New species of Euphorinae parasitoids of the family Braconidae (Hymenoptera) from South Korea
Ku, Deok-Seo
Samartsev, Konstantin G.
Belokobylskij, Sergey A.
journal article
sp. nov.
Figs 1
Type material
: female,
South Korea
Mt. Gaya
light trap
1– 2.VII.2000
H. An
leg.) (
. Female. Body length
6.5 mm
; fore wing length
6.1 mm
Head width 1.75 × its median length, 1.1 × width of mesoscutum (without tegulae). Temple behind eyes (dorsal view) uniformly and almost linearly narrowed; transverse diameter of eye 2.0 × length of temple. Ocelli large, arranged in triangle with base 1.4 × its sides; POL 0.8 × Od, 2.3 × OOL. Eye bare, 1.4 × as high as broad. Malar space height 0.15 × eye height, 0.6 × basal width of mandible. Face width 0.6 × eye height, equal to height of face. Clypeus almost flat, its width 2.0 × maximum height, 0.8 × width of face. Distance between tentorial pits 2.7 × distance from pit to eye. Malar suture distinct. Hypostomal flanges short and pointed. Mandible large and distinctly twisted, its length 0.7 × transverse diameter of eye. Head below eyes distinctly and weakly-roundly narrowed.
Antenna weakly thickened, weakly setiform, 31-segmented. First flagellar segment almost 3.0 × longer than its apical width, 1.2 × longer than second segment. Penultimate segment 2.0 × longer than width, 0.4 × as long as first segment and 0.55 × as long as apical segment, which is acuminated apically.
Mesosoma. Length 1.4 × its height. Mesoscutum mainly densely and shortly setose, but glabrous at rather narrow sublateral elongated areas. Notauli almost indistinct, in form of very shallow traces. Mesoscutum without medioposterior depression. Prescutellar depression deep, with low median carina, finely rugulose-striate, about 0.5 × as long as scutellum. Scutellum convex. Sternauli absent.
Wing. Fore wing 3.0 × longer than wide. Radial (marginal) cell weakly shortened, metacarpus (1-R1) (within radial cell) 1.3 × longer than pterostigma, 6.7 × longer than distance from apex of radial (marginal) cell to apex of wing. Radial vein (r) arising weakly behind middle of pterostigma. First radial abscissa (r) 0.65 × as long as width of pterostigma, 0.1 × as long as second abscissa (3-SR +SR1), which is weakly and almost evenly curved. First radiomedial vein (2-SR) 4.3 × longer than first radial abscissa (r), 1.5 × longer than recurrent vein (m-cu). Recurrent vein (m-cu) distinctly postfurcal. Discoidal (discal)cell shortly petiolate anteriorly. Distance from nervulus (cu-a) to basal vein (1-M) 0.8 × nervulus (cu-a) length. Hind wing 3.6 × longer than maximum width. Second abscissa of mediocubital vein (1-M) 0.3 × as long as first abscissa (M+CU), 0.6 × as long as basal vein (1r-m).
Legs. All femora thickened. Fore femur 3.1 × longer than wide. Hind femur 3.3 × longer than its maximum width. Hind tarsus 0.9 × as long as hind tibia; its second segment 0.6 × as long as first segment, 0.8 × as long as enlarged fifth segment (without pretarsus). Claws long and thick.
Metasoma. First tergite almost not widened towards apex, weakly convex laterally, with small but distinct spiracular tubercles in basal third. Apical width of first tergite 1.1 × its minimum subbasal width, 0.9 × its width at level of spiracles; its length 1.95 × its apical width. Combined length of second and third tergites about 3.0 × basal width of second tergite. Second suture absent. Hypopygium simple and mainly glabrous. Ovipositor sheath rather short, narrow, almost flat, subparallel at most part, but weakly widened subapically, then strongly linearly narrowed and acuminate apically, with sparse in basal half and dense in apical half long and erect setae; length of setae 1.0–1.5 × maximum width of sheath. Length of sheath 5.4 × its maximum width, 0.7 × length of first tergite.
Sculpture. Head mainly smooth to very finely punctate, face finely punctate with oblique striation mediolaterally. Mesoscutum and mesopleuron smooth. Sides of pronotum mainly smooth, only medioanteriorly with a few coarse rugae. Propodeum with delineated basomedial oval area, with oblique transverse lateral carinae and median longitudinal carina in posterior half; most part of propodeum densely and rather finely rugulose-striate. First metasomal tergite densely and finely longitudinally striate and partly with reticulation, almost smooth submedially. Remaining tergites smooth.
Colour. Body mainly dark reddish brown to black, prothorax and anterior lower half of metasoma brownish yellow. Antenna dark reddish brown, somewhat paler basally. Palpi pale yellow. Legs yellowish-brown. Wings faintly infuscate. Pterostigma dark brown.
. Unknown.
Comparative diagnosis.
This new species is similar to
. (
Belokobylskij, 1996
known from the Kunashir Island of
South Korea
, but differs in having different shape of ovipositor sheath (long and mainly parallel-sided), dark brown head, different areolation of propodeum, narrow and practically not widened apically first metasomal tergite, and wide hind femur.
This species is named in honour of late Dr Sung-Bok Ahn, South Korean entomologist.