Berlese's Primitive Oribatid Mites Author van der Hammen, L. text Zoologische Verhandelingen 1959 40 1 93 journal article ORI111 0DC6B575-3CB3-41C1-A3EC-850520AE4487 Cosmochthonius Berlese, 1910 Cosmochthonius Berlese, 1910, pp. 218, 221. Berlese (1910) mentions diagnostic characters of the genus Cosmochthonius in a key (p. 218) as well as in a concise description (p. 221). One of the striking facts is thatiie characterizes the genus as monodactyle; it is the first character mentioned in the key, and it is repeated in the diagnosis. Probably Berlese accepted this upon authority of Michael, without further examination. In fact neither the type of the genus ( C. lanatus Michael ) nor one of the other species appear to be monodactyle 2). 2) Cosmochthonius pulcherrimus Hammer , 1958, p. 22, pl. 3 figs. 17, I7a-c, is described as having one claw. The species is, however, probably no Cosmochthonius at all.