Checklist of New Zealand ticks (Acari: Ixodidae, Argasidae) Author Heath, Allen C. G. AgResearch, National Centre for Biosecurity and Infectious Disease, Wallaceville, P. O. Box 40063, Upper Hutt, New Zealand, 5140 Author Palma, Ricardo L. Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand Author Cane, Rachel P. Mosquito Consulting Services (NZ), P. O. Box 69 - 198, Lincoln 7640, New Zealand Author Hardwick, Scott Biosecurity Group, AgResearch, Private Bag 4749, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand text Zootaxa 2011 2011-08-15 2995 55 63 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.203775 243330e0-1613-42ec-a6dd-60c80c56a438 1175-5326 203775 Ixodes anatis Chilton, 1904 Host(s) Land birds: Apteryx mantelli , Apteryx australis lawryi , Apteryx australis australis ; Anas superciliosa , A. platyrhynchos , Branta canadensis maxima , Gallirallus australis hectori (Chatham Islands; possibly a contaminant). Distribution World: New Zealand . New Zealand : Widespread in northern two-thirds of North Island and southern South Island ; Stewart Island . References: Chilton (1904) ; Nuttall (1916) ; Dumbleton (1953 , 1961 , 1963 ); Bishop & Heath (1998) ; Heath (1977 , 2010a , b ); Gordon (2010) ; Cane (2011 , last updated 2009).