The Trichoptera of Panama XXIV. Fifteen new species and two new country records of the caddisfly genus Neotrichia (Trichoptera, Hydroptilidae), with a key to all known Panamanian species Author Harris, Steven C. Museo de Peces de Agua Dulce e Invertebrados, Universidad Autonoma de Chiriqui, David, Panama & Department of Biology, Pennsylvania Western University-Clarion, Clarion, PA 16214, USA Author Armitage, Brian J. Museo de Peces de Agua Dulce e Invertebrados, Universidad Autonoma de Chiriqui, David, Panama & Sistema Nacional de Investigacion de Panama (SNI), Panama, Panama Author Rios Gonzalez, Tomas A. Museo de Peces de Agua Dulce e Invertebrados, Universidad Autonoma de Chiriqui, David, Panama text ZooKeys 2024 2024-01-03 1188 47 90 journal article 1313-2970-1188-47 C0589D9E270749528673AC6A6E6D3C77 745B618C11F253D9AA32E48D492F12ED Neotrichia lenati sp. nov. Fig. 9 Type locality. Panama: Chiriqui Province : Cuenca102, Renacimiento District, Reserva Privada Landis, Location 1, Quebrada sin nombre; 8.643769°N , 82.82979°W ; 755 m a.s.l. Type material. Holotype : ♂, Panama: Chiriqui Province : Cuenca102, Renacimiento District, Reserva Privada Landis, Location 1, Quebrada sin nombre; 8.643769°N , 82.82979°W ; 755 m a.s.l.; 5-30.xii.2022; M. Landis leg.; Malaise trap; MUPADI-010-T-2023 (in alcohol). Diagnosis. Neotrichia lenati sp. nov. appears to be a member of the N. okopa group of Keth et al. (2015) based on the tubular phallus which lacks sclerotized processes, the posterolateral process from segment IX, and the thin tapering inferior appendage. It is, perhaps, most similar to N. connori Keth et al., 2015 from Mexico and N. teutonia Flint, 1983 from Brazil, which also have tapering inferior appendages and a posterolateral process from segment IX. The new species is separated by the presence of a basal process from the inferior appendage, narrow bracteole, and the ventral location and shape of the posterolateral process from segment IX. Description. Male. Total length 1.4 mm ( n = 1), 18 antennal segment, wings and body brown in alcohol. Genitalia (Fig. 9 ). Abdominal segment VIII annular. Segment IX in lateral view narrow, tapering anteriorly to mesal apodeme, truncate posteriorly, with thin process posterolaterally, tapering ventrad and incised on posterior margin; in ventral view narrow, sinuate posteriorly; in dorsal view deeply incised mesally, forming rounded lateral lobes. Segment X seemingly fused with segment IX in lateral view, tapering downward to posterior projecting shelf with pointed tip; in dorsal view short, rounded distally, with truncate apex and sclerotized margins. Subgenital plate triangular in lateral view; in ventral view quadrate, lateral apices indented with stout seta, small mesal downturned lobe. Bracteole narrow in lateral view, slightly widening distally; in ventral and dorsal views narrow over length. Inferior appendage sclerotized, tapering distally and slightly curving upward at midlength, dorsobasally with thin process tipped with stout seta; in ventral view tapering distally to rounded apex, knob-like basal process on inner margin. Phallus tubular, constricted near midlength and bearing thin paramere encircling shaft, posteriorly thin and rectangular, ejaculatory duct lightly sclerotized. Figure 9. Neotrichia lenati sp. nov., male holotype, genitalia A left lateral B ventral C dorsal D phallus dorsal. Distribution. Panama: Chiriqui Province (Reserva Privada Landis). Etymology. This species is named in memory of David R. Lenat of Raleigh, North Carolina, our friend and colleague, who was an avid researcher in taxonomy and aquatic bioassessment, and who made numerous important contributions to our knowledge of chironomids, stoneflies, caddisflies, mayflies, and many other groups of aquatic insects. The name is a noun in the genitive case.