Taxonomy of the Muscidae (Diptera) of Namibia: a key to genera, diagnoses, new records and description of a new species Author Couri, Márcia Souto Author de Carvalho, Claudio J. B. Author Pont, Adrian C. text African Invertebrates 2012 2012-06-30 53 1 47 47 journal article 10.5733/afin.053.0103 2305-2562 Musca crassirostris Stein, 1903 Diagnosis: Eye bare; proboscis swollen, boat-shaped, with strongly developed prestomal teeth; palpus yellow; anterior spiracle dark brown; postalar ridge without setulae; proepisternal depression bare; scutum brown, with grey pollinosity and 4 dark brown vittae behind suture; dorsocentral setae 2+4; fore tibia without posterior seta in apical half; mid tibia with strong anteroventral seta on middle third. Material examined: NAMIBIA : Caprivi : ƚƃ 8Ƃ. DWLPD 0 XOLOR 'LVW., 1 GRSX YLOODJH , ƚ NP 6(% XNDOR , 6(ƚ7ƻ4'D, ƚ4±ƻo. LY .ƻooϬ, $.+..LUN―6 SULJJV , 0 DODLVH WUDS ($0*6); ƚƂ. DWLPD 0 XOLOR 'LVW., 6DODPEDOD FDPSVLWH, ƚ7°ƽo‵oƚ̎6 ƻ4° Ϭ‵o9̎(, ƻƻ±ƻ4.LL.ƻooƚ, $.+..LUN―6 SULJJV & (. 0 DUDLV , 0 DODLVH WUDS . Kavango : ƚƃ 5 XQGX 'LVW.,. DWDUD , ƚ7°48‵ƽϬ̎6 ƚ8°ƽ ‵ 8̎(, ƻo±ƻ.L.ƚ998, $.+..LUN―6 SULJJV & (. 0 DUDLV , VZHHSLQJ PDUJLQDO JUDVVHV & UHHGV ;ƚƃ VDPH ,H[ FHSW ƚ7°48‵ƽϬ̎6 ƚ8°ƽ ‵ 8̎(, 0 DODLVH WUDS . Khomas : ƚƃ ƻƂ:LQGKRHN 'LVW.,.XSIHUEHUJ, ƻƻ°4o .Ϭƽ‵6 ƚϬ°ƽ9.ƚ8‵(, ƻo.[LL.ƻooo, 0 DODLVH WUDS , 0 DUDLV & 6.. DVFK (101:). Distribution: Widespread in the Afrotropical Region (including Cape Verde and Socotra Is.); North Africa, Middle East; Oriental Region to Taiwan and Lombok.