A new Floritettix (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Melanoplinae) from the Bombing Range Ridge, Florida, U. S. A. Author Hill, JoVonn G. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1892-7117 Mississippi Entomological Museum, Mississippi, USA. & Department of Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Entomology, and Plant Pathology, Mississippi State University, Mississippi, USA. jgh4@msstate.edu text Journal of Orthoptera Research 2023 2023-08-10 32 2 133 142 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/jor.32.94990 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/jor.32.94990 1937-2426-2-133 BB7A31E6F10648DD93D0495D99B04871 8B3A6CA6ED9D54D4958649F66A8AB9AD Floritettix phlox sp. nov. Figs 1D , 3 , 4A-C , 5A-J Material examined. - Holotype : USA ; FLA, Highlands Co. , Avon Park Air Force Range ; 27.5788°N , - 81.2516°W ; 16 June 2015 ; J. G. Hill , J. Barone , R. Noss , S. Orzell leg; low oak scrub, Bombing Range Ridge ; MEM . Other specimens examined : USA1♂ ; Florida : Polk Co. , Avon Park Bombing Range ; 24 September 1991 ; M.E. Deyrup leg; ABS 2♂ , 1♀ ; Avon Park AFB; 27.6481°N , - 81.2747°W ; 20 June 2019 ; J.G. Hill , B.S. Dunaway leg; low oak scrub, Alpha Range ; MEM 1♂ ; same data except; 27.6481°N , - 81.2736°W ; J.G. Hill leg.; low oak scrub, Alpha Range ; MEM 4♂ ; Avon Park AFB; 27.6744°N , - 81.2861°W ; 5 October 2021 ; M.J. Thorn leg.; scrubby flatwoods/low oak scrub; MEM 1♂ ; same data except; J.G. Hill leg.; MEM 3♂ , 2♀ ; same data except; 27.6729°N , - 81.2874°W ; 5 October 2021 ; M.J. Thorn leg.; scrubby flatwoods and low oak scrub; MEM 2♀ ; same data except; J.G. Hill leg.; MEM 4♂ , 1♀ ; 27.6836°N , - 81.2897°W ; 5 October 2021 ; J.G. Hill leg.; MEM. Diagnosis. - Differing from other Floritettix in the shape of the male genitalia, which has the sheath produced over the dorsal valves as two large adjacent, rounded-subquadrate lobes with a decided concavity caudad, ventral valves that slightly curve dorsally with broadly rounded apices, and a distinct geographic distribution (Figs 1D , 5C-J ). Can be separated from F. nigropicta based on the green coloration of the body (grayish in F. nigropicta ), the lack of black-colored body sutures, and the shape of the male genitalia that are rounded ventral valve apices and more rounded to subquadrate dorsal valve/sheath complex (Figs 1D , 6C-J ), and Floritettix holotamico by the color of the dorsal lateral pronotal stripe (white in F. phlox , orange in F. holotamico ) and the shape of apices of the ventral valves (round in F. phlox and falcate in F. holotamico ). Floritettix hubbelli occurs in the hyperseasonal Florida dry prairies that surround the Bombing Range Ridge. Floritettix phlox can be distinguished from F. hubbelli by the coloration of the post ocular and dorsal stripes (yellow in F. hubbelli and white with a pink border in F. phlox ) and the very different shapes of the internal male genitalia (Figs 1A, D , 6C-G , 7C-G ). Fig. 1. Partial illustrations of male genitalia of Floritettix species showing the cingulum, rami, sheath of aedeagus, and distal portion of dorsal and ventral valves in lateral, dorsal, and ventral (left to right) views; C-cingulum, RC-ramni of cingulum, S-sheath of aedeagus, DV-dorsal valves, VV-ventral valves (gray). A. F. hub belli; B. F. ocilla ; C. F. nigropicta ; D. F. phlox sp.nov. ; E. F. holotamico ; F. F. floridana ; G. F. aptera ; H. F. hadjoi ; I. F. calusa ; J. F. borealis . Fig. 2. Partial illustrations of male genitalia of Floritettix species showing the cingulum, rami, sheath of aedeagus, and distal portion of dorsal and ventral valves in lateral, dorsal, and ventral (left to right) views; C-cingulum, RC-ramni of cingulum, S-sheath of aedeagus, VV-ventral valves (gray). A. F. coquinae ; B. F. osceola ; C. F. simplex ; D. F. saturiba . Male measurements. - (in mm; n = 14) Body length 16.6-19.6 (mean = 18.1); pronotum length 3.3-3.7 (mean = 3.5); hind femur length 8.6-9.8 (mean = 9.1); cerci length 0.6-1.0 (mean = 0.8); basal width of cercus 0.3-0.5 (mean = 0.5); mid-cercal width 0.2 3-0.3(mean = 0.2); cerci apex width 0.1 (mean = 0.3). Female measurements. - (in mm; n = 3) Body length 21.4-24.0 (mean = 22.5); pronotum length 4.4-5.1 (mean = 4.7); hind femur 10.5-12.2 (mean =11.5). Description. - External morphology.-Body of medium size (Figs 4A-C , 5J ). Head moderately large in proportion to the body (especially in females), having the face strongly oblique, fastigium broad in dorsal view and produced anterior to the eyes; eyes large and prominent, elongate-oval. Antennae filiform and slender, with joints somewhat flattened. Pronotum with dense shallow punctures throughout, distinctly widening from apex to base, female widening only on the metazona. Median carina low, cut only by the principal sulcus; lateral carinae absent; prozona over twice as long as the metazona; with a feebly rounded front margin, metazona with hind margin sub-truncate or broadly emarginate; lateral lobes sub-vertical, nearly twice as long as deep, narrowing ventrally, tegmina vestigial, reduced to minute inconspicuous scales. Tympanum large; prosternal spine cylindrical and slender with a blunt apex, hind femora slender; slightly surpassing the abdomen in the male and reaching the base of the ovipositor in the females. Abdomen compressed and carinate; male supra-anal plate short, triangular with lateral margins weakly convergent, with its margins rounded and reflexed and with a short basal median groove. Cercus simple, triangular about twice as long as broad, tapering to an acute apex (Fig. 3A, B ). Furcula are a pair of minute divergent lobes, slightly longer than wide. Sub-genital plate short, not tuberculate, with a narrow chitinous ring that is slightly thicker in the medially, tapering laterally. Pallium a large fleshy rounded flap that rests over the base of the male genitalia. Fig. 3. Male Floritettix phlox sp.nov. Illustrated by Ashley Rude Baker. Fig. 4. Photos of live Floritettix phlox sp.nov. and the plant communities where specimens were collected. A. Lateral view of a live male; B. Dorsal view of a live male; C. Lateral view of live female; D. Low oak scrub at the type locality; E. Scrubby flatwoods; F. Scrubby Flatwoods. Fig. 5. Floritettix phlox A. Dorsal view of terminalia; B. Lateral view of terminalia; C. Dorsal view of phallic complex; D. Lateral view of phallic complex; E. Dorsal view of aedeagus; F. Lateral view of aedeagus; G. Caudal view of the aedeagus; H. Dorsal view of epiphallus; I. Caudal view of epiphallus; J. Habitus. Fig. 6. Floritettix nigropicta A. Dorsal view of terminalia; B. lateral view of terminalia; C. Dorsal view of phallic complex; D. Lateral view of phallic complex; E. Dorsal view of aedeagus; F. Lateral view of aedeagus; G. Caudal view of the aedeagus; H. Dorsal view of epiphallus; I. Caudal view of epiphallus; J. Habitus. Fig. 7. Floritettix hubbelli A. Dorsal view of terminalia; B. Lateral view of terminalia; C. Dorsal view of phallic complex; D. Lateral view of phallic complex; E. Dorsal view of aedeagus; F. Lateral view of aedeagus; G. Caudal view of the aedeagus; H. Dorsal view of epiphallus; I. Caudal view of epiphallus; J. Habitus. Phallic structures.-Sheath produced over the dorsal valves as two large proximo-lateral processes as in other species in the genus, but more specifically as two large adjacent, rounded-subquadrate lobes with a decided concavity caudad, the ventral pair of parameres situated ventro-proximad; adjacent, directed distad and slightly curving dorsal to their broadly rounded apices. The epiphallus is of the typical melanoploid shape, with lophi, ancorae, and an undivided bridge. More precisely, epiphallus with a concave bridge, bilobed lophi, convexly curved lateral plates sub-rectangular in shape with an angular anterior lobe and a long, acute caudal tip; ancora closely set, triangular, taper to a point, and decurved ventrally. Coloration. - Overall greenish in life can fade to yellow in specimens (Figs 3 , 4A-C , 5J ). Antenna light, white in life, turning darker in specimens. Antennal crescent complete. Head, thorax, and abdomen green. Males with a well-defined, white or pinkish-white post-ocular stripe that extends to the caudal edge of the metazona and a moderately broad white to pinkish-white stripe margined with a suffusion of black extending medio-longitudinally on the dorsum of the abdomen. Females typically lacking the post-ocular stripes and with only a faint indication of the abdominal stripe. Mouthparts, supra-anal plate of male and the genicular area of the hind femora pinkish-brown, genicular arches of latter black. Female with mouthparts pinkish. Fore and middle tibia faintly glaucous blue, tarsi gray. Caudal tibia black basally then glaucus blue, caudal tarsi rich pink in males, females similar, but tibia can be purplish. (Figs 3 , 4A-C , 5J ) Distribution. - Floritettix phlox is known only from the Bombing Range Ridge in Highlands and Polk Counties in Central Florida (Fig. 8 ). Fig. 8. Map of Florida showing the location of the Bombing Range Ridge with an inset showing the Bombing Range Ridge, the Lake Wales Ridge, and the collecting localities of Floritettix phlox sp.nov. Map data 2022 (C) Google. Etymology. - " phlox " from the Greek word for flame, in reference to the frequent fires that occur on the Bombing Range Ridge that maintains the habitat for the species. Further, the terminalia and mandibular areas are pink like Phlox flowers. Habitat. - Floritettix phlox appears to be restricted to the low oak scrub and scrubby flatwoods on the Bombing Range Ridge (Fig. 3D-F ). Searches in the adjacent Florida dry prairies yielded only specimens of F. hubbelli , and F. nigropicta seems to replace it on the adjacent Lake Wales Ridge. Floritettix phlox is typically found on scrubby oaks with which it blends in quite well with (Fig. 3B ).