Revision of torrent mites (Parasitengona, Torrenticolidae, Torrenticola) of the United States and Canada: 90 descriptions, molecular phylogenetics, and a key to species
Fisher, J. Ray
Fisher, Danielle M.
Skvarla, Michael J.
Nelson, Whitney A.
Dowling, Ashley P. G.
journal article
Torrenticola rufoalba Habeeb, 1955
Torrenticola anomala rufoalba
Habeeb, 1955: 2.
Torrenticola rufoalba
Habeeb, 1957: 5.
Material examined.
HOLOTYPE (♂): from USA, New Jersey, Morris County, Brook, Brookside, 20 May 1953, by H Habeeb.
PARATYPES (1 ♀ and 0 ♂): New Jersey, USA: 1 ♀ (ALLOTYPE) from Sussex County, Little Flatbrook, north of Bevans, 12 Oct 1953, by H Habeeb.
Type deposition.
Holotype (♂) and allotype (♀) deposited in the CNC.
Torrenticola rufoalba
are similar to other members of the
group (
T. dunni
T. glomerabilis
T. kittatinniana
T. pollani
, and
T. shubini
) and
T. skvarlai
in having anterio-lateral platelets free from the dorsal plate, dorsal coloration separated into anterior and posterior portions, and indistinct hind coxal margins. Male
T. rufoalba
can be differentiated from other male
four plates by having a shorter anterior venter (195 in
T. rufoalba
, 215-285 in others).
T. rufoalba
can be differentiated from
T. dunni
by having a shorter dorsum (♀ = 550 in
T. rufoalba
, 605-680 in
T. dunni
; ♂ = 440 in
T. rufoalba
, 500-540 in
T. dunni
) and a thinner dorsum (♀ = 400 in
T. rufoalba
, 440-490 in
T. dunni
; ♂ = 320 in
T. rufoalba
, 350-370 in
T. dunni
T. rufoalba
can be differentiated from
T. pollani
by having a stockier rostrum (length/width = 2.96-3.06 in
T. rufoalba
, 3.27-3.82 in
T. pollani
). Female
T. rufoalba
can be differentiated from female
T. pollani
by having stockier tibiae (length/width = 3.5 in
T. rufoalba
, 3.8-4.2 in
T. pollani
T. rufoalba
can be differentiated from
T. shubini
by having a more elongate rostrum (length/width = 2.96-3.06 in
T. rufoalba
, 2.24-2.92 in
T. shubini
). Female
T. rufoalba
can be differentiated from female
T. shubini
by having a wider genital field (157.5 in
T. rufoalba
, 137-145 in
T. shubini
T. rufoalba
can be differentiated from
T. glomerabilis
and by having more elongate anterio-medial platelets (length/width = 2.45-2.61 in
T. rufoalba
, 1.9-2.3 in
T. glomerabilis
) and thinner dorsum (♀ = 400 in
T. rufoalba
, 460-490 in
T. glomerabilis
; ♂ = 320 in
T. rufoalba
, 395-430 in
T. glomerabilis
T. rufoalba
can be differentiated from
T. kittatinniana
by having a shorter dorsum (♀ = 550 in
T. rufoalba
, 640 in
T. kittatinniana
; ♂ = 440 in
T. rufoalba
, 500 in
T. kittatinniana
) and stockier anterio-medial platelets (length/width = 2.45-2.61 in
T. rufoalba
, 2.83-2.88 in
T. kittatinniana
T. rufoalba
can be differentiated from
T. skvarlai
by having a conical pedipalpal femoral tubercle, whereas
T. skvarlai
has a broad and flat pedipalpal femoral tubercle.
Female (Figure 229) (n = 1) (allotype only) with characters of the genus with following specifications.
Dorsum - (550 long; 400 wide) ovoid with reddish-purple coloration separated into anterior and posterior portions with a strip of orange medially. Anterio-medial platelets (107.5 long; 41.25 wide). Anterio-lateral platelets (168.75 long; 55 wide) free from dorsal plate. Dgl-4 closer to the edge of the dorsum than to the muscle scars (distance between Dgl-4 255). Dorsal plate proportions: dorsum length/width 1.38; dorsal width/distance between Dgl-4 1.57; anterio-medial platelet length/width 2.61; anterio-lateral platelet length/width 3.07; anterio-lateral/anterio-medial length 1.57.
Gnathosoma - Subcapitulum (310 long (ventral); 235 long (dorsal); 127.5 tall) colorless. Rostrum (130 long; 42.5 wide). Chelicerae (315 long) with curved fangs (62.5 long). Subcapitular proportions: ventral length/height 2.43; rostrum length/width 3.06. Pedipalps with tuberculate ventral extensions on femora and genua. Palpomeres: trochanter (42.5 long); femur (115 long); genu (65 long); tibia (87.5 long; 25 wide); tarsus (17.5 long). Palpomere proportions: femur/genu 1.77; tibia/femur 0.76; tibia length/width 3.50.
Venter - (640 long; 450 wide) mostly colorless with reddish-purple coloration in areas surrounding coxae. Gnathosomal bay (142.5 long; 92.5 wide). Cxgl-4 subapical. Medial suture (17.5 long). Genital plates (167.5 long; 155 wide). Additional measurements: Cx-1 (125 long (total); 125 long (medial)); Cx-3 (335 wide); anterior venter (155 long). Ventral proportions: gnathosomal bay length/width 1.54; anterior venter/genital field length 0.93; anterior venter length/genital field width 1.00; anterior venter/medial suture 8.86.
Male (Figure 230) (n = 1) (holotype only) with characters of the genus with following specifications.
Dorsum - (440 long; 320 wide) ovoid with reddish-purple coloration separated into anterior and posterior portions with a strip of orange medially. Anterio-medial platelets (95 long; 38.75 wide). Anterio-lateral platelets (142.5 long; 47.5 wide) free from dorsal plate. Dgl-4 closer to the edge of the dorsum than to the muscle scars (distance between Dgl-4 237.5). Dorsal plate proportions: dorsum length/width 1.38; dorsal width/distance between Dgl-4 1.35; anterio-medial platelet length/width 2.45; anterio-lateral platelet length/width 3.00; anterio-lateral/anterio-medial length 1.50.
Gnathosoma - Subcapitulum (257.5 long (ventral); 190 long (dorsal); 95 tall) colorless. Rostrum (103.75 long; 35 wide). Chelicerae (237.5 long) with curved fangs (50 long). Subcapitular proportions: ventral length/height 2.71; rostrum length/width 2.96. Pedipalps with tuberculate ventral extensions on femora and genua. Palpomeres: trochanter (35 long); femur (92.5 long); genu (55 long); tibia (76.25 long; 21.25 wide); tarsus (17.5 long). Palpomere proportions: femur/genu 1.68; tibia/femur 0.82; tibia length/width 3.59.
Venter - (530 long; 400 wide) mostly colorless with reddish-purple coloration in areas surrounding coxae. Gnathosomal bay (120 long; 67.5 wide). Cxgl-4 subapical. Medial suture (72.5 long). Genital plates (120 long; 97.5 wide). Additional measurements: Cx-1 (235 long (total); 112.5 long (medial)); Cx-3 (280 wide); anterior venter (195 long). Ventral proportions: gnathosomal bay length/width 1.78; anterior venter/genital field length 1.63; anterior venter length/genital field width 2.00; anterior venter/medial suture 2.69.
Immatures unknown.
Habeeb (1955)
did not specify an etymology for this specific epithet (
). However, we speculate that it refers to the dorsal coloration as
Habeeb (1955)
notes, "color red and white" (rufus, L. red; albus, L. white).
Northern New Jersey (Figure 228).
Figure 228.
Torrenticola rufoalba
Figure 229.
Torrenticola rufoalba
female: A dorsal plates B venter (legs removed) C subcapitulum D pedipalp (setae not accurately depicted). Scale = 100
Figure 230.
Torrenticola rufoalba
male: A dorsal plates B venter (legs removed) C subcapitulum D pedipalp (setae not accurately depicted). Scale = 100
Unfortunately, we were unable to acquire more specimens of
Torrenticola rufoalba
and therefore this species is not included in our phylogenetic analyses. However, we were able to examine the holotype. Based upon overall similarity, the fusion of the posterio-lateral platelets, and distribution, this species clearly groups with the
Complex and can be placed into the Eastern 2-Plate Identification Group.