A revision of the New World genus Penniverpa Irwin and Lyneborg (Diptera: Therevidae: Therevinae)
Webb, Donald W.
Metz, Mark A.
journal article
Irwin and Lyneborg
Irwin and Lyneborg
(1981a:227 desc.),
Irwin and Webb (1992:88 checklist, 106 listing)
Metz and Irwin (2000
Fig. 28
phylog. 988 key, 1016 listing),
et al.
:261 listing).
Psilocephala festina
Coquillett (1893:225)
by original designation (
Irwin and Lyneborg 1981a:227
Species in the genus
can be identified by possessing all of the following characteristics: setae present in and around the central depression of prosternum; lacking setae on the posterior surface of the midcoxa; lacking glossy calli on the upper face below the antennal bases; having cell m3 broadly open; lacking setae on the male frons (except
P. gracilis
; and sinuous patches of short coarse spines on the ventral surface of the hypoproct (
Fig. 36
Moderate sized flies, male body length 5.0-8.0 mm (n=74), female
5.4–8.8 mm
Male ocellar tubercle raised above level of vertex; setae dark reddish brown to black, short. Eyes reddish brown, males holoptic. Frons with setae (when present) not extending lateral to antennal base; black pubescent band absent lateral to antennal base. Face projecting slightly beyond eyes. Antenna shorter than head length; scape cylindrical, longer than wide, greater than two times length of pedicel, narrower than width of flagellum, setae absent medially, macrosetae dark reddish brown; pedicel globular, setae absent medially; flagellum with three flagellomeres, first flagellomere oval, basal fifth constricted, tapered posteriorly to second flagellomere, posterobasal setae short, dark brown, second flagellomere short, cylindrical, third flagellomere short, subequal to second flagellomere, tapered apically, apical style short, flagellum greater than two times width, about two times length of scape. Parafacial pubescence white, setae absent. Maxillary palpus cylindrical, apex slightly clavate, rounded, about six times longer than wide.
Macrosetae dark reddish brown, 2–3 np, 1–2 sa, 1 pa, 0 dc, 1 sc. Postocular macrosetae dark brown, in single row. Postpronotal lobe concolorous with mesonotum. Setae present on cervical sclerite, in and around central depression of prosternum, on propleuron, anepisternum, katepisternum, laterotergite, and scutellum; absent on proepimeron, anepimeron, meron, metanepisternum, and metakatepisternum; cervical sclerite lacking macrosetae.
R1 lacking setulae. M1, M2, and M3 originate separately from apex of discal cell; cell
closed, petiolate; anal angle broadly rounded; alula rounded.
Coxae dark reddish brown, pubescence silver; midcoxa lacking setae on posterior half; hindcoxa with papillate anterior knob (except in
); apical macrosetae dark reddish brown, hindcoxa with one posterolateral macroseta. Femora with lanceolate, appressed setae on dorsal surface.
Tergite 8 (
Fig. 36
) with posterior margin deeply emarginate; median length short, less than
0.06 mm
; one pair of sensory setae. Sternite 8 (
Fig. 37
) with one pair of sensory setae. Epandrium (
Fig. 36
) quadrate, broad basally, tapering posteriorly; shorter medially than wide; posterolateral margin short, broadly pointed; lateral view rectangular, posterior margin tapered to broad point. Cerci (
Fig. 36
) fused basally, oblong, apex rounded, ending distal to posterolateral margin of epandrium. Hypoproct (
Fig. 36
) quadrate, ending distal to posterolateral margin of epandrium; ventral surface with sinuous sclerite of short coarse spines (
Fig. 36
inset). Hypandrium (
Fig. 37
), moderately sclerotized, triangular or laterally oblong. Gonocoxite (
Fig. 37
) separated medially, lacking aedeagal bridge, gonocoxal apodeme narrow, not extending anteriorly beyond anterior margin of gonocoxite, inner gonocoxal process fused to posterior margin of gonocoxite, lateral view (
Fig. 38
), inner gonocoxal process narrow; ventral lobe occasionally with an ancillary projection (PVL) which is present in the form of a narrow, basal, spinous projection (
Fig. 39
) or an apical spine (
Figs. 45
). Gonostylus (
Fig. 39
) narrow, curved dorsally with a lateral gonostylar process (LGP) in the shape on an oblong cylinder (
Figs. 2
, 8, 13, 19, 25, 31, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63, 74) or as a broad plate (
Fig. 69
) which may possess a ventromedial process (VMP) (Figs. 8, 25, 39, 51, 57, 74). Aedeagus with dorsal apodeme (
Fig. 40
) rectangular, narrow; ventral apodeme (
Fig. 41
) narrow, tapered anteriorly; distiphallus tapered posteriorly, generally with large, dorsal spinous projections and a pair of accessory aedeagal processes (AAP) (
Fig. 41
) running parallel to distiphallus and generally bearing large spines apically; ejaculatory apodeme (
Fig. 41
) short, posterior third slightly bulbous, anterior two–thirds narrow, generally cylindrical; lateral ejaculatory processes absent.
Sternite 8 oval, sides rounded, anterior margin truncate; aedeagal guide absent. Median lobe of tergite 9 lacking setae. Furca (
Fig. 43
) closed anteriorly and posteriorly, sides sinuate, anteromedial and posteromedial processes absent. Common spermathecal duct shorter than length of furca; spermathecal ducts originating from common spermathecal duct at junction of spermathecal sac. Two spermathecae.