Lectotype designations and nomenclatural changes in Xylographus Mellie (Coleoptera, Ciidae) Author Sandoval-Gomez, Vivian Eliana Author Lopes-Andrade, Cristiano Author Lawrence, John F. text ZooKeys 2014 374 23 43 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.374.6553 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.374.6553 1313-2970-374-23 Xylographus subsinuatus Pic, 1916 Xylographus subsinuatus Pic 1916: 4. Type-locality: Madagascar. Xylographus rufescens Pic 1921 : 7. syn. n. Type-locality: Bourbon Island (Reunion). Type series. MADAGASCAR: male lectotype (MNHN), here designated, labeled: "MADAGASCAR Plantations du Sambirano COLLECTION LE MOULT [printed] \ [red label] Coll. C [handwritten] \ Type [handwritten] \ subsinuatus Pic [handwritten] \ [red label] LECTOTYPE Xylographus subsinuatus Pic [handwritten]"; 6 males, 3 females, 17 specimens of undetermined gender, all paralectotypes (MNHN), labeled: "MADAGASCAR Plantations du Sambirano COLLECTION LE MOULT [printed] \ [red label] Coll. C [handwritten] \ [yellow label] PARALECTOTYPE Xylographus subsinuatus Pic [handwritten]". Type material of the junior synonym. REUNION: male lectotype (MNHN) of Xylographus rufescens Pic 1921 , here designated, labeled: "Ile Bourbon n. sp. [handwritten] \ type [handwritten] \ rufescens Pic [handwritten] \ [red label] LECTOTYPE Xylographus rufescens Pic [handwritten]". Remarks. We observed that the lectotype of Xylographus rufescens is a small teneral male of Xylographus subsinuatus . We dissected the types and compared the sclerites of abdominal terminalia, which are identical.