A new species of the genus Mimacronia Vives, 2009 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Author Barševskis, Arvīds text Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 2015 15 1 1 8 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.10667474 1407-8619 10667474 Mimacronia regale sp. n. ( Fig. 2 ) of pronotum visible, barely salient, not protruding. Scutellum rounded apically, shiny and tomentose. Elytra convex, with sparse punctures, shiny, with strong golden luster in basal and apical parts, amidst with greenish metallic luster, very fine black tomentum and with pattern of white scales. Each elytron in the middle with wide Type material. Holotype : Female. Philippines : Mindanao, Zamboanga del norte , Gutallac, 12.2014, local collector leg. [ex coll. Prof. A.Barševskis ]. Deposited in DUBC . Description. Body subparallel, black, with strong golden and greenish metallic luster. Elytra, pronotum and head with pattern of white scales. Body length: 23.0 mm, largest width: 8.0 mm. Head large, elongate, parallel-sided, very finely punctate, glossy, strongly sloping downwards. Eyes bilobate. Mandibles massive, with sparse pale tomentum laterally. Labrum laterally with white, marginally with russet pubescence. Frons between eyes and antennal bases flat, with wide oval spot of white scales and thin, straight median keel. Cheeks under eyes with tomentum of white elongate scales and fine microsculpture. Antennae short, reaches white large spot of elytra. Antennomere I and III with golden luster; antennomere II, IV and remaining antennomeres black, with greenish luster; antennomeres III–VI with white elongate scales basally. Pronotum very convex, metallic shiny, with very fine microsculpture and with sparse punctation. Disc shiny, without pubescence; with wide oval spot of white scales laterally. Posterior angles rounded band of white scales not reaching suture, behind it with one narrow stripe of white scales and near suture in basal and apical parts with one small elongate spot of white scales. Shoulders protruding. Golden luster zone of elytra smooth, very shiny, without microsculpture. Greenish luster zone of elytra with fine reticulate microsculpture. Apical part of elytra emarginated by a band of russet tomentum and black setae. Lower surface laterally covered with a wide band of dense white scales. Legs very shiny, with strong golden luster and moderately tomentose. Dorsal surface of tarsomeres covered by grey tomentum and emarginated by russet scales. Tibia and tarsi in apical part covered by numerous dense russet setae. Fig. 2. Habitus of Mimacronia regale sp. n. (holotype) Differential diagnosis. The new species differs from other species of the genus Mimacronia by different shape and coloration of head, pronotum, elytra and lower surface (see Fig. 2 ). The new species is similar to M. alboplagiata Breuning, 1947 , but differs from it by body pattern (see Fig. 3 ). The new species habitually is similar also to Acronia superba ( Breuning, 1947 ) ( Fig. 4 ), but differs by the not protruding posterior angles of the pronotum, by the head without longitudinal keel on frons, and by the larger size. Fig. 3. Two more common habitual forms of Mimacronia alboplagiata (Schultze) (specimens deposited in DUBC) https://www.dina-web.net/naturarv), I came to the conclusion that this variety significantly differs from Acronia alboplagiata by the shape of elytra, but is identical to Acronia novemmaculata , which were described by Hudepohl (1995) from Leyte Isl. ( type deposited in SMNS) ( Fig. 6 ). Therefore I pr opose followin g taxon omic ch an ges: Mimacronia viridimaculata ( Breuning, 1947 ) stat. nov . and comb. nov. (from Acronia alboplagiata var. viridimaculata Breuning, 1947 ) and Mimacronia novemmaculata ( Hudepohl, 1995 ) syn. nov is an junior synonym of Mimacronia viridimaculata ( Breuning, 1947 ) . Fig. 4. Habitus of Acronia superba (Breuning) (specimen deposited in DUBC) Etymology. The species name regale is derived from the latin name “ regalis ”, which means “ royal ”. This name is given to this species due to its gorgeous coloration and royal appearance.