New data on the Xantholinini from China. 24. New genus, new species and new records of the Shanghai Normal University collection (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 244 ° contribution to the knowledge of the Staphylinidae Author Bordoni, A. text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2013 2013-12-20 45 2 1745 1797 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.10273196 0253-116X 10273196 E6F2622A-86E4-44BE-90E2-B9C542B9DE14 Medhiama tibetana nov.sp. M a t e r i a l s t u d i e d: Holotype : Xizang A. R . ( Tibet ), Mt Sejila , Lingzhi coun., 3700 m , L. Tang 5.VIII.2005 ( SNUC ); paratypes : same data, 1 ( SNUC ); same data, Lulang , 3400 m , L. Tang 2.VIII.2005 , 1 (cB); Tibet , Basoncuo , Linzhi , 3465 m , Li-zhen Li 9.VIII.2004 , 1 (without head) ( SNUC ); Tibet , Nage-Dayandong , Motuo coun., 2900-3300 m , L. Tang 12.VIII.2005 , 1 (without head) (cB). D e s c r i p t i o n: Length of body about 5 mm ; from anterior margin of head to posterior margin of elytra: 3,3 mm . Reddish brown with infuscate abdomen. Forebody as in Fig. 83 . Head elongated, sub-rectangular, with sub-rectilinear and sub-parallel sides and very strictly rounded posterior angles. Eyes medium-sized and a little protruding. Surface of head with polygonal micro-reticulation and deep, very dense puncturation, apart a narrow median strip. Pronotum as long as head, dilated anteriorly and there narrower than head, with extremely oblique anterior margins and largely rounded anterior angles. Surface with traces of transverse micro-striature; dosal series of 15-16 irregular punctures and lateral series of 11-12 very irregular punctures. Elytra narrow, sub-rectangular, with sub-rectilinear and sub-parallel sides, as long as pronotum, wider than it, with marked humeral angles. Surface with traces of transverse micro-striature and wide, superficial and dense puncturation, arranged in some series. Abdomen with more or less transverse micro-striature and very fine, sparse puncturation, especially on the sides. Posterior margin of 6° visible abdominal tergite sub-rectilinear; posterior margin of 6° visible abdominal sternite prolongated in a short lobe. Tergite and sternite of the male genital segment as in Figs 80-81 . Aedeagus ( Fig. 82 ) 0,75 mm long, small, sub-spherical, with proportionally large and long parameres, enlarged at the apex; inner sac short and wide, covered by fine scales. E t y m o l o g y: The specific epithet refers to the Tibet . G e o g r a p h i c a l d i s t r i b u t i o n: The species is known only from the type localities, in Tibet . N o t e: This species differs from the congeners by colouration, puncturation and the very small aedeagus, with different parameres and inner sac. In China the genus Medhiama BORDONI 2002 is represented by the following species: M. pauper ( SHARP 1889 ) , descibed four time from Japan , Nepal , India , China (Chinkiang), and cited also from Yunnan , Shaanxi , Jiangsu , Taiwan ( BORDONI 2002 , 2003); M. wallstromi BORDONI, 2003 ( Yunnan ) , M. zhengi BORDONI 2003 ( Sichuan ) , M. puetzi BORDONI 2003 ( Sichuan ) , M. sichuanica BORDONI 2003 ( Sichuan ) , M. shanica BORDONI 2004 ( Sichuan ) , M. lanzhouensis BORDONI 2004 ( Gansu ) , M. rhododendri BORDONI 2007 ( Yunnan ) , M. xiaolongmensis ZHOU & ZHOU 2012 ( Bejing ), M. liupanshanensis ZHOU & ZHOU 2012 ( Ningxia ) , M. nigromagna ZHOU & ZHOU 2012 ( Sichuan ) (cfr. also ZHOU & ZHOU 2012 ). Some other species have a doubtful taxonomic state because described on females: M. densicephala ( BERNHAUER 1938 ) (North China ), M. densiceps ( BERNHAUER 1933 ) (Szetchwan) , M. kochi (BERNHAUER 1940) (N.W. China ) .