Revision of the Chinese Geotragus Schoenherr with description of three new species (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae) Author Ren, Li Author Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A. Author Zhang, Runzhi text Zootaxa 2013 3619 2 161 182 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3619.2.5 549f99ee-2153-4d61-a953-8def30c8159d 1175-5326 216580 DBB8DB78-09DF-4F68-AFB1-AAC8EBC95DD Geotragus brevidens sp. nov. ( Fig. 3 , 4 ) Diagnosis. Similar to G . tuberculatus Chen , but differs by the following characters: scales sparsely distributed on dorsal surface, eyes in frontal view moderately flat (vs. strongly convex in G . tuberculatus ), epistome broad and the elytral interstria 3 only slightly elevated at base, without three consecutive tubercles. Description. Holotype-male. Measurements (in mm): Standard length: 5.90; pronotal length: 1.65; pronotal width: 1.91; elytral length: 4.30; elytral width: 2.55; rostral length: 0.96; rostral width: 0.84. Habitus and color ( Fig. 3 A, 3B): Integument reddish brown to dark red, antennae and legs reddish brown; with coppery metallic green to greyish brown scales, scales irregularly distributed, moderately sparse, tessellate, but not contiguous; scales on dorsal surface of rostrum sparse, round to oval, on lateral part of rostrum lanceolate; posterior half of antennal scrobes glabrous; pronotum with round scales; scales on ventrites dense, gradually narrowing from ventrite 1, so ventrite 5 with lanceolate scales; legs densely covered by scales; body with recumbent to subrecumbent sparse fine setae; rostrum covered with recumbent fine setae; setae of antennal scape and desmomeres 1–7 sparse, moderately long and fine; setae of interstriae fine, sparse and subrecumbent; setae on ventral surface fine and dense; setae of tibia long and straight, femora with subrecumbent fine setae. Head ( Fig. 3 C): Moderately flat, dorsal surface smooth, punctures small and sparse; eyes moderately flat, with a shallow circumocular sulcus; frons rather convex, much higher than dorsal part of rostrum in lateral view. Rostrum ( Fig. 3 C): In dorsal view, 1.14× length of wide, apex narrower than base; base narrower than frons; dorsal surface depressed in median area of rostrum; with a narrow and deep median sulcus, reaching vertex; epistome broad, posterior angle of epistome 90°, not forming a distinct carina; mandible scars elongate-oval; in dorsal view ventral margin of scrobes visible from apex to antennal insertion; in lateral view, lateral surface between eyes and antennal scrobes flat; lateral surface with a shallow sulcus near ventral margin of rostrum. FIGURE 3. Habitus of Geotragus brevidens sp. nov. , male, holotype: A dorsal view B lateral view C head, dorsal view. Scales: 1 mm. Antennae : Scape short, stout, not reaching middle of eyes at rest, 0.80× length of funicle; desmomere 1 elongate clavate, strongly widened towards apex, apex rather stout, 1.21× length of desmomere 2; desmomere 3 1.17× length of desmomere 4, elongate oval, 0.73× length of 2; desmomeres 4–6 equal in length, moniliform, shorter than desmomere 3; desmomere 7 1.33× length of and much wider than 6, moniliform; pubescence of funicle similar throughout; club segment 1 1.18× length of 2, segment 2 0.89× length of 3; segment 3 with a marked annulus beyond middle. Pronotum : 0.86× as long as wide, transverse; anterior and posterior margin truncate; disc with a fine, shallow median longitudinal groove; posterior margin distinct carinate, linear; dorsal surface of pronotum with slightly sparse, large, round granules, space between granules convex, each granule with one recumbent fine seta on top; postocular vibrissae short. Scutellum : Small but distinct, reddish brown, apex V-shaped. Elytra : Base truncate; in lateral view moderately convex; in dorsal view, lateral margins roundly diverging from base to basal 1/4, then subparallel to 2/3 and strongly narrowed towards apex, apex nearly acute; odd interstriae slightly raised than even ones; interstria 1 moderately raised along basal 1/8, forming a longitudinal crest, strongly raised at declivity, forming a prominent longitudinal crest, top of crest sub-rectangular in lateral view; interstria 3 distinctly raised and expanded at base, much wider than remaining interstriae; interstria 5 gradually raised from base to declivity, most strongly raised at declivity, forming longitudinal crest; interstriae 3 and 9 coalescing, raised at declivity forming a V-shaped tubercle on each elytron. Abdomen ( Fig. 4 A): Surface of ventrite 1 depressed at middle; suture I slightly bisinuate; surface of ventrite 2 moderately flat medially, without apical transverse impression; mesal length of ventrite 1 1.42× length of 2, ventrite 2 as long as ventrite 3 and 4 combined; ventrite 5 broadly parabolic, with flat surface. Metendosternite ( Fig. 4 B): Stalk 0.33× length of furcal arms, trapezoidal and transverse, ventral margin 2× length of dorsal width of stalk, anterior part of longitudinal flange as long as posterior; hemiductus robust, wide and triangular, extending to sheath by a tunnel; anterior tendons positioned near apex of furcal arms, opposite to hemiductus; furcal arms robust, apically slightly bifurcate, diverging at nearly 45° in relation to longitudinal flange. Legs : Protibiae bent inwards at apical 1/3; inner margin of protibiae moderately bisinuate, with ten moderately sharp and small teeth, each tooth with a spiniform seta just behind it, length of the longest denticle less than 1/10 width of tibia at the same point, outer margin slightly arcuate inwards; teeth of meso- and metatibiae fewer and larger than those of protibiae; protibial mucro small, distinct, covered by setae; tarsi short, broad; tarsomere 1 wider and 2× length of 2; tarsomere 5 long and stout. FIGURE 4. Geotragus brevidens sp. nov. : A male ventrites, ventral view B male metendosternite, dorsal view C male sternite VIII and IX, dorsal view D penis, dorsal view E penis, lateral view F tegmen, dorsal view G female ventrites, ventral view H sternite VIII and female genitalia, lateral view I coxites and styli, dorsal view J bursal sclerites, lateral view K spermatheca, lateral view. Scales: 0.5 mm. Male genitalia and terminalia : Sternite VIII ( Fig. 4 C) divided into two hemisternites, transversely oriented, crescent shape, with discal part much wider than lateral; each hemisternite laterally acuminate, with anterior margin strongly sinuate, and posterior margin arcuate; membrane between sternite VIII and IX with two very small, elongate triangular sclerotizations. Sternite IX ( Fig. 4 C) with basal plate bilobed, each lobe sickle-shaped; spiculum gastrale almost as long as penis, slender, almost straight, anterior 1/3 slightly curved. Penis ( Fig. 4 D, 4E) in dorsal view with tube 2.58 mm in length, ca. 6.0× length of wide, temones 1.26 mm long; lateral margins subparallel, straightly converging towards apex, apex ogival; in lateral view moderately curved, more strongly so at apex; greatest width at base. Tegmen ( Fig. 4 F) 0.52× length of penis, with ring narrow, parameroid lobes developed with basal half more sclerotized area triangular; tegminal apodeme slightly stout, forming a Y-shape with basal piece, apex of apodeme rounded. Variation. Male paratypes . Measurements (in mm): Standard length: 5.90–6.10; pronotal length: 1.65–1.72; pronotal width: 1.91–1.95; elytral length: 4.30–4.50; elytral width: 2.55–2.70; rostral length: 0.96–0.99; rostral width: 0.80–0.84. Female paratype . Measurements (in mm): Standard length: 4.90–6.50; pronotal length: 1.45–1.85; pronotal width: 1.60–1.98; elytral length: 3.45–4.60; elytral width: 2.35–2.80; rostral length: 0.96–1.02; rostral width: 0.72–0.82. Elytra slightly wider than male, pronotum less transverse than male, ventrite 5 ( Fig. 4 G) parabolic, similar in length to ventrite 2. Sternite VIII ( Fig. 4 H) with spiculum ventrale thin, rod-like and almost straight, anteriorly slightly curved; lamina tightly folded, in lateral view triangular, ventral margin straight, strongly sclerotized. Ovipositor ( Fig. 4 H, 4I ) with coxites shorter than sternite VIII, folded along middle, lateral margins strongly sclerotized; styli relatively small, cylindrical, with 2–3 long setae inserted apically, strongly sclerotized in comparison to coxites. Bursal sclerites ( Fig. 4 J) near the point of union of spermathecal duct and of oviduct, parallel, each sclerite in lateral view chevron-shaped, with mesal area strongly sclerotized, dorsal surface of mesal area with many small spines. Spermatheca ( Fig. 4 K) with corpus elongate, slightly shorter than cornu; cornu strongly curved, V-shaped, apically abruptly narrowed, apex narrowly rounded; nodulus prominent, oblong and curved toward ramus at apex, subcontiguous with and angled more than 90° in relation to ramus; ramus reduced. Material examined. Holotype : 3: (white, printed): CHINA , Yunnan Prov. / Gongshan County, / Qiqi Reserve, 2000m ; Sino-America Exped. / 2000.7.12 Liang H. B. [7.12 was deleted by collector] / N27°43’ , E98°34’ / 7.9 [handwritten by collector]; (red, printed): HOLOTYPE ; (white, printed): IOZ(E) 905049. Paratypes (23, 2Ƥ): 13: (white, printed): CHINA , Yunnan Prov. / Gongshan County, / No 12 Bridge-Yakou, / 2750–3680m ; Sino- America Exped. / 2000.7.16 Liang H. B. / N27°43’ , E98°28’ ; (yellow, printed): PARATYPE ; (white, printed): IOZ(E) 905048. 2Ƥ: (white, printed): CHINA , Yunnan Prov. / Fugong, Lishadi Town, / Shibali Yakou & Burma / 27.20343°N , 98.69309°E ; 3716m , 2005.8.17 day / Liang H.B., Zhang J.F. / California Academy & / IOZ., Chinese. Acad. Sci.; (yellow, printed): PARATYPE ; (white, printed): IOZ(E) 1505821 and IOZ(E) 1505822. 13: (white, printed): CASENT / 3005827; CHINA , Yunnan Province, / Gaoligong Shan, Nujiang / Prefecture, Nujiang State / Nature Reserve, Dong Shao / Fang Area, 20 airkm W of / Gongshan, N27.69504° /; E98.48433° , 3300m , / 16–17 July 2000 , / Stop#00–24, D.H. Kavanaugh, / C.E. Griswold, Liang H.-B., D. / Ubick, & Dong D.-Z. collectors; (yellow, printed): PARATYPE . Holotype and all paratypes are to be conserved in IZCAS . Distribution. China : Yunnan (Fugong, Gongshan). Altitudinal range of this species is from 2000–3716m . Etymology. The specific epithet is referring to the small size teeth on inner margin of protibiae.