Catalogue of Texas spiders Author Dean, David Allen Department of Entomology, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas, United States of America text ZooKeys 2016 2016-03-02 570 1 703 journal article 1313-2970-570-1 CE0DA439F6F64DCF82255700A3C50098 E376FF8EFFF1F22C326D1E0DFF8BFFDF 579094 Cicurina vespera Gertsch, 1992 Cicurina vespera Cokendolpher 2004a : 53, f, desc. (figs 65-66); Culver et al. 2003 : 464; Federal Register 1998 : 71855-71856, 71858, 71860, 71866; Federal Register 2000 : 81419-81421, 81425, 81428, 81433; Federal Register 2002 : 55064, 55067, 55073-55074, 55086-55087, 55089; Federal Register 2003 : 17156-17158, 17176, 17190; Gertsch 1992 : 111, f, desc. (figs 93-94); Jackman 1997 : 162, 171; NABN 2001 : 8; Paquin and Duperre 2009 : 53, f, desc. (figs 118-119, 134); Paquin and Hedin 2004 : 3254; Reddell and Cokendolpher 2004 : 81; SWCA Environmental Consultants 2007 : 3 Distribution. Bexar Caves. Bexar (Government Canyon Bat Cave [Government Canyon State Natural Area]) Time of activity. Female (August) Habitat. (landscape features: cave) Type. Texas (female, Bexar Co., Government Canyon Bat Cave, August 11, 1965, J. Reddell, J. Fish, holotype, AMNH) [male unknown] Etymology. Latin, in the evening Collection. TMM