The spiders of Québec: update, additions and corrections Author Paquin, Pierre Author Dupérré, Nadine text Zootaxa 2006 1133 1 37 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.273386 ab61bab7-9fbc-458a-955c-b16711726f4c 1175­5326 273386 Achaearanea conjuncta (Gertsch & Mulaik 1936) ( Figs 58–63 ) Material examined.— Canada : Québec : Kazabazua, La Vallée­de­la­Gatineau, Lac Danford [ 45°57’N , 76°08’W ] , sweeping in a fen, 4ɗ 5Ψ, P. Paquin & N. Dupérré ( CPAD ). Diagnosis.— This species is recognised by the presence of white pigments on the dorsum of the abdomen and a crescent of white pigments around posterior half (arrows, Figs 58–59 ) ( Levi 1955 ). Males are distinguished by the enlarged tip of the conductor (C) ( Fig. 60 ). Females are recognised by the weakly sclerotized epigynum ( Fig. 61 ), the oval spermathecae (S) ( Figs 61–63 ) and the anterior position of the copulatory openings (CO) ( Fig. 61 ). Distribution.— Québec (present record) south to Florida, Lousiana and Mississippi. Remark.— According to Levi (1955) , the northernmost record of the species is from Durham, North Carolina. The present records are the first for Canada and extend the distribution of the species about 1000 km to the North. Its occurrence in Québec may be explained by its association with a fen, a habitat more common in southern areas.