 Type genus. Talitrus Bosc, 1802 . Included genera (55). Africorchestia Lowry & Coleman, 2011 ; Amphiatlantica Lowry & Myers, 2019a ; Atlantorchestoidea Serejo, 2004 ; Australorchestia Serejo & Lowry, 2008 ; Bellorchestia Serejo & Lowry, 2008 ; Bulychevia Lowry & Myers, 2019a ; Canariorchestia Lowry & Myers, 2019a ; Capeorchestia Lowry & Baldanzi, 2016 ; Cariborchestia Smith, 1998 ; Chelorchestia Bousfield, 1984 ; Chevreuxiana Lowry & Myers, 2019a ; Chroestia Marsden & Fenwick, 1984 ; Cryptorchestia Lowry & Fanini. 2013 ; Dallwitzia Lowry & Myers, 2019a ; Defeo Lowry & Myers, 2019a ; Derzhavinia Lowry & Myers, 2019a ; Deshayesorchestia Ruffo, 2004 ; Ditmorchestia Morino & Miyamoto, 2015d ; Ezotinorchestia Morino & Miyamoto, 2016a ; Galaporchestia Lowry & Myers, 2019a ; Hermesorchestia Hughes & Lowry, 2017 ; Houlia Lowry & Myers, 2019a ; Indiorchestia Lowry & Myers, 2019a ; Kaalorchestia Lowry & Myers, 2019a ; Kokuborchestia Morino & Miyamoto, 2015c ; Laniporchestia Lowry & Myers, 2019a ; Lanorchestia Miyamoto & Morino, 2010 ; Lowryella Morino & Miyamoto, 2016b ; Macarorchestia Stock, 1989 a ; Megalorchestia Brandt, 1851 ; Mexorchestia Wildish & LeCroy, 2014 ; Minamitalitrus White, Lowry & Morino, 2013 ; Morinoia Lowry & Myers, 2019a ; Nipponorchestia Morino & Miyamoto, 2015a ; Notorchestia Serejo & Lowry, 2008 ; Opunorchestia Lowry & Myers, 2019a ; Orchestia Leach, 1814 ; Orchestoidea Nicolet, 1849 ; Paciforchestia Bousfield, 1982 ; Palmorchestia Stock & Martin, 1988 ; Pickorchestia Lowry & Myers, 2019a ; Platorchestia Bousfield, 1982 ; Pyatakovestia Morino & Miyamoto, 2015b ; Sinorchestia Miyamoto & Morino, 1999 ; Speziorchestia Lowry & Myers, 2019a ; Talitrus Bosc, 1802 ; Talorchestia Dana, 1853 ; Tethorchestia Bousfield, 1984 ; Tongorchestia Lowry & Bopiah, 2013 ; Transorchestia Bousfield, 1982 ; Traskorchestia Bousfield, 1982 ; Trinorchestia Bousfield, 1982 ; Tropicorchestia Lowry & Springthorpe, 2015 ; Vallorchestia Lowry, 2012 ; Vietorchestia Dang & Le, 2011 . Category. Mascupods, femipods and semi-mascupods. Ecological type . Marsh-hoppers, beach-hoppers, sand-hoppers, driftwood-hoppers, cave-hoppers, moss-hoppers, forest-hoppers, riparian-hoppers, field-hoppers. Distribution. Australia and Papua New Guinea ; New Zealand ; New Caledonia ; India ; South Africa , West Africa, East Africa and the Red Sea; Western Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf; Indonesia and Malaysia ; the Caribbean, Pacific North America and the Pacific Plate; Japan and Russia ; Taiwan ; China ; Pacific South and Central America; Atlantic South America; Western North Atlantic; East Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. Diagnostic description. Antenna 1 long, reaching to at least midpoint of peduncular article 5 of antenna 2, or short, not reaching midpoint of peduncular article 5 of antenna 2. Maxilliped palp article 2 with distomedial lobe; article 4 reduced, button-shaped or fused to article 3 . Gnathopod 1 mainly posterior margin of carpus and propodus each with palmate lobes or posterior margin of merus, carpus and propodus each with palmate lobes or posterior margin, much less frequently with or without palmate lobes on merus, carpus and propodus or only on carpus or propodus; propodus subrectangular or ‘subtriangular’ with well-developed posterodistal lobe or subrectangular, tapering distally. Gnathopod 2 subchelate or mitten-shaped; dactylus with or without posteroproximal projection. Pereopods 3–7 cuspidactylate or pereopods 3, 4 cuspidactylate, 5–7 simplidactylate or homosimplidactylate. Pereopod 4 dactylus amplidactylate or homobasidactylate. Pereopod 5 dactylus not inflated. Pereopod 6 subequal in length, shorter or longer than pereopod 7. Pereopod 7 sexually dimorphic (basis, merus and carpus expanded or merus and carpus expanded) or not sexually dimorphic. Epimera 1–3 slits absent . Uropods 1–2 rami without apical spear-shaped setae. Uropod 1 male exopod not sexually dimorphic; exopod with marginal robust setae in one row or with marginal robust setae in two rows or without marginal robust setae. Uropod 3 ramus subequal in length, longer or shorter than peduncle. Telson with apical and marginal robust setae, with 2 to at least 10 robust setae per lobe.