Pseudomonas capsici sp. nov., a plant-pathogenic bacterium isolated from pepper leaf in Georgia, USA Author Zhao, Mei Author Koirala, Santosh Author Chen, Hsiao-Chun Author Gitaitis, Ronald Author Kvitko, Brian Author Dutta, Bhabesh text International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2021 004971 2021-08-23 71 8 1 7 journal article 276807 10.1099/ijsem.0.004971 6bcdc052-5eb7-4b99-bd60-c7396987ff1d 1466-5034 PMC8513616 34424837 6224216 DESCRIPTION OF PSEUDOMONAS CAPSICI SP. NOV. Pseudomonas capsici (cap′ N.L. neut. gen n. capsici , referring to Capsicum , the genus name of pepper). The colonies are light cream, opaque, round and 1.0–2.0 mm diameter after incubation at 28 °C for 24 h on nutrient agar medium. The cells are Gram-negative, aerobic, motile with multiple polar flagella and rod-shaped (2.4 µm long and 0.7 µm wide). Strains are levan-negative, oxidase-positive, positive for potato rot activity and arginine-dihydrolasenegative, and induce hypersensitive reactions on tobacco. The cells are fluorescent on King’s B medium under ultraviolet light. Cell growth occurs at 4–37 °C, with optimum growth observed between 28 and 30°C. The bacterium grows at pH 5–6 and with 1–4% NaCl. The fatty acids comprise summed feature 3 ( C 16 :1 ω7 c and/or C 16 :1 ω6 c ), C, summed feature 8 ( C 18 :1 ω7 c and/or C 18 :1 ω6 c ), C 12 :0, C 3 -OH, C 10 :0 3-OH, C 12 :0 2-OH, 11-methyl C 18 :1 ω7 c and C 18 :0. The bacterium has diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol as major polar lipids. Biolog GEN III MicroPlate assays show that Pc19-1 T can utilize α-D-glucose,D-mannose,D-mannitol, methyl pyruvate, γ-amino-butyric acid, D-fructose, D-arabitol,L-alanine,D-galactose, myo-inositol,D-gluconic acid, L-lactic acid, glycerol, L-aspartic acid, citric acid, D-fucose,L-glutamic acid, glucuronamide, α-keto-glutaric acid, L-fucose, D-fructose-6- PO 4 , mucic acid, D-malic acid, propionic acid, D-aspartic acid,L-pyroglutamic acid, quinic acid, L-malic acid, acetic acid, inosine, L-serine and D-saccharic acid. Strain Pc19-1 T is able to grow in the presence of 1% sodium lactate, troleandomycin, lincomycin, vancomycin, nalidixic acid, aztreonam, fusidic acid, rifamycin SV, guanidine HC, tetrazolium violet, lithium chloride, D-serine, niaproof 4, tetrazolium blue, potassium tellurite and sodium bromate. Using API 20 NE assays, the bacterium assimilates glucose, arabinose, mannose, mannitol, gluconate, caprate, malate and citrate, and is positive for nitrate reduction to nitrite, urease and β-glucosidase, but negative for indole production, arginine dihydrolase, gelatin hydrolysis, β-galactosidase, assimilation of N -acetyl-glucosamine, maltose, adipate and phenylacetate. 16:0 12:0 Table 3. Selected phenotypic characteristics and substrate-utilization profiles of strain Pc19-1 T and representative strains of closely related Pseudomonas species Strains: 1, Pc19-1 T ; 2, P. cichorii ATCC 10857 T ; 3, P. floridensis GEV 388 T ; 4, P. viridiflava ICMP 2848 T ; 5, P. asturiensis LMG 26898 T ; 6, P. syringae LMG 1247 T . All strains were negative for the production of arginine dihydrolase, and induced a hypersensitive reaction on tobacco. Data of columns 2–6 taken from Timilsina et al. [ 32 ]. +, Positive reaction; –, negative reaction; W, weakly positive reaction.
Characteristic 1* 2 3 4 5 6
Levan formation from sucrose +
Oxidase + +
Potato rot + + +
Assimilation of (Biolog GEN III):
D-Sorbitol + + +
L-Galactonic acid + + w
D-Fucose + W + + +
Sucrose +
Troleandomycin + + W W
* Pseudomonas capsici strains Pc19-2 and Pc19-3 gave identical reactions for these tests as Pc19-1T.
The type strain, Pc19-1 T (=LMG 32209 T =CFBP 8884 T ), was isolated from symptomatic pepper foliage in Georgia , USA in 2019. The genomic DNA G+C content of the type strain is 58.4 mol%.